The Killer: Let There Be Carnage

Higgins, JJ and John got to the base and opened the box and they saw all of sophisticated weapons. "Guys, I've never seen these kind of weapons since I started this job" JJ said. "Me too" John said also. "Well, I gotta call my friend and thank him for giving us the ammo". JJ said and he went to make a phone call. While John and Higgins were in the room, Higgins phone was ringing."Take the call" John told Higgins. Okay, Higgins answered. Then, highs pick up the call and he heard a familiar voice. "Well hello there Higgins. Look, I don't have time for pleasantries. I called you for a very important reason and that is too tell you that you don't stand a chance against me. I know you're coming for me, and I'm waiting for you. You think you have what it takes to defeat me because if your little weapons and you two little friends, well Mr Higgins, oh I forgot, I never even got to say goodbye a few years ago. hahahahahaha, well here in Russia we don't want peace, we want violence always and violence is what you want right ? well, I'll leave that question for you to answer later, but for now I'll let you get ready for the battle you're supposedly going to win. hahahahahaha". "Higgins, who was that ?"John asked. "Chrisssss, John, JJ let's go. Higgins said. And so, they left for Russia. As they departed from the plane and they went ahead to the airport, they saw some guys who looked suspicious. "Guys, something doesn't feel right, I think we are being followed". John told the guys. "Come on, John, I need Russia is a very horrible place maybe that's why they are for allowing us maybe they figured out that we aren't from Russia it anywhere close, it we smell nice that why they are following us" JJ said. Okay, if you say so. John said. And one of the men who was following them, brought our a pistol and began to shoot at them. they ran as fast as they could; they were so confused because it was they're first time in Russia so they didn't know where to go. suddenly, they saw a cab which was open, and the driver stepped out to get something. So they ran into the car, drove ahead of the thugs, and drove into a small building. Guys, were are we? Higgins asked. Well, it seems like we are in an abandoned ICT control unit for the Russian Army. Ughhh, these computers are still New, key me see whether I can still program them. John said. "John! I didn't know you are some kind of computer whiz. JJ said. well, JJ I don't like to show off, you know? John answered. So then, John got the computers working again, and so the gang got back to work and started to clean the place up.

A Few Hours Later.

The crew got everywhere clean, John started working to make some gadgets. John was finally done with his inventions. " Bros, it took me less than two hours to make the amazing gadgets that are about to behold before you. even though I wanted to give you so first, but there's a saying that said patience is the key. so let me introduce to you the new gadgets I made. Higgins, can you please come, thanks you". so, pull out your hand, and then John brought out a weapon. He then proceeded to fixing the gadget in Higgins's . "Okay, so what is in your han not Higgins is called the sleeper

Don't worry, I'll explain, it's called the sleeper because it makes people fall asleep , with one shot in this body with his thing and the person will be half Dead. John said. Alright guys let me introduce you to done wireless microphones. these are used to communicate with one another. if you want to talk to someone, you will have to tap the buds and when you want to hear what the person is saying, you will let it go. I also saw some parachutes and bulletproof vests in the back, so guys are we ready to gooooo? John said. yess, the team answered. and so the team went ahead to load up and program more gadgets to go. Soo, Higgins, JJ and John tracked down Chris to an underground base. As soon as they got there, they saw a lot of armed men. "Holy shit, his are you setting wrist I'm seeing our is it a dream? JJ asked rhetorically. "Uh, duh we're all seeing it is not like we're going out something" John said. Guys focus, instead of us to be answering stupid and irrelevant questions and focus on the task at hand; Higgins said. Okay, so what's the plan ? JJ asked. Plan ? I thought you were supposed to be the leader of this team, so you're supposed to take responsibility of the "plan-making". so you should make the plan ;Higgins said. " First of all, I know I'm leader, gosh you don't have to remind me Everytime and secondly I'm not the one who usually makes the plan, the person who makes the plans is Zoey and she has a one way ticket to heaven by now, so I'm not really used to making these types of plans". JJ said and he took a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, Chris and his crew were busy thinking of ways to kill Higgins. "Ok gentlemen, what other ways do we have to murder Higgins ? We don't have all day, I mean anytime from now Higgins will be looking for me and I have to attack first before he does ;Chris said. However, as Higgins and the guys were busy arguing about who will come up with a plan, a pistol dropped on the floor making a loud sound. It quickly grabbed Chris attention. "Who's there ? I'm warning you. I have a gun in my hand and I'm not afraid to use it" Chris said. "What are we going to do ? is this the end, is this how things are going to be? Higgins sobbed. Pull yourself together, we are just getting started and you're already sobbing ? This may come as a surprise, but I have a plan. All we have to do is play mind games with Chris; JJ said. Okay, how do we do that ? Higgins asked. One word, stealth mode, remember our training. And so, the guys began to mess with the head of Chris and his gang. The men kept shooting at nowhere knowing that they don't even know where they were. Before you knew it, they were out of bullets. "You idiots, why are you out of bullets ? "Well, we didn't know that we were going to be attacked that's why we didn't bring enough Ammo". "Ahhhhh, I knew it, I just knew that something bad was going to happen. what I'm I going to....." Before Chris could complete his sentence, a grenade flew across the road and exploded, killing everyone leaving Chris the only survivor. Then JJ, Higgins and John all came out of the shadows only to meet Chris on the floor with an injury on his head. "Higgins ? what are doing here ? Chris asked. "I should be asking you that question, you know what JJ, John tired him up; it's story time" Higgins said. "You know you're making the worst mistake on your Life right now, sooner or later, my team of advanced technologists are going to receive a distress signal and when they do.....". "Oh, shut up, you know whenever I see your face, I see an epic fail, but let's keep that aside. Chris, you were my best friend back in high school and I did everything for you, you still went ahead to murder my parents. Look, I ain't gonna kill you willy-nilly, I'm gonna make sure that you get all the pain you deserve in this world, oh and everything you have; your wife, your kids, that's if you supposedly have kids, infact everything you have are all going to be torn to shreds right I. front of your cool blooded eyes. What you did to my family is an understatement of what I'm going to do to you. Now, I'm not going to kill you just like that, I want your death to be slow and painful one". Then Higgins brought out at pocket knife and cut Chris's pinkie finger off as JJ and John were on the look out. Ahhhhh, Higgins I'll get you for this, and that's a promise. Chris then groans in pain while JJ and John heard a helicopter noise and they went to Inform Higgins about it. "Higgins, we've heard some noise we think it's a helicopter and I think they are here for Chris". "Are you sure you heard a helicopter noise ? Oh, don't worry, i heard the noise; now where was I, oh, Chris one more thing, if you think you are a man, if you know you really want to kill me, if you know you really want to see me die and if you know you wanna be my murder, then be my guest. I'm inviting you to a duel between you and I same time, same place, No Holds Barred. If you think you have the guts then show up. Bye Chris, see you later. Then, Higgins and the guys ran out of Chris base, leaving him tired down while he sustained some injuries. So as soon as the guys got back to the base, they had a discussion regarding the final stage of their plan. "So guys, I thought of a plan while I was talking to Chris. Like some I know Chris since like for a very long long time, I know what he can do. You see, while I was talking to Chris, I looked him in the eyes and realized that he wasn't listening. Even his facial expressions are off point, which leads us to; Chris isn't going to come alone to that base, since I told him to come alone that one is us is gonna die either him or I, I figured out that since he wants to kill me so badly he's going to need some help". So, what's your point ? JJ asked. "My point is, what if three of us go there to beat up Chris and finally kill him ? like you guys will be hiding while Chris and I are fighting, maybe he will call for back up and he's going to bring mine guys thinking that's he's going to kill me not knowing that you guys will be there for me as back up. So, before we executive the plan, we have to be really geared up. luckily, I attached a micro tracking device and a k

tiny camera to Chris's body. And if I just just sync the coordinates to my server.... Aha, we've got him. This way will be more easier to find him and get our hands on some weapons. what do you guys think ? Higgins asked. I mean it's not a bad plan but there's one glaw in your plan. JJ said to Higgins. What flaw? hugs asked. Well, even though we've gotten out hands on some few Ammo, and we still need more, but how are we going to get into their base? I mean there are like a thousand security guards there. JJ said. okay, that's a very good question, which I can't answer. look, I'm only eighteen and I cant be stressing myself but I must avenge my parents death. please we will talk about this plan more In the morning. Higgins Said. yeah, I'm starving, so what's for dinner guys ? John asked. JJ looked at him and rolled his eyes. "JJ, I just wanted to say thanks, like no one has ever done this for me, not even my late parents. But I swear on my life that I must murder Chris and continue my serial killing career to fill the empty void inside of me". Higgins told JJ. "That's the spirit boy, you know what, I'm going to teach you to be a very good fighter" JJ told Higgins. "I'm already a good fighter". I'm not saying your not a good Fighter you are good, but you need to be the best. JJ said to Higgins. I'll be looking forward to it. So Higgins and JJ went to bed while John was busy making some extra gadgets for their final operation which they will call "One Final Beat".