Chapter 16: Have we met before?

★★ Eight years after ★★

It's was an ecstatic evening, in the Ambrose Mansion. The entire house was decorated with balloons, and different colours of lights. Children were running around the adult happily. The adults were standing in twos, facing the person they were familiar with. They were gisting and smiling cheerfully.

From the corner of the house, a cart was pushed to the middle of the room with a cake that has a spiderman's picture decorated on it. And another with a number eight symbol on it.

" Tedros, honey, it's time to cut your cake." Agatha trudged her way along the balloons. " Tedros! Honey" She called at but no response. " Where could he be?" She wondered.

Up at the balcony, a little girl and a boy were sitting at the corner, with a bowl of chocolate ice cream in front of them. Their entire mouth was covered with the ice cream. They seems to be lost in their own world, not caring about the party.

Belching loudly, Tedros rested his back to the floor and said. " I think I'm filled"

The little girl nodded off and immediately took possession of the ice cream.

" Do you remember you wanted to give me a gift, or I'm i not getting any this year?" Tedros asked with his face up to the sky. He looked besides him when he saw that the girl wasn't responding, instead she was lapping the ice cream with all seriousness.

" Rihanna! Do you want me to be mad at you?" He clenched his lips together.

" You're so annoying, Tedros." Rihanna stood up and ran towards a flower pot at the corner and brought out a red dairy and then ran back towards him.

" Mum, gave me this on christmas and I'm gonna give it to you. You can write anything you want in there" She smiled broadly, reveling her chocolate tainted teeth.

Tedros cheeks suddenly turned red, he took the gift from her and hung his head." Thank you Rihanna" he said softly.

Rihanna, smiled at him, then she threw her short hands around his neck for a hug.

" Tedros!" The thundering voice of his mother made him stood up quickly, hiding the diary behind him.

" I told you times without numbers to stay away from this wretched girl! She's just a servant's daughter. You should make friends with girls from your social level." Agatha grabbed his wrist roughly and pulled him to her.

" Mum, but Rihanna is a good person and I really like her so much more than my other friends." Tedros pouted.

" oh, so you talk at your mother now?"

" Sorry mum, but I don't want to be friends with anyone else" He hung his head has sadness filled his voice.

Agatha took her son by the hand and gave Rihanna one last scornful look. " Wretched!" She hissed.

" I'm not wretched!" Rihanna fires back.

Agatha, stopped for a while and was ready to tear the little girl part when a woman came running from behind her and quickly took Rihanna's hand.

" Sorry ma'am, she's just a child. She doesn't mean any of her word" The woman turned to Rihanna and said." Now apologize to Ma'am"

" No! She called me wretched mum, I won't" Rihanna was just a little girl, but she was a stubborn one.

" I'm so sorry ma'am please forgive her. And young master Tedros, everyone's waiting for you to cut your cake"

When the maid, mentioned the party, Agatha then remembered why she was there in the first place. The party, yes!

" Let's go son, and you" She sneered at the maid." learn to control your daughter. And remind her you both leave in my house, and eat my food. She should mind her big mouth" She spat before going to the party.

"Mum!" Rihanna hugged her. She sobbed softly.

"No honey, don't cry. I told you to stay away from them, especially Tedros." Her mother stroked her hair gently.

"But he's my friend" she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Rihanna, please. His mother doesn't want you to be friends with him then why do it. Do you want us to be chase out? "

Rihanna shook her head, she knew they have no where else to go if they were sent out.

"So just behave yourself, okay? Now let's go back to the party" Her mother gave her a quick kiss before she grabbed her hand.


" Blow the candles and make a wish"

Lucy Ambrose said to her grandson.

Tedros, has a sad face on and has been sulking ever since his mother made Rihanna cry.

He blew the candles quickly, and cut the cake. Everyone gave a resounding appluse.

" Oh, why is the birthday boy sad?" Desmond picked up his little son and gave him a kiss on his fat cheek.

" Mum, made me sad. She was so mean to Rihanna" Tedros complained. For heavens sake, his mother just ruined his date!

" Oh, I see. So this is because of your little girlfriend. You don't have to be sad on your birthday. Do you want everyone to leave?"

Tedros threw his hand around his father's neck and rested his head on his shoulders. " I really like her Dad" he murmured.

Desmond pat his back gently, his little son doesn't want to lose his girlfriend because of his mother.


" Click-clack" The continues sound of the heels approaching made everyone enjoying the party suddenly turned around to see where it's coming from.

A beautiful young lady, dressed in a blue dinner gown, with her hair styled in bun. She walked hand-in-hand with an old man, completely ignoring the gaze from the crowd as they approched the Ambrose.

" Mr. Carter" Lucy Ambrose said with amusement in her voice. She rushed to the man with a smile.

" Hello, Lucy. Nice to meet you again." Mr. Carter greeted politely. He then further introduce the young lady when he saw the questioning look on her face.

" This is my daughter,Her name's Frances"

" Hello Frances, nice to meet you" Lucy smiled at the beautiful lady.

She further introduced her entire family to them. Then lastly her son.

" Frances, this is my son. He's Desmond"

Desmond gave Tedros to Agatha before moving closer to her.

" Hello, Miss Carter. Nice to finally meet you " Desmond stretch out his hand to her for a handshake.

But, Frances kept staring at him with a red eyes, with sadness written allover her. She tighten her grip on her purse, almost duging her nails through it.

" Frances" Her dad called her back to reality. She looked at his face and he gave her a sign to just do it. She turned to Desmond and took his hand quickly.

" Nice to meet you too, Mr. Ambrose" She sniffed. She wanted to remove her hand from his but Desmond held on tightly, still staring into her eyes.

" Have we met before?" He asked.

Frances, looked at him sharply with her red eye balls. What does he mean?

" No, we have never met" She withdrew her hand.

" So, Mr. Carter, can we leave the kids to it, while we talk business," Mr. Ambrose suggested.

" Sure, why not." He stepped closer to his daughter and whisperd into her ears.

" Will you be fine on your own?"

Frances gave him an assuring smile, she saw how concern the old man looks.

" I can Dad, your daughter is so strong."

Mr. Carter nodded and touched her shoulder before walking upstairs with Mr. Ambrose.