The next morning Higgins woke up and he went to JJ's room. "JJ, come on wake up it's 9 am". "No mom, I dont wanna go to school" JJ was sleep talking. Higgins began to laugh but he held the laughter. He couldn't hold it for long, then he went to John's room and he busted into laughter. "hahaha, I know that if JJ was awake while I was laughing,I wouldn't have been alive by now, right John? John! oh, he's asleep". I better go whip up some breakfast, I better go buy some things from the supermarket,he said. JJ and John finally woke up and they were looking for Higgins not knowing that Higgins had already gone to the super to buy some ingredients for breakfast. Meanwhile, at the supermarket, Higgins was thinking of what to cook and he finallyade up his mind to make waffles. As Soon as he was taking some ingredients from the shelf, a guy came to him and brought out a knife and he told Higgins that he shouldn't talk, he should just follow him. little did he know that Higgins has a plan, so He decided to follow the man out of the supermarket to avoid any form of pandemonium which could attract the police attention. So, Higgins and the guy went out of the supermarket and into the guy's car. "Where are you taking me ?"he asked. "Didn't i tell you to shut up that mouth of yours ? "the guy told Higgins. "Okay, that's it" Higgins told the guy and quickly he pulled out a pic out of his pants, and threatened the guy that if he was to make a move, his Next move is to go to the cemetery. The guy tried to pull out a knife; "don't even think about it "Higgins told him. Higgins drive the car to a dead valley and he threatened the guy to tell him who sent him and why ?. "Okay, listen I don't have a lot of time and I don't like to be too friendly to people so tell me who sent you and why" he asked the guy. "I'm not going to tell you anything, besides telling you what sent me won't make difference" he said. Higgins brought out a knife and placed it right on his neck and was threatening him that he will slith his throat. "okay, I'll tell you, the person that sent me is non other than Chris, your sworn enemy" he told Higgins. "And you really thought that only you can capture me or hold me hostage ? When will you learn to be smart, I've killed hundreds of thousands of people and Chris sent o my you to kill me ? ha! what a joke! ". "That's what your mum said when she first saw you hahahaha!" the guy told Higgins. that's it! he said then he blew the guy's head off. "That traitor, I thought we made an agreement to tear each other apart ? Or maybe he's just scared. I have to go home so that the guys won't get worried. he said, then he drove off to the house. As Soon as he got to the house, he saw JJ and John gearing up with a lot of ammo. "Heyyy!, guys what are you doing with all that ammo ? you know we need it for our big plan" Higgins said. "Higgins, where have you been ? we've been worried sick about you. we thought that you were Dead" JJ said. " I was attacked by some dude, he said that Chris told him to kill me" he said. "bro, that's just messed up, I mean who does that ?" John said. "Okay Higgins we get that part but you've gotta be more careful because we are in Russia and Chris partially owns Russia tjat mwans he has a lot of people a roubf him; assassins, thugs, and so on. so Higgins, please be more careful" John told Higgins. "Okay guys, I get it, but I have something to say and what ever I say you have to make it happen ASA now"Higgins told them. Okay Higgins, what is it ? JJ asked him. "Wait a minute, we don't know if it is a trap" John told JJ."How dumb are you ?" Higgins asked him. "As dumb as your Mum"John answered. that's it, Higgins pulled out a pistol and blew John's brains out, literally. "Higgins! what the hell ? why did you do that ?" JJ asked him. "Like I always say, one question at a time, and if anyone talks about my mum or my dad I'm going to do the same and maybe even more. so what I'm saying is that, if you decide to talk about my parents in that manner, what I will do to you will be beyond imagination". "Okay, I won't say anything to you even to talk about your party I won't, I promise just spare me"JJ said. "Good, and I was just messing with you, hahahahaha, JJ, I never thought you could be as scared as this" he said. I didn't just kill John because he talked about my parents, gees, I'm not a maniac, I killed him because last night when I woke up to get a glass of water, I saw John going out the I window so I couldn't just leave him to go, I followed him. So, while I was following him I saw a guy with him, they were having a discussion. I couldn't hear anything, the only thing I heard was the guy saying that "Chris told me to give you this" so I was wondering why John was in transit with Chris. So, he was coming back and I had to run back home. So he saw me and he tried to kill me using an AK 47 I was so scared I had to jump into the bush. little did I know that the guy he was talking to was following him to assist him. Meanwhile, they were on the lookout for me. Luckily, I had a Swiss knife with me. so, I caught the guy that was following him and stabbed him. John noticed that he was gone and he went home to pretend that he was sleeping. So, I went back home too and I checked his room and I saw him asleep. And here we are, standing in front of of a dead guy". " Woah Higgins, I never knew ew that he was working with Chris, this means that he actually means business and this also means that you have this dark side that I always wanted you to have" JJ said. "Look JJ, it's only you and I that's left, tonight is the night, the night that Chris and I battle it out. So, I need all the support I need"Higgins told him. "I'm a hundred percent with you on this plan". And so, they both started to load up their ammo. It was already night fall, so they began to prepare for their stakeout. "JJ, I just wanted to say something, thanks for everything even if you or I don't come out alive...." "No Higgins, don't complete that sentence, of course we will both come out alive, I mean Chris won't even know that I'll be behind you as backup". Thanks man, we have to go before Chris thinks we are tardy. So they both went to to the rooftop of a skyscraper called TCR. Higgins told JJ to be on the 6th floor of the building that if he was ambushed, he will give him a signal which is the bird sound. "Seriously, bird sound ?" JJ asked. "That's the best I can think of. So he waited for Chris for like twenty minutes and Chris finally came. "What took you so long ? Higgins asked. That's none if your business;Chris answered. alright, it seems like you've been doing your homework more often. There's only one thing i wanna say to you; Less talk, more punch. So, Chris and Higgins began to fight and Higgins was dominating. Higgins punched Chris right in the gut and Chris almost fell down from the building top. "I can end you right now" Higgins said. So he left Chris's shirt and Chris fell down directly to the ground from a building that almost A hundred inches tall. "wait for it" Higgins said and he heard a loud thud. "I'm so glad I've gotten over this.....". Avast, Chris took a leap of faith and he landed on the roof top. "How did you do that"?. oh, Higgins, stupid but loyal Higgins. I founded out that you killed John and you brought your friend along with you, so I went ahead to get a few robot enhancements to my body, and now, I'm invincible,he Said. I knew it, I knew you were up to something that's why you are late. "khakha-khakha" Higgins made the bird sound. As soon as JJ heard the sound, he quickly went to the elevator and found out that the elevator had been ambushed. He saw some of Chris's goons and he had to fight them off. "uhh, JJ, where are you ?" Higgins said. I'm sure my goons are taking him down right now" Chris said. Ahhhhh you'll never get away with this. Higgins said and they started fighting. Chris was dominating Higgins because of his robot armour. "Ahh, I told you that I will kill you" Chris said. "Yeah, and I told you that your momma gave birth to you as a mistake" Higgins said. Them he kicked Chris, took a bomb and placed it inside of his armour. Then JJ came to the roof top and he saw that Higgins was badly Injured."Higgins! Higgins! are you okay? he asked. yeah, I'm fine. Just get out of here. Higgins told him. "but I can't just leave you, I mean you're badly... " I said GO". "Look Higgins, what I'm about to do isn't going to end well, but if it works I just wanted to tell you that I'll miss you buddy"JJ told him. Then, he attached a parachute to Higgins' body. He pushed Higgins off the building and he activated the parachute. "hahahahahahahaha, how stupid are you ?". "Stupid enough to tell you that Higgins dropped a bomb inside your armour and while I was activating the parachute, he gave me the remote, and now I'm going to take you down. "Ahhhhh, I knew this night wouldn't go as planned" Chris said. So Chris surprised JJ with a massive punch and JJ almost faded. He tried opened his eyes all he could see was Chris pointing a gun at him. "Any last words ?" Chris asked him. "Yeah, just wanted to ask you that did your mum ever told you that you're dumb ?"JJ said. Immediately Chris pulled the trigger, JJ pushed the button on the remote for the bomb. Everywhere caught up in flames. Meanwhile Higgins came to scene and the only thing he could see was fire. He got to the top and he saw that Chris' body was sparking. He was looking for JJ and he saw him in the worst condition. "JJ, what happened ?" he asked. I blew up the place; he said. "No you didn't, the person you were actually fighting with wasn't Chris, it was a robot. come on I've gotta get you outta here" Higgins told JJ. However, Higgins took JJ to the hospital and they asked him to pay $10,000 for the hospital bills. Higgins didn't have any money. So, he went ahead to steal from the bank. it wasn't easy because it is well secured with lasers. He went ahead and he stepped on one of the lasers and the alarm went off. Suddenly, he started to hear a siren. As soon as he could, he broke into a vault, took some money and he escaped out of the air shaft. Unfortunately for Higgins, one of the cops came in and brushed a bullet on his leg. "Ahhhhh" Higgins shouted and he ran as soon as he could back to the hospital. As soon as he got back to the hospital, the receptionist noticed the wound on Higgins' leg and she told a a nurse to admit him as soon as possible. "Noo! don't take me anywhere,I don't have enough money for my own treatment. Please, take this. That's $10,000, help me to treat my friend as soon as possible. He saw the doctor and gave him the money and he said "doctor, here's the money, please treat my friend. "I'm sorry Higgins, we lost him" the doctor told him. "you don't understand doctor, he's the only one I have, you have to save him"Higgins said. "I'm sorry, since you didn't come on time with the money, we were not able to save him. Excuse me" the doctor told Higgins. "Ahhhhh,". Higgins pulled out a gun and started shooting at everyone. He shot the doctor and the receptionist. He went into all the wards and shot all the patients and he heard someone calling the police. Before the person could finish his sentence, he shot him. He bursted into tears, he heard the siren. He escaped leaving the hospital what is now called "a blood bath". he went back to the base and turned on the TV. the first thing he heard was that "an unknown person flooded the hospital with blood this evening right here In Russia". he bursted into laughter, took a mask and went to the same hospital and oiled the reporter and her camera man.He then pulled the camera to his face and said "Chris, I know you can hear me. Look, I don't have a lot of time. I just want to say I'm coming for you Chris and I will not rest until I find you". he dropped the camera and went back to the base. He began to think of a new plan. he had no time to think about JJ because he had to kill Chris as soon as possible. "I know what I have to do. first, I'll infiltrate Chris' base and throw a grenade at them. them us the grenade likes all of them leaving Chris alive, I'm going to take him to the top of the TCR building and begin to cut his fingers bit by bit, when I'm done with that, I'm going to cut his ears, cut his toe nails, cut his ankle veins and then I'll be his brain out, literally. So Higgins began to prepare for the mission and said that he was going to execute his plan the next day. He then went to bed. He heard a thud and went ahead to check it out. He saw some guys placing a time bomb under his couch which read "2:00". He was shocked. The guys left through his window, so he quickly ran under his couch and went to deactivate the bomb. He was so furious, he couldn't take it so he chased them on foot. He took a grenade and began to chase them. He was able to catch up with them and he pulled the pin on the grenade and threw it at them. he tried to be dramatic, even while no one was watching. so, he turned around and "Boom" he heard a loud sound. He tried to picture the moment in slow motion. He went back to the base and said "if I want to murder Chris I have to kill Chris, I have to do it fast, oh, I have to find his location, thank goodness John attached a camera and micro sensor to Chris's body. So I can easily track him down". So Higgins went to bed and he awaited his big mission the next day.