Chapter 55: In the Forest 3.

The three boys returned to the group, while Rhian whispered to his brother:

— You could stop looking at him with the eyes of a princess in love.

— I don't look at it like that - Japeth denied blushing.

— The girls at my school look at me the same as you look at him, so, yes, you look at him that way—Rhian reproached.


Japeth was silenced, partly by his brother's chutzpah, partly because he could not deny the evidence to a professional.

— It's none of your business - Japeth concluded.

— You're my brother—Rhian contradicted.

— I don't mess with your girlfriends - Japeth countered.


This time it was Rhian who fell silent.

— The girls I like don't carry knives everywhere—Rhian clarified.

— That's false, Sophie even sleeps with one under her pillow - Japeth contradicted.

— That… Well, bad example. — agreed. — she doesn't…

— Aric is even closer to Sophie than I am, what's more, I could say without fear of being wrong that we have the same taste for love, the only difference is gender— Japeth attacked while the iron was hot.

Rhian couldn't deny that, especially since his brother knew the two people in question much better than he did.

— Sophie at the center, it's her turn to discover the good - Yuba announced.

Thus concluded the romantic talk of the twins.

Sophie returned to the center of the meadow.

— Let's see, Hort and Tedros in front.

The boys moved forward and Sophie was blindfolded.

When she took off the blindfold, she saw two Golden Retriever puppies.

— Oh!! How cute, come loves—she crouched down, and the two puppies approached, wagging their tails happily—Let's see, I have an idea—she said as she stroked his ears. — seated. — ordered, the two did it.

One was rigid and straight like a trained thoroughbred, and the other was only dropped naturally.

— The paw—she ordered, and extended a hand to each pup.

The stiffer puppy immediately placed it in his palm and the other took a couple of attempts, but he succeeded.

— Very good. — she compensated them with caresses—This is Hort, being a werewolf, he is comfortable on all fours, and this cuteness, – she said carrying the clumsy puppy against his chest – it is Teddy, yes, right? — she said, talking to him like a baby.

She stroked his ears while kissing the puppy's little head, the other crying for attention to his feet.

— Let's see - Yuba declared.

He waved the cane, and a depressed Hort appeared in the puppy's place on the ground.

Between Sophie's arms, wrapped in an embrace, was a foolish-faced Tedros in love.

He sure would have spent the rest of the day like a dog if the decision was up to him.

Sophie released the boy, Tedros had an abandoned puppy face that would break the hardest heart.

— Oh! Don't put on that face Teddy, I give hugs to all my friends – Sophie comforted him – but not today, even in the woods this day is too hot for hugs.

The boy reluctantly accepted and returned to his post.

— Can I…? — Hort tried to ask by extending his arms.

— No—Sophie cut it.

— Agatha, your turn.


— Sophie—Adam, and Jacob chanted.

— Hello my terrors—greeted Sophie, opening her arms to welcome the children—did you drain every last drop of energy from that pair of directors?

— The good one, yes—Adam answered proudly.

— But your director is made of steel—Jacob complained.

Adam nodded in agreement.

The boys tried to hide it, but they seemed admired.

— I'll take it as a compliment.

Sophie looked up and found a pair of winter sky eyes.

— The director of evil is good to children, who would say so—Sophie sneered a little.

— Don't spread it, I have a reputation to keep—Rafal replied, pretending to check for witnesses.

Sophie laughed a little and thanked him for taking care of the children.

They were about to leave when Rafal took her hand to stop her.

— In fact—Rafal began—a small problem arose that needs your attention, it will only be a moment.

— Oh, okay—replied Sophie, surprised—give me a moment.

She took the children with the rest of his group.

— Japeth could you take Jacob to his room, it looks like I have to go to the principal's office—she joked.

— What did you do, demon with golden curls? — Japeth asked, narrowed as he took Jacob's hand.

— Nothing will be proven—he replied.

— Are you in trouble? — Adam asked, climbing on Aric's back as if the boy were a game in the park.

— Only if I get caught—replied Sophie.

— You have no problems, but with those answers, you may find them.

Sophie turned around and found Rafal behind her.

— Is joining conversations when no one notices a habit? — Sophie asked, amused.

— More of a hobby—replied the director of evil—Shall we go?

Sophie nodded, but turned to her brothers and kissed their heads before following Rafal.

Rafal offered her his arm with chivalry, and she took it, taking the opportunity to measure the boy's muscles not so secretly.

She took the opportunity to test a function of the system that he had not yet reviewed, and called the system while seeing the boy sideways.


Rafal Mistral

Status: Wild

Friendship: 40% / 100%

Love: 50% / 100%


Sophie was a little disappointed to see such low numbers, but she had only been in school for a week, she assumed it was already an achievement that the boy was half in love.

Seeing the "status" part on the blue screen, he assumed that Alex or Chaos had taken his Pokemon jokes seriously.

Too bad they added that section instead of sending him Otomeballs.

But you can't cry about pokeballs released.

— Do you think I need to do more weights or am I well proportioned? — asked Rafal.

A cheeky question in response to Sophie's more cheeky scrutiny of his biceps.

— Everything feels as it should—the blonde replied even more brazenly—but I'd have to do a closer inspection to be sure—she whispered in a sensual tone.

With the nail of his index finger, she traced the contours and paths marked by the muscles in his arm, making the boy shudder.

He let out a hoarse growl, and Sophie watched as his pupils twitched into slits like those of a snake.

— That's new—she said as he saw his eyes.

Rafal was about to run an arm around the girl's waist and make this scene much more compromising when they heard a voice calling them.

— There they are! — exclaimed Director Rhian—we caught up with them.

Next to Director Rhian came Agatha, walking beside him.

Sophie was still holding on to Rafal's arm and struggled to smile at her brother, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Because of this inconvenient man who lost a Master Ball, he wouldn't be forgiving him any time soon.

Out of sheer curiosity, he checked the boy's condition.