Higgins began to think about how to save Chris, not know knowing that Chris had a trick up his sleeve. He needed help to save Chris, but since he just began the school, Chris was his only friend so he had to save him alone. Higgins went to school the next day, but Chris was no where to be found. After closing hours, he went to the janitors closet where everything happened, whole he was on his way, he saw some boys heading towards that direction so he quickly hid and allowed the boys to go before he did. As soon as Higgins got there, to his surprise, he saw Chris smoking and taking drugs. He was so shocked!. "This can't be Chris, no this isn't the Chris I know"he sobbed. Higgins thought he could man up and face them, little did he know there's one of him, and there's five of them excluding Chris. "Hey Chris, what are you doing? Are you out of your mind ?" Higgins asked. "Hey Higgins, how are you ?" Chris asked. "Don't tell me that, you didn't tell me you were a drug addict. I'm disappointed in you, even though we were just friends for a little while you would have told me. Higgins said. Bro, come and join me, you will enjoy yourself. Just come, come and enjoy Chris said while he was tipsy. No, I'll never join you Higgins shouted. "Boys, grab him" Chris yelled. Higgins ran as fast as he could but the boys caught him and took him back to the closet. Higgins began to weep, while Chris and his gang left him there for a day. The next day, Chris went to the closet only to find Higgins escaped. "Ah, I knew he would escape, but how" ? Chris wondered. He looked up and saw a window where Higgins had escaped.
Higgins got home and meet his father worried. "Higgins! where have you been? I've been worried sick about you" Martin said. "No need to worry Dad, I'm fine I went to Chris house for a sleepover" he said with fear. "Son, you know you can tell me anything, I'm your da...., I said don't worry Dad please, I just went for a sleepover at Chris's place" Higgins cut his dad of. He ran to his room and he started crying. "What kind of a person am I ? I swear on my life I'm going to beat the hell out of Chris. He is the cause of all this trouble on going through, he is gonna pay for what he has done to me.
Two weeks later
Higgins Mum returned from her trip. "Mum I'm so sorry I have to ask this so early but I wanna go to army school. "Umm, this is so awkward but, okay. she said. Yes! I won't let you down" jogging said happily. But son why do you wanna go to army school, I thought you were antisocial ?" Gina asked. Ughhh, mum I just wanna go and Learn how to defend myself. He said. Gina said "okay I'll try and make enquires about the army school in New Orleans. "You're the best Mum anyone would have" Higgins said. Awwn, thanks son.
A week later
"Higgins!!!! It's time for us to go" Martin and Gina said". I'm confused Mum, I just need to pack a few stuff" Higgins answered. And so, Martin and Gina took Higgins to the army school in New Orleans. So, they got yo New Orleans and they dropped Higgins of at The school. Higgins saw a boy named Abdallah who is from Morocco and hos parents flew out of the country to New Orleans for him to go to Army school. Hey there! Abdallah said. Hello I'm Higgins, a new student here, please can show me the ropes ? Higgins asked. Ropes!? what ropes ? Here in Army school, they are no ropes in Army school, it's do or die; Abdallah said. Do or Die? Higgins said with fear. No need to be scared, within a few years, you will be able to get used to it.
Two days later
This isn't the kind of training I need. Higgins said to himself. I have to leave this place and find a better place where I can be more trained than this so called Army school. Higgins tried to escape from the school at night. " Hey! where are you trying to go? the security guards yelled. Higgins began to run as the security guards tried to catch up with him. Higgins ran as fast as he could then he ran out of the school. The guards tried to catch up with Higgins and then Higgins saw a car that tried to bump into him. "Hop in!!!, the driver yelled. Higgins was confused so he had no option than to enter the car. "What were you thinking? Did you know that you were almost killed ? Did you know that the security men had ammunition with them?" the driver said angrily. Woah, calm down. First of all I don't know you, secondly I'm fine. Higgins said confidently. Oh yeah! what is something could have happened like and explosion or something? the driver said angrily. "Okay, I'm sorry. thanks for helping me. Higgins apologized. Good! you shouldn't have apologized I would have given a smack in the face you would have met yourself in the hospital. Woah I already said I'm sorry. Higgins Said. Nah, it's ok. I was just messing with you. Well, my name is JJ and I'm a serial killer. Ahhhhh ! Higgins shouted and tried to unlock the car door. Woah, what are you trying to do ? JJ asked. I'm trying to save my life, Higgins answered. "Wait do you think I'm going to kill you ? Look kid, I'm not trying to kill you. Infact I was even sent on a Mission to kill one of the most deadliest terrorist In New Orleans and then I saw you and I figured out you needed a little help from me and here we are. Said JJ . Okay I get the fact that you aren't trying to kill me but why are you a serial killer? Higgins asked. Well kid that isn't your business and I'm not expecting you to tell anyone or I will blow your Brain out of that head of yours !!. Okay, I get it I won't tell anyone that you're a serial killer. Higgins said. You just told me! now I'm going to shoot you!! JJ yelled. Ahh, I'm sorry. Hahahahaha, JJ laughed. Again, I was just messing with you. Look you have to understand that I'm a really funny guy. Ohh! I don't know you're name. what's your name ? JJ asked. Uh, my name is Higgins, he answered. Okay, Higgins I'm you've just won a ticket to join me JJ on the most deadliest Job ever. Wait, are you saying that we are going to catch this terrorist together ? Higgins said anxiously. Yeah, you are. Are you in ? JJ asked. Of course I'm in. Higgins said confidently. So what's the plan ? he asked. Oh, Young yet excited Higgins, in this game, there isn't a plan. But wai.....
There isn't time to explain anything, just time for action. JJ said. So the Duo got to their destination and the began to strike. "Take these" JJ said. "Grenades and a pistol ?" what I'm I suppose to do with these ? I'm suppose to be with more ammunition's than these" Higgins said. Why don't you become a serial killer and kill all the people that did you Wrong in the past ? huh how about that ? JJ yelled at Higgins. Now why don't you think about all the people that hurt you in the past and rage your anger on these bad guy ? JJ asked. Okay, I will. Higgins said confidently.
Stop right there! JJ commanded the terrorist, then the terrorist began to run and then Higgins and JJ ran after him. JJ tried to shoot him but none of the bullets touched the terrorist. Then JJ caught up with the terrorist and they began to fight. But the terrorist used one of the pistol JJ had to shoot JJ in the leg. Ah! JJ shouted. Higgins came to his rescue and tried to help him. JJ said "run after that guy Higgins, if we kill him, we'll make Bank. "wait, don't you care about your Life? Higgins asked him. Nah, I've been shot in the leg millions of times. Now, throw a grenade at him before he runs away, JJ said. okay, I will.
Higgins tried to pull the pin in the grenade and surprising, he did. "Throw it! Now! JJ yelled. Higgins threw the grenade directly to the terrorist and it bounced on the terrorist head. Immediately the grenade bounced off his head, it exploded and the whole place caught on fire. Higgins was excited and thrilled. "Yeah, that felt good" Higgins said. Honk! Honk! JJ horned "come on! let's go before the police gets here! Higgins began to run while he heard the police siren. And they were having a discussion in the car.
Congratulations kid, your first mission! JJ congratulated Higgins. Thank you! I kinda felt bad that we were killing someone at first, but all the action and the thriller brought out that inner fire inside me. I'm so glad that you've finally come out of your shell. JJ said. JJ thank you for bringing me along in this mission. I will like to ask you a question Higgins said. Ask away said JJ. Can I become a serial killer ? "Woah, kid take it easy. wait how old are you ? asked JJ. I'm 17, but my age doesn't matter all that matters is that I want to get back at those people who took me for granted, especially Chris said Higgins. Wait a minute, in this game we don't take things personal said JJ. It's not personal, it's just something Chris and I have to settle, Higgins said. Who's Chris anyway ?asked JJ. I don't wanna talk about it. "Come on tell me" said JJ. I said I Don't wanna talk about it!!. Higgins yelled. The. Higgins said "I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me. Okay, Chris was my only friend back when we were in high school. He meant everything to me. He even understood me more than my own parents. Until Chris betrayed me and he went along to join a gang at school. Him and his gang locked me up in a closet for a day. I'm not going to kill Chris, I just wanted to check on him and accept the apology that he's going to give me. Higgins narrated. "But I thought you said you had some scores to settle with Chris?" JJ asked. "Yeah, I said I had some scores to settle like I wanna check on him, not to annihilate my best friend back in high school. Even though Chris locked me up in a closet, a janitors closet, I still forgive him. Besides, what are friends for? Higgins said. JJ said "Okay, since you aren't taking it personal and you're almost 18 years old, I guess you can become a serial killer but only to defend yourself got that ?" Yeah I totally understand.
And then, Higgins and JJ drove off to an underground basement where the world's most notorious serial killers are. JJ introduced Higgins to the team and he told them that Higgins wanted to become a serial killer. They were surprised that a boy of that age wanted to join the team. So, Higgins began training the next day and started to get used to the shooting. Then he got used to all the ammunition and learned how to use them.
A month later
Higgins walked into JJ's room and asked him whether he could visit his parents the following day. "Of course you can" said JJ. "Thanks JJ you're the best" Higgins Said happily.
The next day, Higgins booked a flight to New York where his Mom and Dad lives.
He got to his home and realized that his parents didn't live there anymore. He spent says looking for his parents. He also looked for Chris but they where nowhere to be found. He saw his former neighbor, her name is Sophie. "Hey Sophie! How've you been? he asked. Oh Higgins how are you? she asked. I'm looking for you're parents, do you know where they live now ? I've been trying to reach their phones but it's not going through. "Umm, Higgins I think it's time for you to know" she said. Know what! Sophie! Talk to me. "Higgins, you're parents are Dead" she said. Dead ? how? what happened ? who killed them ? asked Higgins. I have to go but all I can say is that Chris killed you're parents, but Higgins. Wait, Sophie! Higgins shouted while Sophie's car drove away. "Chris killed my parents? No this can't be happening, maybe it's a dream. Chris, I'm coming for you and I wanna settle some scores with you not just to check on you, but to kill you once and for all. Higgins said with anger.