*Chapter 27: Rain of Terror*

*RING!!! RING!!! RING!!!*

They all heard a phone ringing, and it turned out to be Veronica's phone. Rachel picked up the phone and checked who was calling. It turned out to be Veronica's mum.

"Oh no. It's her mum," Rachel fearfully spoke.

"You know what, let's do it like this. Let James answer the call and ask her mum to come pick her up. Since her mum already knows Veronica is fond of clubbing," Mark suggested.

"There is no way we are doing that!" Rachel refused fiercely.

"Yup! I refuse too," James agreed with Rachel.

"What other options do you have?" Mark asked.

"Nothing for now, but we can think," Rachel said.

"Why did you disagree?" Mark asked James.

"It's risky, I could lose my job. They are minors and I know about it," James explained.

"Oh yeah. That's true." It dawned on Mark that James could really lose his job.

"How about I drive her home with her car and send a text to her mum on her phone to come out and get her in?" Rachel suggested.

"That's a great idea. Now can you get her out ASAP?" James asked.

"But how are you gonna get home?" Mark asked Rachel.

"Don't worry about me. I'll think of something later. Can you help me in getting her into her car?" Rachel asked.

"Sure." With that, Rachel paid the bill and Mark assisted her in getting Veronica out of the club. Mark and Rachel made Veronica sleep in the back seat of the car. When everything was settled, Rachel got into the driver's seat and drove off. Unknowingly, they went back the same way they came to the club. Rachel was once again driving the car with Veronica in the back seat, only that this time Veronica was totally unconscious. Rachel was really driving as fast as she could and Veronica's phone didn't stop ringing all the way.

When Rachel was very close to Veronica's home, she noticed a red Ferrari following behind. When she looked closely, she saw that it was Mark. She wondered why he was following her closely, so she searched for her phone with her right hand and helped steer with her left hand. When she found it, she called him immediately.

"Hey. Why are you following me?" She asked as soon as he picked up the call.

"Cause after you drop Veronica off, I wanna drop you at your home," Mark explained.

"You really don't have to do that." Rachel smiled.

"But I want to," Mark replied.

"Okay. Thanks," Rachel said and hung up without waiting for him to say anything else.

Soon Rachel arrived at Veronica's home and parked her car in front of the large gate. Mark parked a little bit far away from the house but in such a way that he could still see what was going on in front.

As planned, Rachel sent a text to Veronica's mum using Veronica's phone. After doing that, she got out of the car and made her way into Mark's car.

"Can we wait a bit? I want to make sure her mum comes to take her." Rachel asked.

"Okay," Mark replied.

They both kept watch on Veronica's car for two minutes before anyone came out.

Bianca was being careful. She didn't let her husband know she was going out of the house. She didn't believe Veronica would actually text her to come out and help her in. When she asked the watchman at the gate to open up the gate for her, she was actually surprised to see her daughter's car out there, but then she saw her daughter in the backseat of her own car asleep. She opened the back door of the car and tapped her daughter's shoulder trying to get her to wake up. Bianca wondered why her daughter wasn't waking up, she tried calling her name over and over, but Veronica still didn't wake up. When Bianca finally bent over to try and pull her out of the car, she smelt the alcohol. Her daughter reeked of alcohol and she was disappointed. Bianca figured out her daughter wasn't waking up because she was dead drunk. She couldn't carry her alone, so she went back in to get one of the maids to help get her in, leaving the watchman with her. Bianca didn't take up to a minute and came back with a maid; they both carried Veronica out of the car and took her in, but not without ordering the watchman to get the car into the compound silently.

Mark and Rachel watched the whole process and Rachel gave a sigh of relief.

"I am never letting that girl get that drunk in my life again," Rachel said, and Mark smiled. He started the car and drove away.

"Thanks though, for tonight," Rachel said.

"It's no biggie," Mark replied and smiled.

They were both silent for a while until Rachel realized that she hadn't been giving him directions to her house and he was just going. Not that he wasn't going the right way, but she was shocked, knowing that she had never invited him to her house before.

"Mark!" She called.

"Hmm." He replied.

"Have you ever been to my house before?" She asked.

"No. Why?" He asked.

"Then how come you are literally driving to my house on your own? Aren't I supposed to be giving you directions?" Rachel asked, obviously confused.

"Ohh that," Mark answered, thinking of an excuse to give her.

"Yeah so... explain." Rachel pestered him.

"I saw your house months ago, can't really remember... I have a family friend in your neighbourhood, so I was going to visit when I saw you close to your house." Mark thought well and successfully gave a reasonable and relatable answer.

"Oh okay." Rachel believed him, and he was happy she did.

Mark had actually lied to Rachel; he knew her house only because he had been stalking her. Mark had liked Rachel for some time now, so he had been secretly stalking her. He didn't even care about whatever happened to Veronica; he just wanted to support Rachel. He and Rachel had never been alone like this before, and now that he had the chance, he didn't have anything to say. He wanted to ask if she would go out with him sometime, but he didn't want to rush it. He didn't want her to know that he liked her just yet, because they weren't really close. The least they had done was participate in school activities together or have fun at their usual club, and that was all.

They were very close to Rachel's house, and it was time to say goodbye. The drive was awkward and short because no one had said anything. They each had their own thoughts.

"You can park here. I snuck out, so..." she didn't finish what she said because she had expected him to grasp it easily.

"Yeah, I know." He replied because he understood just like she expected, and she smiled.

"Thanks for today once again. You were really helpful." Rachel thanked him again. She knew if he hadn't offered to help, this might have been hard for her, and she wasn't ready to leave her friend alone for trouble.

"It's fine Rachel. You don't need to thank me again and again." Mark replied to her.

"I felt the need to. Besides, you deserve it. If you ever need my help... I am here,

I help in any way I can." Rachel said.

The formalities ended, and they said goodbye. It was a short and funny night, though, and for some, it marked the beginning of a new relationship, a relationship that was yet to bloom.