Next day,


I woke up with a headache. I couldn't sleep all night. I kept on thinking about Alice. I kept on thinking about yesterday—she was looking so sad. I know it's normal for her to be like that. She usually thinks a lot, but yesterday was strange. I wondered what made her lash out yesterday. She recently went through heartbreak, and I know she regrets letting Victor in her heart, but that couldn't cause her to think this much. I remember the day she found out she was been toyed with. It was a painful day for me too, cause I had to watch someone I love cry for another person.


_[Author's note: This will have to be written in Oliver's P.O.V. because he is the one thinking. You may not get the full details, but gradually you'll understand...]_

I was talking to Alice when Victor called, "Alice!" He came over quickly and grabbed her hand. I noticed she liked what he did, and my blood boiled. "I have something to tell you, just come with me," he spoke enthusiastically. I was scared he wanted to ask her out, so I spoke, "She is actually busy right now, so can you see her later." She looked at me with pleading eyes, "Oliver, can I quickly go? I promise I'll come back quickly," she asked. "No, you can just say whatever you have to tell her here," I said. "Oliver, can't you just leave her and stop imposing on her," Victor said, trying to manipulate Alice. "I am NOT!" I replied sternly. I noticed Alice looking a bit excited, and I groaned in my mind. "Alice, do you want to follow him?" I asked her, and she bobbed her head in reply. "I'll see you later then." I finally relented. "Thank you," she said and left with Victor.


'Why is she not back yet?' I thought to myself. 'Or are they making out?' I shook my head. 'No, Alice would never kiss him, even if they start dating.' I kept on thinking about what things they could be doing. 'Should I go?' I questioned myself. 'No, I don't want to, I could see things that would break my heart, I'll rather stay and wait.' I kept consoling myself.


'Screw it, I'm going,' I thought and left for the direction they headed.


I heard some people laughing,

"p... please...please let me o...out."

I heard someone's faint voice.

"Awwwn little kitten is gonna cry."

"Nope! You didn't hear, she already started."

"I w... won't cr...cross your anymore so please let me out."

"No darling, I'm still having fun."

"I... I...I can't breathe _HICK_ I wanna get o...out of"

I couldn't bear to wait and listen anymore, I saw Veronica, Rachel, Sam, and Victor standing in front of the abandoned, old, and dusty storage room in school. They were all laughing like maniacs. They had no care, no remorse for locking my precious Alice in there. "MOTHER FUCKERS!!!" I yelled as I got there. Without wasting any time, I went to the door and unlocked it. It was so dusty in there. I saw Alice on the floor as she barely opened her eyes. "Oh no, she is not well," I heard Veronica. "I think we overdid it, let's leave," Rachel said, and they all fled the scene. I focused all my attention on Alice as she was not breathing well. "Alice, don't close your eyes," I spouted afraid. "Oliver," she called out to me weakly. I quickly carried her out of that room and went in the direction of the nurse's office. "Please't report them," she said as I was nearing the nurse's office. "Alice, you are not in your senses. I am going to report them, they are going to pay," I saw through gritted teeth. "No, please Oliver _HICK_ promise me," she was trying to bound me. Looking into her pleading eyes, I said "NO!" After going through a lot, she still wanted me to hide this incident. "Please _HICK_ Oliver, promise me." I had no choice; she was hellbent, so I said "I promise."