Higgins broke down In tears when he heard the bad news His face was filled with tears and dissappointment. He began to think about how he will murder Chris for what he has done. "can hbn I swear if I set my eyes on Chris, he's not going to make it alive. But I don't know where Chris is neither do I have ammunition's; I'll have to go back to the base to see JJ and ask him for some tips on how to catch this murderer. Coming to think of it, this can actually be my mission. I'll have to got today before Chris is nowhere to be found". And so, Higgins booked a flight to New Orleans to go and see JJ and the team.
A day later.
Higgins had just departed from The airport and he took a cab to the base. And soon as he got there her Saw JJ and the crew. "Hey, little birdie flew back to the nest", Higgins, how are you? JJ said happily. "Hey, JJ I'm Good. how've you been? look, I don't have time to talk. When I got home, I found out that Chris murdered my parents and I wanna get back at him" Higgins Said confidently. Higgins, I've told you before, in this game, you don't take things personal. I'm not taking things personal, you told me that I can become a serial killer for the purpose of defending myself and defending myself is another way back at Chris. Higgins said confidently. okay, I get you. JJ was convinced by the heroic words of Higgins. " Okay guys, lets get to work" JJ commanded the Crew. And so, JJ, Higgins, and they gang all tried to get Chris's location.
The next day.
We've got him, The gang said. He's at a place in South Carolina called Casa Cuban. "Casa Cuban" ? Higgins said confusedly. It's an old restaurant back in the year 2020, it's been abandoned; unless, that is where Chris had been hiding this whole time!! JJ said happily. And I also checked the police records, it's showed that Chris is one of the notorious murderers on Earth and is declared wanted, Dead it Alive got a hundred million dollars! JJ said. "Wow! I didn't know Chris was with that much. Then there whole game laughed. " But seriously, how do we lock his location ? Higgins asked. " Don't worry Higgins, by ran and I... sorry, OUR team and I had a special control unit that is able to lock anyone's location in the entire world. JJ said confidently. Seriously, can you guys do that ? Higgins asked. Of course we can, why would I be telling you if we couldn't do it ? JJ asked. You're right. Higgins said happily. "Alright gang, don't forget that is not because of Higgins I wouldn't have been since today. He helped me while catching one of the most deadliest terrorist In the whole world. The moment he threw that Granade at him, I knew that he relented all his anger, sorrows and tears into that throw, but now, a little boy now turn the money important part is this team. I thanked him for what he did to New but that thank you wasn't enough, now it's our turn to hello him. None of us will rest until we find Chris and murder him for what he did to Higgins's parents. Alright team, let's get to work and track this guy down, but maybe tomorrow morning, is kinda getting late" JJ said. Hahahahahaha, JJ you can never change. Alright, let's get some rest. Higgins concluded
The Next Morning
Higgins!!! Wake up, I have bad news, JJ said. Higgins yawns and responds "What the bad news" ? Higgins asked JJ. we've just been informed that Chris knows that we are following his movements and so, he has moved from South Carolina to an unknown location. JJ said angrily. Ughhh, I knew it that Chris would find out that we are tracking him. Higgins said angrily. Nah, he couldn't have known himself, someone must have tipped him, JJ said. "Tipped him ? What is that suppose to mean" ? Higgins asked. "Come on, don't you know know what a tip means ? JJ asked Higgins. " No, I Don't. Higgins replied. Okay, first of all you gotta start learning some codes, secondly, a tip in security/killing terminologies, means when an anonymous person tells you what your enemy had installed for you. JJ explained to Higgins. "ohh, now I get it!" Higgins surprisingly told JJ. We learn something new everyday, right ?JJ chuckled alone with Higgins. "GUYS, please can we focus and try to locate exactly were Chris is, so that we can all be rest assured that Chris will be gone forever ? " One of the team members named John yelled. Okay, let's go. Higgins answered Courageously.
And then, the team were on the search for Chris, they didn't have a clue if where Chris was but they knew that he is a notorious killer so they checked the South Carolina police records and saw that his name appeared. No surprise there. Chris is also declared wanted by six states including the FBI for two million dollars. So, Higgins was thinking, since the FBI has declared him wanted Dead or Alive, why don't he hand Chris over to the police when how fine with him to earn the two million dollars and give it to JJ and the team ?
He actually thought it was a good plan and it actually is. So, Higgins and the gang began to know about Chris's where about. But Higgins kept it as a secret so that when he gets the money, he can surprise the team.
A Few Hours Later
We've got him! he's in Russia . The team Said happily. " Russia ? What could he be doing in Russia ? JJ asked confusedly. "Hmm, something's not right. Like, what will Chris be doing in Russia? Unless... there's a high possibility the someone tipped him that we are tracking him down so he went to Russia which he knew... infact which he thought that we couldn't follow his tracks and also, he know that's Russia had.s a lot of weapons and ammunition, so he went there to get all of that weapons, come back and hunt me for the rest of my life! Higgins said with fear. Ohh, calm down. Chris doesn't have the guts to hunt you, however, it would be the other way round. JJ advised Higgins. ohh yeah, that's right. Chris doesn't know that the amount of weapons that we have is more of that of Russia, Higgins said confidently. Actually, Russia has more weapons than you think, they are one of the most feared countries in the world. JJ said. What would make Russia the most feared country in the world ? Higgins asked JJ. Huh, are you seriously asking that question ? Ok, let me explain why Russia I the mosy feared country. Russia has more weapons than other countries like Egypt, USA, UK and lots more and I'm afraid that they may be more powerful than USA. John said. Okay, I get the part that chris went to Russia to go get ammunitions to murder me but what are we going to do ? Higgins asked the team. "I guess we can get some weapons from the same Russia, I have a friend who works in the Russia army department and besides, Chris doesn't even have a chance to get the weapons that he needs because all of Russia's weapons are are hidden in the Army vault in case of any war". JJ said. How do you know about all these things? Higgins asked JJ. "there's are time for questions only time for action" JJ answered Higgins retorical question.
JJ moved on to calling his friend who is based in Russia and also part of the Russia Army. His friend told him that he won't be able to come to USA, so the only way JJ will be able to get his hand on some weapons is only if he transported the weapons through Sea because of the high security at the airport. "Okay JJ, be expected the weapons in the next three weeks" JJ friend Jack told JJ . Okay Jack, thanks. That was Jack on the phone; he just told me that we should be expecting the weapons in three to four weeks. JJ said to the team. "That's great news. But in the meantime, we should still keep track on Chris! And that's an order. JJ commanded. Yes sir. that team shouted. Wait a minute, why do the team always answer you by sir and why do you always command them? Higgins asked JJ. " Well, Higgins I don't think you've learned a lot on this team. This might seem as a surprise but I'm actually the leader of this team". " Oh, I know Higgins asked. Well, why did you ask me ? JJ asked Higgins. "I just wanted to check whether your smart enough to lie that you're the leader and well you are. Higgins answered. hahahahaha, nice joke kid, buy seriously don't ever mess with me again. JJ said furiously then he puts on a smile. " Hey team, I'll like to announce that we are going to Russia to show Chris whose boss. As the new member of the team, I'll like to thank everyone that has helped me through out this journey called Life and I'll like to celebrate all of you. I've also reserved a dinner for us at the best restaurant in this town. Now let's go and celebrate!! Higgins told the team and they went ahead to get dressed up and they went for the dinner.
Three weeks later
The team went ahead to collect the weapons at an old and abandoned sea.
Then they saw some bad guys who were trying to collect all their weapons, but they didn't know that those guys were sent by Chris. "Umm, JJ, who are the guys? Higgins asked. I don't know, but they are about to get a free ticket to heaven. JJ said confidently. And then, the whole team began to fight them but the numbers advantage because the team where only six on person and those bad guys were twelve. As the team fought Higgins ran away with the weapons and one of the bad guys followed him in a car. Higgins didn't know how to drive but he decided to try his luck. So he drove and the guy was trying to catch up with him and started shooting at him. "Holy shit, what am I going to do ?" he soliloquized. Then he looked at the two box of ammo he had on the car, then he decided to bring them out and he saw some sophisticated weapons he had never seen before. He then saw a pistol which he was familiar with. He picked it up and started to shoot at the guy who was chasing him. Luckily, he shot the guy dead and the car which he was in went over a Cliff. Higgins was Happy, only to turn around, then he realized that the brakes have failed. He then saw a Clif in Front of him; he had no option than to jump out of the car with the ammo. He jumped and then, he watched the car going down the cliff. The car then exploded. "So this is what would have happened to me if I was on that car with the explosives with me ?". He chuckled and ran into another car, pushed the driver out, and drove down to the abandoned sea where JJ and the team were. He got there only to find a blood bath. "JJ, what happened "? Higgins asked JJ. "well, we kinda won and we lost. Only John and I survived this attack. And the rest of the team..... Died. "Oh my goodness. Shit, how could this have happened? Higgins asked JJ. "I told you earlier, Chris has a lot of guys around and maybe one of them told him that we would be here at this Time. Look kid, I told you that Russia is the most dangerous country in the whole world, like they have a world war two atomic weapon that can destroy the whole world. And also, the weapons that the bad guys had were very dangerous. I'm thinking that they're from Russia" JJ said. "Uhh, duhhhhhhhhh. Higgins said. So, what are going to do ? John asked. Well John, JJ, we are going to Russia tommorow and we are going to end this once an for all. said Higgins. So Higgins, JJ, and John took all the ammo the bad guys had and took it back to the base to prepare to leave for Russia.