Chapter 14: That night

" What if we swap the baby with another?" She whispered as softly as she could.

" Swap! But how?"

" Doctor, do you remember the baby that was born a couple of days ago and was left by his mother?"

The Doctor clapped her shoulders together nervously. " That boy was born like two days ago and this one is a new born, how's that even going to work"

". it's will. Considering the fact that the baby's so tiny and no one would guess when he was born. Just get me out of here, you can tell them you needed something and I need to get it and you can leave the rest to me."

The Doctor followed her out and told Lucy he needed some things that's very important and she needed to get them. She gave her permission to them and personally, she felt it's taking too much time but she felt because she has to give birth to the baby by force that's why it's taking extra time.

The nurse was so scared as she approached the fierce looking men with a bag in her hand. All she's praying about was that the baby inside the bag shouldn't cry.

" What's in the bag?" on of the men asked.

" So things needed for the delivery. Like maternity pads and all, will you like me to give you some to use?"

Her reply left others giggling softly.

" Let her go" Lucy commanded and the nurse was let through.

When she finally got into the room, she let out an heavy sigh. She was holding her breath all through the conversation outside.

" Here" She opened the bag and brought out a tiny baby boy. The baby gave a faint cry. The Doctor took the baby into the cot and transferred the other into the bag.

The nurse succeeded in taking out the bag again without delay from Lucy or her men.

After a while, the Doctor took the baby out to Lucy and handed him over to her.

" Congratulations, it's a boy" He handed the baby over to her gently

Lucy was happy, she rock the baby gently in her arms with a smile on her face after all, he is her grandson.

" Go and get rid of her" She turned to her men then to the Doctor." Your money have been forwarded to you and do make sure I never set my eyes on you again" Having said what she wanted to say, she walked away with the baby in her arms.

The Doctor ran away towards the ward where the baby was kept and he took her with him to heavens knows where.

Inside the theater, The goons took Yolanda by the arm and pushed her roughly on a stretcher after which she was covered up before they took her outside.

On getting outside, the stretcher was placed down and they grabbed her by the arm. Yolanda's breathing was faint and the hospital gown she had on was tainted with blood. She opened her eyes slightly and then she saw Agatha holding a baby in her arms and Mrs. Ambrose was with her as well. She wanted to call out to her best friend to save her from the pains but she was too tired to utter a word. And the men were not helping matters as they pushed her into the back seat of the car and drove off.

When Lucy Ambrose saw that Yolanda was gone,she felt at peace but the only problem she had was her son, heavens knows what he might be up to. The sudden buzzing sound of her phone took her out of her thought.

" What!" She asked sharply.

" Ma'am, your son is here at home, looking for his wife. Should I move ahead with the plan?" The man asked.

Lucy hesited a bit before she answered. " Yes, just don't hurt him too much" She then ended the call.

Agatha's heart pound loudly in her chest when she heard her talking, she wondered what Lucy was up to now. " What are you planning to do to him?" She asked cuddling the baby.

" It's non of your business, just shut up, and do as I say"

Then a car arrived and they both went into the car.

Desmond frowned at the unusual silence in the house. He placed his hands on his waist and looked around the room, he could clearly explore the inside of the house because the power was back at the time he arrived at home.

" Yolanda" He called out. He walked chin up towards their bedroom but he suddenly stopped and looked down when his foot hit something on the floor. He bend over to pick it up and he became even more baffled when he saw it's was her phone and the screen was cracked.

He stood up, turn the phone around examining it all over before flinging it to the sofa and running to their room.

" Yolanda!" He shouted. But no response. He could hear the sound of his heart thundering loudly in his chest, about to burst open any time soon.

" Oh no" He suddenly felt something wasn't right, Yolanda would never leave home without her phone and at that time of the night. He must look for her.He ran outside and rushed to his car and quickly drove off.

Yolanda was brought out of a black car and was pulled with the men roughly. She was brought to an abandoned road, which has a bridge people doesn't usually use again.Because it's was up for construction.

The edge of the bridge was usually quite at that time of the night, which makes it easier for the men to be unnoticed.

" P…please, don't kill me" Came her hoasky weak voice. The image of her little baby flashes through her mind and a pearl of tears rolled down her weak eyes. And Desmond, she would never be able to see him again. She has so many special people she doesn't want to leave behind.

" I'm afraid I can't let you leave" The man who kidnapped her earlier said. He stretched the gun forward to her, and Yolanda breathing weakly looked up at him and saw a scorpion tattooed on his hand.

" Please, I have a child" She begged once again. Trying to test her fate. But the man wasn't moved, he placed his hand on the trigger and pulled it. The loud sound of a gun shot filled the air.

Yolanda staggered backwards towards the final edge of the bridge. She placed her hand on the tummy as blood was gushing out from the wound. She opened her hand and looked at the blood, then looked back at the man.

" D..Desmond…" She whispered before she fell to the other side of the bridge.

Just then, man's phone rang and he answered coldly. " Just do it!" He commanded.

Speeding into the night, not caring about who was on his way, not caring and obeying the traffic rules Desmond kept driving. He would look out of the window, checking the side of the window as he drives but he became more worried when he didn't see anyone who looked like his wife.

" Target acquired" A man with a sniper rifle spoke to his phone which he placed on speaker mood.

" Shoot, don't you dare miss your target and again make sure he survives it" A voice gave an order.

" Sure" The sniper man replied gently with his eyes fixed on the target. He wasn't going to mess up or else, his boss will have him killed so without wasting much time, he pulled the trigger and shot at Desmond's car tyre twice, making the car to suddenly lost control.