The next morning, he woke up and he saw that he had a hole in his window. "ahhhhh, I'm not going to spare Chris this" he said. He then went along to eat breakfast, he then wasted no time to load up his Ammo. While he was loading up, four of Chris's goons came into the base and tried to blow it up. "What are you guys doing here ?" he asked. "Less talk, for fighting", one of the goons said and they began to fight. The tried to place a bomb in the base. Higgins quickly notices and the bomb. He then threw it out of the base, and the next building close to the base blew up. Higgins then shot one of the goons and he caught the other one and took one of his Swiss knife and placed it on his neck and he asked him who sent him. "I'm not going to tell you who sent me, I rather die than for me to blow my cover" he said. "Oh, so you are aren't going to tell me who sent you ? Alright, I know what to do to people like you" Higgins told him. "What are going to do to me ?" he asked. "Oh, you'll see" Higgins said. Then Higgins cut part of his throat off. "Are you going to talk now ?" he asked. "You're gonna have to do more than that for me to talk" the goon told Higgins. Then Higgins went ahead to cut of his fingers and his toe nails. "Ahhhhh, I'm going to talk, Chris sent me, he told me to kill you and bring you to has base so that he can skin and burn you alive" he said. "Oh, so that's why Chris bailed on our fight, he knows that I'm stronger than him. okay, I'm not done with you, look you're going to tell me what Chris is planning for me, and I'll let you go, deal?" Higgins asked. "Okay, I will but you promise to spare my Life" he said. "I promise" Higgins said. "Chris has a lot in-store for you. He's planning to make an omega weapon that can destroy the whole world. It's like a suction tube, but a lot bigger" he said. "Ohh, I get it, well there's no problem, because I can just pop up a teenage and bow that thing up bits" Higgins said. "I don't think that is possible. Because that thing releases a lot of energy when hit by an energy source and that can be also called a grenade" he said to Higgins. "Wow, I never thought that you were this smart, well I have to spare you because you have given me a lot of information and you've told me about this Omega bomb Chris is planning. ohh, can you be my partner ?" Higgins asked. "Well, since you've cut off my toenails and my fingers" he said. "hey, I didn't mean to do that, I didn't know that you are as bad as I thought" Higgins said. "Okay, I will be your partner. Only because Chris is such an annoying boss and i wanna be out of this war thing. I could lose y life because of it, but maybe if we work together, we can actually win this battle" the guy told Higgins. "First of all, it's not a battle, it's a war and secondly what's your name ?" he asked. "Oh, my name is Dave but you can call me "D-dawg" he said. "I'll stick with dave, and my name is Higgins" he said. "So, what's the plan ?" Dave asked. "The plan is; we night ff his base, try and get some ammo, load up while we are there and try to stop that machine". Higgins said. "Woah, we can't just infultrate his base just like that, we have be more stealthy, I mean there are more than 25 guards just at the entry of his base" said Dave. "Oh yeah, I forgot that John invented an Invisibility suit" Higgins said. "Invisibility suit" ? he asked. "Yeah, he invited an Invisibility suit. I think he invented about two of them" he said. "That's great, so we can just wear the suit and go there" Dave said. "Why go there when we can go now ?" Higgins asked. So, they both got ready to go to Chris's base. As they went there, they both overheard the guards saying that a guy gave Chris a tip that Dave had join Higgins's team. They were shocked that Chris could get such huge information at such short notice. "I mean, you just agreed to be my partner like an hour ago, how did Chris get to know that ?" Higgins asked. "I told you, here In Russia, Chris is a very powerful man" Dave said. So, they went ahead to take down both guards. They both went to the elevator wearing their Invisibility suits. They went ahead to the elevator to get to the top of the building. they saw some guards close to the elevator about six of them and they didn't want to throw down grenades or shoot at them but they didn't want to draw any attention to themselves, so they decided to use a manual way to kill them and that was to twist their Necks. They finally did it and they proceeded to the elevator. They went into the elevator and they went to the 6th floor and when they came out they saw some guards on the 6th floor. Because they were wearing their suit, the guards weren't able to see them. Both the guards looked inti the elevator and looked at theirselves. So, Higgins and Dave began to chuckle. Higgins twisted one of the guards neck and Dave was busy punching the other one. "come on Dave, we have to go" Higgins told Dave. Then Dave pulled out a Swiss knife and he stabbed the guard. They then went to the room were the machine was, but to their surprise but they couldn't find Chris. "Woah, is that the Omega weapon you were talking about? " Higgins asked. "Yeah, it is one of a kind, a team of scientists built it for him. And he paid them in trillions, not billions, TRILLIONS" Dave said with a smile on his face. "So, how are we going to stop the machine" Higgins asked. "There's only one way to stop the machine, either you I get close to the machine to turn it off. But it's dangerous, because the machine can actually suck the living daylight out of the you and you can die" Dave said. "Well, I'm willing to take the risk, as long as I can get my hands in Chris" dave said. "Wow dude, you really want to get your hand in Chris as if he did something to you in the past". he said. "look, o I want to narrate the whole story to you, we won't able to finish this mission, so I'll just summarize it; Chris killed my parents, my best friend and my co-workers. he killed everyone that I have in this world, well except you" he said with a tear running down his cheek. "Look Man, because of what Chris did to you, I have a new plan; you'll stall for me while I go and turn off the machine. Then while I'm done, we can both go and show Chris whose boss" he said furiously. So, what if you don't want if you don't make it while you turn off the machine ?" Higgins asked. "Then I guess you have to deal with Chris on your own" Dave told Higgins. "But Dave,...." Higgins wanted to complete his sentence when Dave started to shoot the guards. Higgins went ahead to confront Dave and Dave whispered to his ear saying that he should follow the plan. All of the guards were so confused because they were just seeing guns firing. Then Chris heard some noise in the control unit and he came out of the control unit, put on his facial recognition goggles and scanned their faces. Chris found out that it was Dave and Higgins. He took a grenade and threw it at them. The grenade grenade blew up and the Invisibility suit tore. Luckily, Dave and Higgins were able to take out all the guards. "We'll look who decided to join you Higgins" Chris said. "Me joining Higgins is none of your business were just here to fight and I'm not seeing any fists" Dave said. "Oh you're going to see some fists, by the time in done with you and your friend, hey! where is your friend , Higgins anyway?" Chris asked. "Ha! you're so dumb, while I was distracting you, Higgins went to the control unit to turn of the machine" dave said with a very big smile on his face. And suddenly they heard a loud thud. Dave ran as fast as he could to help Higgins, he went there only to find him on the floor. "Higgins! what happened?" he asked. "It's a freaking robot that controls the machine" Higgins said. Meanwhile, Chris was busy loading up his Ammo and he shot Dave in the head. "Dave! Talk to me, Dave! Dave!. Then Dave shutted his eyes and he breathed his last breath. "No!" Higgins cried with a loud voice. "No! you took away my parents, you took away my all my friends and I'm going to make you pay. "Boom" Then all the lights went off, and all Chris could see was white eyes in the shadows. The robot controlling the the machine had already been taken out by Higgins. "pow, pow" that was all Chris could hear. But Chris due to his robot enhancement, Higgins wasn't able to beat him. Then Higgins ran to the place where the machine was, and Chris followed him. He tried to switch off the machine but Chris held punched him and held him close to the machine and he asked Higgins "Any last words ?". "yeah, get a Life, loser". Then he kicked Chris and he switched off the machine. "Okay, I've switched the machine off. Now do you want to fight me like a real man or do you want to wear that amour of yours and switch on the machine ?" Higgins said. "I wanna fight you like a man" Chris said. "then take of the armour and let's do this thing" he requested. so,Chris tool of the armour and they began to fighting. But first, Higgins attached a bomb and he attached them on both the Omega weapon and Chris. Higgins fought with everything he had but Chris was still stronger than him. He tried to run away from Chris but Chris caught and he beat him up like he was garbage. Higgins's face was so brutal and wounded bit he still had the resilience to fight. He found a gun and shot Chris in the leg. "Ahh, I better call for backup"Chris said. "Oh no , what should I do ? I Chris calls for back up, then I'm done for" Higgins said. Chris later called for backup and within a split second, ten goons came Chris's aid. "Scared ? well you should be "Chris said. Then Higgins pushed the button for the bomb and "boom", the heard a loud sound. "Ha! I just blew up your machine" he said. "Yeah, but I don't need the machine to kill you. it would be more fun doing it with my bare hands" Chris said. "Then why are we still talking while we could be fighting ?" Higgins asked. He took a bazooka and shot all of Chris's goons. So, they continued to fight and Higgins was Flinged away by Chris. Higgins started to fade while his whole life flashed through his eyes. Then, he told Chris "I'm sorry" he blew up the whole place. He flew away by the impact of the bomb and landed on top of TCR building. The police finally came to investigate the crime scene and they found Chris's body and he was confirmed dead. They also found Higgins and they quickly rushed him to the hospital. He regained conciousness and he asked the doctor if he was the only survivor and the doctor said yes. He was so happy and he was finnaly discharged the following week.
A Month Later.
(Higgins moved to San Diego, California to continue his career)
"I gotta find a Job" he said, So he saw a sniper in action. And when the sniper was done, he followed him. Due to his assassin background, he was able to be stealthy enough to follow him to his base. "Mission Accomplished" said the sniper. "Nice, here's your pay" said his boss. "I want mine too" Higgins said. Then the sniper pointed a gun at him. "Hey, be careful, I'm one of you" he said. "What makes you think that your one of us ?" the boss asked Higgins. "Well I was once an assassin, until my best friend turned against me and I just had to kill him" he said. Okay, but you have to show us that your worthy enough to be on our team, the boss told Higgins. Then Higgins turned off the lights and collected the snipers gun and shot him. "Wow, you're Good! Tell you what, you can join our team and you can earn yourself a lot of money but you can die in the process of catching a bad guy" the books said. "Then I'm willing to take the risk" he said.