Chapter 15: Mission accomplished

Desmond's car suddenly made a bothering sound and he stepped on the break, struggling to control the car. His grip tightened around the steering wheel of the car, trying his best. He doesn't want to die without seeing Yolanda.

But there was nothing much he could do as the car suddenly tumbled over continuously before it was stopped by a tree besides the road.

He curled up in the car as he was sandwiched inside it. The glass of his window was shattered around the inside of the car and his face was covered in blood as he sustained a deep cut on his forehead. He stretched out one of his finger weakly, trying to reached his damaged phone besides him. He wasn't going to give up, even when he's dying. He wants to see her one last time, tell her how much he loves her and how he loved it when she nagged him and make ridiculous demands all in the name of pregnancy cravings.

" Y-Yoland.." Was all he said before he was surrounded by darkness.

" I guess it's done" The commanding voice asked.

" Yeap! I even called 911" The sniper man said giggling softly.


Agatha walked behind Lucy Ambrose as they begin to get nearer and nearer to there living room. She was not sure how Mrs.Ambrose would go about it but she hopes the entire plan doesn't fails.

" Lucy, I have been trying to reach you. Where's Desmond?" Mr. Ambrose peeked behind her.

Sniffing and pretending to cry, Lucy said." He came to see me at the hospital, and he didn't come alone. He came with this baby" She pointed at the baby in Agatha's arms and continued. " I don't know how it's happened but he told me his wife gave birth earlier than expected but she left the baby and left with a huge amount of money instead." She pushed for a while, examined the stunned faces of her husband and daughter.

" I told you that girl was bad for him, and Desmond, he was so heartbroken. I'm scared he wouldn't hurt himself while thinking about her betrayal" Tears begin to drop from her eyes and it's makes Agatha wonderd how she did it! She was just fine a moment ago but now she's crying, this woman deserves some credit.

" Mom, I'm sorry but it's so hard to believe Yolanda would do such a thing. I have seen how she was happily waiting for the baby to be born. Then tell me why she would leave?" Margret looked at her mother with doubt written all over her.

" I agree, Yolanda is a good girl and besides she and Desmond loves each other" Mr.Ambrose expresses his doubt too.

" Are you both not suppose to be worried about Desmond! Why worrying about that Filthy girl!" She ran to her husband in a dramatic way "please call him. Ask him where he's and how he's doing, am worried about him."

" What's she doing here?" Margret gave Agatha a sneer.

" I called her because there's no one I could think of at that moment and besides I can't take care of the new born or do you have a better idea?" The whole room was silent. Margret nodded then gave up.

Mr. Ambrose gave Desmond a call but his number was out of coverage. He began to panick, he doesn't have a good feeling about all of this.

"I'm sorry to bother but I couldn't refuse when Aunt called me. I felt a deep compassion for the little one and if you don't mind, I would love to put the baby to sleep." Agatha said calmly. She was trying her best to get to the father and daughters heart.

" Sure, let me take you to your room" Lucy lead the way and She quietly followed.

On getting to the room, Lucy grabbed Agatha's arm tightly. " What was that? I couldn't refuse when Aunt called me" She mimicked her making a funny face. Suddenly releasing her arm, she pointed a finger to her face " If you ruin this for me, I won't hesitate to throw you out"

" Why are you getting angry over nothing, grandmother? You should try to be nicer, you're a grandma now and making faces like that doesn't suit you"

Lucy sigh softly, and left without saying a word.

Agatha placed the baby gently on the bed and held one of his little finger. She smiled looking at the baby's white clear eyes. " What should I name you? After all I'm going to be your new mummy now"

She held the baby's pink legs and kissed it. " I will call you Tedros, because you're my gift. My sweetest gift" She said.

Back at the living room, Mr. Ambrose placed one of his hand on his squeezing chest with his phone still at his ear. He just received the shocking news ever.

" Dad, what's wrong?" Margret eyes was fixed on him.

" Your brother, he's in the hospital. He was in an accident"

Margret ran up the stairs to inform her mother about the news,and the entire family immediately ran out of panick to the hospital.

Agatha placed her hands on the railing, watching the family from upstairs as they rushed out. She knew Lucy had something to do with this but she was just so scared about what might have happened to Desmond.

" I just hope he's safe" She whispered, raising her chin up with her eyes closed.

The Ambrose's were lead to the emergency room as soon as they arrived at the hospital. Mr. Ambrose was so shocked to see his son in that terrible condition, with so many tubes attached to his body to keep him alive. The hospital gown he was wearing was socked in his blood. His face was disfigured, swollen and with lots of bruises.

Mrs.Ambrose turned to the Doctor, pretending as if she was shocked. " Please Doctor, tell me he will be fine" she sobbed.

" He's terrible. He has lost a lot of blood and he hit his head badly, which affected his brain." The Doctor opened a file in his hand, look through some skull images on it, before looking back at the family.

"What do you mean?" Margret asked as tears rolled down her eyes.

" His skull's really damaged, and it's affected his brain. Look" The Doctor showed them the pictures and continued.

" We should expect anything, and I mean anything at all if he survives this"

" Anything like what? You have to be specific. You're making me scared" Mr. Ambrose said.

Giving a heavy sigh, the doctor said.

"The worse that could happen to him after this is that, he would forget somethings about himself. Majorly something that happened to him most recently. It's going to be hard for him but he will pull through at the end. That's why you all should help him in this time, stay with him and don't do anything to force his memory back, it's gonna be painful if y'all do that"

The Ambrose was silent, but Lucy was rejoicing inside of her. It's just like the universe has just blessed her with this so called memory lose. She wanted her son to forget the girl and the universe gave her that in the form of a memory lose!

" Doctor, but when would he be able to gain his memories, back?" Mrs. Ambrose pretended to be worried again.

" In cases like this, it's might take a month, a year, two, three, or more than. But eventually, with lots of medical help, he would pull through." On that note, the Doctor spoke with them for a while before striding out of the room, leaving the family to themselves.

" That girl caused all of this, she runied my sons life." Lucy concluded.

" Stop it, Lucy! You can't blame that girl for this. We should be worried about our son, not anything else." Mr. Ambrose blurted.

After hearing her husband speak with so much anger, she finally gave up. She was worried about her son but whatever just happened that day, Lucy saw it as a good thing. And she was rest assured Yolanda would never show up in her sons life ever again! " Mission accomplished!" She grinned happily.