In a world of ours, yet completely different. Higgins, a 14 years old boy was being wrapped in fear and mixed feelings by his parents, Martin & Gina.
Higgins had no one to talk to since he was the only child and his parents decided to make him attend home school. "Higgins, where are you?" asked Gina. " I'm here mum" answered Higgins. "Mum, please I have to go to public school. "I can't be cooped up in this house for the rest of my life!" said Higgins.
Gina said "I told you that public schools in this your has a big influence on children these days.
Higgins Dad, Martin steps into the room and interferes in the conversation. "Young man, didn't I warn you not to raise your force at people who are older than you, especially your parents." He said
I'm sorry, I was just telling mum that I don't want to be homeschooled anymore, Higgins said. Gina leaves the room for the both of them to talk. "Son, I've tried my best to convince your mum, but she still insist that you should be homeschooled. Please can you corporate with her till when I convince her to allow you to to public school?"Martin asked.
Ok dad, I'll try said Higgins.
Two weeks later
"Higgins! Higgins! I have some good news for you, said Higgins Dad. "What is it dad?" Higgins asked. I've finally convinced your mum to make you go to public school Martin said. "Seriously, How did you do it? You know what ? It doesn't matter how you did it as long as I am going to school now, I have no problem with it"Higgins said. Martin was overwhelmed, but was also worried about what Gina said. Martin sat down alone and thought about it for moment, "could it be possible that if Higgins goes to public school it would be a great influence on him?" Not knowing that Gina went for a family reunion without informing anyone, so Martin used the opportunity to send Higgins to public school.
Dad where are you ? Shouted Higgins. I'm here son answered Martin.
Three weeks later
It hasn't been up to two weeks that Higgins had started public school and he is all caught up. He made some cool friends, but how closest friend whose name was Chris, a 16 year old boy who saw Higgins on the first day of school
One day, Chris and Higgins were going to class while they saw some boys going to the janitors closet, when it was "out of order". "What are those boots doing in the janitors closet ?" Higgins asked. I don't know, but we have to find out. Higgins and Chris were going to find out what the boys were doing in the closet. On their way there, they found a cigarette on the floor. "What's this ?"Higgins asked. It's a cigarette answered Chris. "How do you know what a cigarette is ?" Higgins asked. Because it's the reason my dad passed away, he was a drug addict said Chris. "Ah! I'm so sorry" said Higgins. Nah, it's ok. Now let's go see what those boys are up to said Chris.
As Chris and Higgins walked slowly into the closet,
they saw more cigarette packs on the floor.
To their suprise, the closet was bigger than they thought. Luckily, they found the boys and five more. Higgins was shocked and scared. "No need to be scared, now follow my lead" said Chris. As Chris and Higgins walked to stealthy, to catch the boys and take them to the school authority, the numbers game advantage. "What are we going to do ?"Higgins said. "Don't worry, I have a plan" Chris said. Higgins and Chris ran faster than a cheetah but since there were five against two, Chris got caught. "Nooooo!" Higgins shouted. "Don't worry Chris, I'll come and get you!" Higgins said.
So Higgins ran away to his home, he was so out of breath so he had to relax for some time before he could think about how to save Chris. Little did Higgins know that Chris was one of the boys who are drug addicts at school. "How will I save Chris now ?" Higgins soliloquized. I need a plan Higgins said. And I'm not going to execute this plan on my own, I need some help Higgins said confidently.
Will Higgins save Chris? Will their friendship last if Higgins had found out that Chris is one of the drug addicts at school?
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