Chapter 11: Emergency

Lucy Ambrose was seated on an armchair in the balcony of their home that bright afternoon. She had a phone to her ear and her lips parted because of the news she just received from the caller.

" You mean she's pregnant?" She asked. Her voice shallow and shaky.

" Yes, I'm sure. You have to do something about it, how will Desmond become mine now?" Agatha began to panick, she thought after Mrs. Ambrose told her about her plan of sending Yolanda away, she would definitely have her chance but it's looks like she might never be able to go near him, ever.

" Yes I did Agatha, I tried to send her away from here but my stupid son went after her. I really don't know the kind of effect that filthy girl has on everyone! I just hate her" She took the phone from one of her ear to the other and continued.

" I have a plan, I need you to listen to me"

Her voice turned into a whisper as she began to gobble her plans into Agatha's ear.

" what?No I can't do it" Agatha refused bluntly after listing carefully to the so called plans the old lady thought about.

" Listen Agatha, I know it's might sound bad but that's the only way we're going to get rid off the lady. If you didn't want to be part of this, then I can't promise you anything else.So are you in or out?"

Agatha held unto the phone tightly, biting her lips tightly. She thought about everything, she really wants to be with Desmond but she's not sure she would be

to take such drastic measures. But then again…

"Fine, but make sure no one dies" She finally replied in-between her teeth.

"Sure, leave the rest to me"

Mrs. Ambrose hurried into her room after ending the call, she locked the door behind her. She walked towards a safe at the wall of her room and punched in some codes and it's immediately pushed open.

She took out a new and different cellphone from it and went to the contact info. Strange enough, it's only has one number saved on the contact with the name ' Doctor'

She quickly dialled the number and became impatient when there was no answer.

" Come on!" She hissed tapping her feet on the floor nervously.

" Hello ma'am" The deep voice of a man finally answered the call from the other side of the phone.

"Thank goodness! Where have you been?" Mrs. Ambrose made a spin around the room before sitting on the bed.

" I have just been working ma'am, why did you call me anyways?"

Looking around the room carefully, Mrs. Ambrose said. " I have a job for you, and I want you to listen to me very carefully" She went into full details on what she would want him do for her.

The man listened attentively, without interrupting her and gave a slight cough when she finally stopped taking.

" If I'm not mistaking, you said she's your son's wife and she's carrying his child. Then why would you want me do such a thing to her?" He asked. Although he knew she was so heartless, but her own son!

" And when did you start questioning me?" Her voice raised up before falling again. Then she continued in a whisper." If you mess this up for me, I will kill you that's a promise. You meet me at our usual spot and I will give you the full details."

She ended the call quickly without giving the man a chance to say more.

Holding the phone and staring at the screen, a smirk formed at the corner of his lips and he shook his head. Lucy! A selfish evil women. Who would believe she would want to hurt her own son, anyways it's non of his business the only thing he wanted was to get the job done and get his pay!

He stopped thinking about Lucy Ambrose and headed to his car and drove off.


Standing in front of the full length mirror in their quite bedroom, Yolanda turned around slowly examining herself. She was surprised how much she has changed after pregnancy. Truly it's a miracle how mother's change drastically when expecting. She never pictured herself to look like this, with a fat body, puffed face, swollen legs, gosh! But nevertheless, she loved every feeling. She placed her hands on her now seven months old pregnancy and smiled. She couldn't wait to hold her bundle of Joy.

The door to the room opened slightly and Desmond tiptoed behind her. He hugged her gently from the back and kissed her ear. " How's my wife doing?" He went in front of her and went on his knees. He placed his hands on her big stomach in the shape of a watermelon and kissed it

" Has my princess being good?" He asked looking up to her bright but tired eyes.

" Desmond, honestly she won't let me sleep. I have being up all day, trying to find the best position to sleep." Touching her husband's hair and pouting, she said " That's why I wanted a boy. Boys are less playful you know"

" No! You will give birth to a girl, you know girls are Love babies and I can't wait to have a little you, running around the house."

He walked away from her and went to the table where he dropped the shopping bags he took in earlier. His hand was inside, trying to get the pack of food. The continues complaines of his wife breezed through his ear and he smiled before walking towards her with the food in his hand.

He helped her sit down on the bed, and supported her back with a pillow. He opened the lid of the food and Yolanda swallowed hard at the sight of the lip smacking ' Singapore noodles!'

" I know you will love it" He gave her a smile. He fed her gently and watched her munch quickly and impatiently, it's was a beautiful sight to behold. The way she has changed after pregnancy just makes her more appealing to him.

His phone brought him out of his thought. He deeped his hand Into the pocket of his pant. " I'm sorry, I need to take this, it's mom."

Yolanda nodded and took the food from him. She watched him attending to the call from a distance while eating slowly. He then ran to her.

" Mom is at the hospital, I think I need to go." He gazed into her eyes.

" You should go,I will be fine" She replied calmly. He gave her a kiss on her forehead before running out.