Chapter 23: I'm scared

" Frances!" Desmond yelled one more time when he couldn't hear a sound coming from the other side of the phone.

"Shit" He ran towards him and jumped in immediately. He threw his to the passenger seat besides him, leaving it still on speaker mode. He stares at the phone every now and then, in the thought that he might hear something from her.

He felt his heart pounding hard and his hands trembling around the steering wheel. He stepped his leg on the acceleration padel and sped off to his destination.

When he arrived at the scene, he was amazed at the sight of the car that was burned into flames right in front of his eyes.

He saw Frances on the floor, some few steps away from the burnt car, lifeless.

He ran to her and lifted her head gently into his palm. He saw she had a bruise beside her head and fresh blood was dripping out from it.

Desmond stared at her face then back to the car, wondering how on earth such a deadly accident would happen. He tried to stand up but he suddenly went back on his knees when a blurry image of a tumbled car flashes before his eyes. He shot his eyes tightly and took his head between his hands and began to groan in pain.

His head started aching yet again, but why now! He needed to save Frances and take her to the hospital but he couldn't help it.

He stood up from the floor, not completely alright and carried Frances into his arms and trudged towards his car.


Desmond placed her on the stretcher the hospital provided and watched them take her inside. He sat down slowly on the bench at the reception and bowed his head.

Be sigh softly with his head still bowing, wondering how the heck did the incident happen. If the lady would have really stepped in the car, she would have really gotten burnt.

He was lost in thought when he suddenly felt something dropping from his nose to his hand. He slowly lifted up his head and was surprised when he saw blood dripping from his nostrils.

He covered his nose, and ran into the bathroom. He watched himself in front of the mirror then examined the drops on his hands and sigh. Then there was a sudden bang at the door and Desmond quickly wiped off the blood and went outside. He met with an angry looking young man that was in a rush to get into the bathroom.

" I'm so sorry" He said before bypassing him.

He walked back to the reception and this time, he met the doctor speaking with a nurse.

" Doctor, how's she?" He was so impatient.

" Doing great at the moment. She only has a scratch on her forehead that's all" The doctor's expression became serious

" Have you reported the incident to the police?"

" We will do just that, I just want to ask for her permission before anything else. Besides, thanks doc for your concern. Can I see her now?" Desmond shook the doctor's hand tightly and In return, the doctor gave him a nod to go ahead and see her.

Desmond clicked open the door gently and stopped on his track to stare at Frances. He left the door and began to walk towards her. He sat beside her and held her hand, staring at her closed eyes.

" I'm glad you're fine." He kissed her hand softly. He stared at her for a while before his phone beeped, he stood up and was going to go outside to check what it was but then as he was about leaving, Frances held his pinky finger slightly.

Desmond looked back sharply and his eyes met with hers. He moved his face towards her and held her shoulders slightly.

" You're awake, I will get the doctor"

" No, I'm fine. Desmond, please don't report anything to the police. I will handle it" Her voice cracked as she spoke.

" But, whoever did this to you is out there. We need to tell the police please"

" No," She insisted.

Just then, Mr.Carter ran inside in panic towards her. He pulled her into a long hug.

" I'm glad you're fine. I won't be able to take it if anything happens to you."

" I'm fine dad, I'm not dead" She tried to lighten the mood.

Frances, told her dad that she would love to go back home that instant. He didn't refuse her but Desmond was so worried about her.

" I'm fine Desmond" She replied.

Desmond drove her home in his car while Mr. Carter went on his own.

When they arrived in front of the Carter's mansion, Desmond opened the door of the car for her to get out.

" Thank you for today" Frances gave him a smile but he was silently staring at her.

" Take care and please do eat" She turned around to leave when Desmond pulled her hand, and hugged her.

Frances rested her head on his chest and listened to his fast heartbeat. A smile escaped her lips.

" I'm fine Desmond. Nothing would happen to me, "she assured him.

" I don't know why but I'm so scared Frances, I felt like I wanted to lose you again to something I didn't know. I'm scared, really scared" He hugged her more tightly, without letting her move an inch.

Frances freed herself from his hug and said, " Should we talk over a cup of coffee? Will your mind be at peace after that?"

" Coffee is great," He replied.

Frances held his hand and they both went inside the house.

She brewed the coffee herself without the help of anyone. She took the two cups in her hand and went to meet Desmond at the balcony of their house.

" Thank you" He took the cup from her and sipped it. The taste of the coffee brought back the memory of deja vu to him.

" The coffee tastes familiar. As if I have had this taste before" He looked at her sipping from it once more.

" Really, coffee taste the same anyways"

Frances replied.

" Of Course not, this one is way tastier"

Frances laughed loudly, one wouldn't believe she was just in an accident some time ago that almost claimed her life.

They chat for a while before Frances begins to feel sleepy. She yawned and stretched out lazily.

" You should get going, your wife will really be worried about you " Frances made an excuse to get rid of him.

" Mm, take care, okay. And when you needed anything please don't hesitate, I'm just a call away from you"

Desmond walked reluctantly towards the door, he looked back at her and waved his hand at her before leaving. Looking at her makes him uncomfortable, he doesn't want to leave her alone, scared that something might happen to her again.