The Escape Room

Higgins was so confortable with his new friends. he had no trouble fitting into the team, until he was thinking that they should take a day off. "Guys, lets take a day off, I mean we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we need a break. he said. "Those who take the day off while they have a Job, are losers" the boss, Ray said. "Okay, how about since I'm the newest team member, I should pick not less that four people who have been working really hard on this team. How about that ?" Higgins asked. "Look Higgins, whatever I say, goes, and decision is that no one is to leave this place until I say so, is that understood ?" Ray said. "Yes Sir" the whole team yelled. Higgins started to get furious but he decided to keep his cool and he stormed out of the base. On his way back home, one of his teammates Simone followed him. "Higgins, wait up" she said. then she caught up with him and they had a conversation. "Why did you just storm put like that ?" she asked. "I didn't want my emotions to get the best of me, that why I just went with the flow and I left" he said furiously. "Okay, why don't we go to the café across the street and talk about this more" she asked. He agreed and they went to the café. "I just wanted us to have a day off, you know. Like, we've been working day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and throughout this time, we haven't even got a day off. I don't know why Ray can get easily angry" he said."look, the reason why Ray is so overprotective of us is because everyone in the team is very essential so he doesn't want to lose any of us" she said. "I get that he's so overprotective but we need a day off and I don't care if he fires me, I just wanted to rest off. but all I know is that im goin to that newly opened Escape Room downtown" he said. "I don't think that escape room is safe" she said. "Whatever, I'm still going there and I'm going to invite some teammates" he said. So he went home and he thought about what he told Simone. The next day, he went to the base and he figured out that Ray wasn't there."Simone, where's Ray? "he asked. "He went on a top secret mission and he isn't going to come back anytime soon, which is why he left Seth as the leader" she said. Then Higgins pulled Simone and asked her; "whose Seth ?" he asked. "Seth had being on this team since, life forever. He was even here before me" she said. "So, I was actually thinking about that day off" he said. "Higgins I told you he isn't going to agree with you and even if he did, you can't take it alone" she said. "okay then, I have no option than wait" Higgins said. "That's the right thing to do" Simone said. Later that day, Ray came back and he said that they all deserve a break just like Higgins suggested. "Higgins, I thought of what you said and during my trip, I kept it into consideration, and I've decided that you guys should take tomorrow off" Ray said. The whole team bursted into happiness and they were busy planning on were they should go. so, Higgins Simone, Charlotte and Mike all decided that they would go to am escape room. "Why get locked in a room ?"Mike asked. "Well it's not like being locked in a room, you have to look for some clues and get out of the room" Higgins answered. "I'm not sure I've heard about that Escape Room before" Mike said. "You know what, let's just go to the Escape room now instead of waiting till tomorrow ?" Charlotte asked. "Yeah, I think we should go now" Higgins said. they were already half way there and Mike and Simone couldn't let them go just like that, so they followed them. So, they got to the Escape Room and they were told to remove all their phones and weapons, out it in a box and take it outside. "Hmmmmm, this doesn't feel right, let's get out of here" Simone said. And suddenly, the lights went out. "umm, Higgins I told you we shouldn't come to this particular escape room" Simone said. "Ahhhhh" Charlotte yelled while something dragged her into a cave. "Charlotte!!!!" everyone yelled. Simone wanted to go into the cave. "no! Simone you can't go in" mine said while holding her. "I have to go rescue her before something bad happens" Simone said. "look Simone, look around you, what do you see ?" Mike asked while higgins's was busy looking for clues. " Nothing, I can see a thing, literally" Simone said. "then where were you trying to go that time, Higgins is busy looking for clues in the dark, imagine that" Mike said. Then Higgins realized he had a flashlight in his bag. he brought it out and they were able to see. "I new this flashlight will come in handy" Higgins said. "hey guys, come check this out" simome said and she began to cry. "Simone, what is it ? why are you crying ? Oh my God, Higgins come check this out" Mike said. "Oh my gosh! how is there blood stains on the floor ? I mean, when we got here there wasn't even a drop of blood then how ?" Higgins asked. "Unless, it's Charlotte's blood, what if she's dead by now ? what if the demon who abducted her is using her as dinner right now" Simone said in shriek and she began to take deep breaths. "Okay Simone, just calm down Okay. Look, why don't you stay here and Mike and I go and search for Charlotte ?" Higgins Said. "No! I can't stay here alone, what if the demon comes after me? she said. "We don't even know whether it's a demon yet, maybe it's a human being" Higgins said. "Or better still, a demon" Mike Said. "Mike, you're not helping" he said. Meanwhile, Simone was still scared, then Higgins brought out a tranquilizer and injected it into her arm and she fell asleep. "Now, since Simone is asleep we can go and save Charlotte" Higgins said. "But Higgins, why did you do that ? Simone told you that she doesn't want to stay here, she wants to go with us ? I mean, how can you leave her here all alone ?" Mike asked. "We both know that Simone has temper tantrums, and if she comes with us, she won't be able to bear the consequences" Higgins said. "what consequences are you talking about ? isn't it just a demon, I mean, we've battled with monsters before" Mike said. "Well Mike, monsters aren't the same as demons, Okay, demons are way more dangerous. Now can we please go and for Charlotte ? he asked. Mike had no other choice than to follow Higgins. On their way, they saw trails of blood. "Higgins, do you really think that this is Charlotte's blood ? Mike asked. "I'm not sure, but there's only one way to find out" he responded. They finally saw Charlotte and they went to help her. "Charlotte!!" they both shouted. They went to meet her and help her up, she was unconcious and badly injured. While they were trying to wake her up, Mike heard a strange sound, a scream. "isn't that Simone screaming ? Mike asked Higgins. "Yeah, she's the one" hugs answered. "Come in Higgins, we have to go and save her before it's too late" Mike said. "No we have to stay here and help Charlotte, I mean, she's badly injured, we can't just leave her like that, we have to stay here" Higgins said. "But she's all alone" Mike wanted to complete his sentence before Higgins cuts him off. "You can't go alone. let's help Charlotte, then we can go and save Simone, maybe she's just scared because she didn't see us. It's better we stay here because imagine if we go and the demon abducts is all, then who will save us ? "Higgins asked. Charlotte began to open her eyes and she requested for water. Luckily, Higgins had water in his backpack, so he gave it to her to drink. As soon as she fully regained conciousness, Mike said that they should quickly go and help Simone. Charlotte wasn't able to walk, so Higgins carried her on his back and they ran as quickly as they could. "Higgins! Mike! HELP! Simone yelled. "We're coming Simone" Mike Said. As soon as they got there, Simone was nowhere to be found. "Higgins, I told you. I told you that we could have come for someone earlier, but you said no. you decided to go for Charlotte instead" Mike shouted. "Hey man, you have to calm down, everyone is important in this team. I just thought that it was better to stay there than to come to her. and there was a high probability that we could have been abducted by that "THING". "Okay, but how are we going to save Simone ?" Mike asked. Then Higgins went was looking around for clues. He saw blood stains on the floor, hoping that it isn't Simone's blood. He saw a note and he asked Mike to read it while he attends to Charlotte. Then mine read it out loud; "Higgins, I'm guessing you've gotten my note. If you ever want to see Simone again, you have to come to the end of the room and face me. You can bring your friends along if you're too scared. Now, you have just two hours to come and save your friend. If the time I given you elapses, then you might not see your friend again. I'm not going to forget what you did to my Dad. Your worst nightmare, Lilly". "Who's Lilly and how does she knows our names ?" Mike asked. It's not a she, it's an IT. I don't get it, why did she call your name at the beginning of the letter ? why did IT say that you're IT'S worst nightmare ? lastly, what did you do to IT'S dad ?"Charlotte asked. Okay, that's too many questions, first of all, I don't know who Lilly is. secondly, I don't know why IT said I'm IT'S worst nightmare, and lastly, I hope Chris's child. "Who's Chris ?" Mike asked. "Chris is my old Ally and It wasn't easy for me to kill him. I mean, he had a lot of look alikes, robot look alikes, human look alikes and so on" Higgins answered. "I hope I have answered all your questions, now let's go and find this Lilly and end everything, once and for all" Higgins said.