Chapter 22: Get use to it

" What" she whispered and rolled her eyes.

Mr. Carter held her wrist tightly and pulled her roughly along with him. When they got inside, Frances snapped her hand from him and held her wrist In her hand.

"Dad, that hurts" She messaged gently and raised her head to meet with her father's questioning eyes.

She quickly averted his gaze because she knew what he wanted to hear and she wasn't ready to answer.

" You're getting distracted, Frances. The pictures," Mr. Carter clenched his lips together as a way of reminding her about something. Frances understood what he meant and gave a quick nod.

"Lucy is digging on it. And you know what that means." He continued.

" I know dad, you know in this game of cheese, Lucy is the pawn and I'm the Queen. Let her make all her dirty moves at once, she doesn't know what awaits her." Frances folded her hand and looked at her Father, and gave him a smirk.

" I'm with you on this, you have my full support." He held her shoulders and asked with concern in his voice. " What will you do with Desmond?"

She bawled her hand when she heard his name. " I… will…" She mugged through her words in confusion.

Giving her a slight tap on the shoulder, her Father said. " I trust you."

He turned around and strode upstairs to his room. Frances sat down quietly on the sofa and watched him leave. She understood the worries of her father but then, she can't just control herself when she's with Desmond. She buried her face in her hands and sigh softly.


By the time Desmond got home, the kids had already fallen asleep. He sent for the maid to come take Rihanna in while he took Sleeping Tedros to his room.

He placed him gently on the bed and removed his shoes as well. After which he covered his body with the blanket and kissed his forehead. He switched off the lamp in the room and went out.

He yawned loudly as he walked to his room, but then, he stopped when he remembered the kiss he shared with Frances earlier and a smile escaped his lips.

He was so engrossed in his daydream that he didn't know when Agatha got to his front.

" What's the smile for dear husband? For me or for someone else?" She folded her hands to her chest and stared at him with anger written all over her. She knew where he went and with whom he was with the entire day.

The smile on Desmond's lips dissolved when he saw her. Why was she asking anyways and calling him husband makes his tummy turn. Without answering her, he bypassed her, ready to leave for his room but then Agatha held his hand.

" Desmond, I wonder why you are doing all this to me? Do you know how disheartened I was when I found out you were with that girl? I was heartbroken, you don't even spend much time with me as you did with her. What are you doing to our marriage?"

Desmond snatched his hand from her and gazed straight into her eyes.

" What marriage? I never felt happy being with you anyways." He stepped even more closer to her and held her shoulders tightly. " As for me and Frances, you have to deal with it" He further said.

He let go of her and turned around and walked away. Leaving Agatha with tears streaming down from her eyes.

She couldn't believe how stupid she looks right now, she should have walked away from the man who obviously didn't love her but then she couldn't because She loves Desmond so much and he was her weakness. Agatha held the railing tightly and grunted.

" I hate you Frances! I hate you!" Her eyes were red and her knuckles had turned white from the way she held the railing, indicating how much anger she had built up inside her.

Suddenly, a cunning smile escaped her lips. " I have worked hard to be here, sacrificing so much to be with the man I love and I wouldn't let anyone ruin it for me. You just wait and watch!" She brushed the tears away from her face and turned around at once towards her room.


The birds chirping sound outside the window, coupled with the sound of the loud alarm clock made Frances grunts lazily in bed. She couldn't believe it was morning already even when she wanted to sleep some more.

She hit the clock slightly on the head and its loud buzzing sound stopped for good, making the room turn into a complete silence.

She yawned in the most unattractive way ever and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand before she finally lifted the duvet off her body and wobbled towards the bathroom half awake.

She took a while in the bathroom before she finally came out with a white towel tied around her chest. She went straight to her closet and got a sexy office outfit to wear and complement her outfit with a black pair of heels.

Frances stood in front of the mirror and gave some finishing touches to her hair and applied some eyeliner. When she saw she was ready, she picked up her bag from the bed and went downstairs.

Breakfast was usually served before the Carters were awake.

When the maids heard the sound of her heels approaching the dining table, they bowed their heads before her.

Her eyes traveled around the large table filled with food and she finally picked up a toast.

" Where's dad?" She asked in-between her mouth full.

" He left much earlier and left a message for you to arrive on time." The maid replied, handing her a glass of juice .

After having a few bites, Frances took a napkin and wiped her hand and her mouth as well. Then she stood up and grabbed her bag.

She headed to the parking lot and as she approached her car, her phone began to ring loudly. She dropped her bag inside the car and when she saw it was Desmond, she wasted no time to answer it.

" Hey," She answered.

" Fr…an…ces… Ho..w.." Desmond's words were muddled up and Frances could hardly grab his words.

She thought it might be perception and walked away from the car , some few steps further away from it.

As if the car was waiting for her to leave, then it suddenly exploded into thick flames.

The force from the explosion pushed Frances hard away to the floor.

Desmond heard the loud sound and became worried.

"Frances! Are you alright" He held his phone more tightly, almost yelling at it. He ran out with his phone still tightly to his ear, towards his car.

Frances crawled weakly on the floor, her head felt heavy on her neck and a loud sound was buzzing Inside of her ears. Although she heard someone calling out to her but what she didn't know was who it was and from where.She tried to speak but she was too tired then suddenly passed out.