When Bianca and the maid got to the door of the house, another maid came and assisted them, taking over Bianca's place. So Bianca didn't have to carry Veronica but she had to make sure the two maids who were assisting her daughter up were as silent as possible. Bianca opened the large double door entrance and asked the maid to hold on for some time. She checked around the ground floor hoping her husband wasn't there. When she checked and was affirmative her husband was still in the study, she led the maids along with her daughter up the grand staircase leading to the second floor of the mansion.

Veronica's room was at the end of the hallway which is on the right side and on the left side of the foyer was the study. They had to be as silent as possible and they had to make sure Veronica's dad (Bernard) didn't come out of the study. The maids started to walk towards the end of the hallway along with Veronica. Bianca who was following them behind kept on looking back hoping that Bernard didn't step out of the study and catch them in the process.

"Ok ladies, we need to move like the wind, and keep those brooms quiet!" Bianca whispered.

When they had successfully gotten to Veronica's room, the door was locked.

"Seems like Miss Veronica had locked her door madam." One of the maids spoke.

"Don't worry about that, I knew she was gonna do this." Bianca spoke and brought out a spare key from her shorts. She opened the door and made way for the maids.

The walls of Veronica's room were painted soft pink and the furniture is white and feminine. There's a fluffy rug on the floor, and a comfy bean bag chair in the corner. There are shelves of books and a small desk where Veronica keeps her diary and does her homework. There's a medium sized round bed in the center with a pink bed sheet with flower petals drawn on it.

Bianca closed the door immediately the maids got in. She watched as the maids laid Veronica in her bed and ordered them to leave. When the maids opened the door, they saw Bernard coming out of the study. Bernard saw the maids and wondered why they were 2 coming from his daughter's room.

"Why are you two here?" Bernard asked.

"Uhm...sir we...uhm...we were..." one of the maids Kate spoke.

"Can't you form proper words? What's going on in my daughter's room?" As Bernard asked, he started to walk towards the maids.

"Nothing is going on sir." The other maid Julia spoke quickly, not wanting him to come close to the room.

"Then why are the two of you here?" Bernard asked suspicious. Kate and Julia kept on thinking of what to say, they couldn't come up with anything and their madam had told them to keep Veronica's behavior a secret from him.

"Are you two mute?" Bernard asked moving towards where they were. He was getting irritated by their actions and he wondered what could bring them up to his daughter's room this late in the night.

Kate and Julia were scared because Bernard kept coming closer with the intention of going into Veronica's room.

Bernard had successfully gotten to the front of the door but was obstructed by the maids who were looking down.

"Do I need to tell you before you move away?" Bernard asked. The maids knew they had no other choice so they moved away from the door.

Bernard was about opening the door when the door was opened from inside;

"You were in there too?" Bernard asked the calm looking Bianca.

"Yes, I was." Bianca replied.

"Why are these two here too? And so late in the night." Bernard really wanted to know what brought them all here and the maids actions really put him on the edge.

"I came to check on Veronica since she just went in the other time without even seeing us." Bianca was quick to come up with an excuse.

"And these two?" Bernard asked

"Oh I told them to organize her things since she messed them up again." Bianca lied smoothly.

"Then why were they so silent and unwilling to answer?" Bernard was obviously suspicious. He believed his wife but he felt like the maids were hiding something.

"Don't bother about them. It's just their usual stupid behavior." Bianca replied.

Bernard looked at the maids again and kept on staring.

"I didn't know u needed to give you an invitation to leave." Bernard said and the maids left immediately. He looked at his wife who was closing the door and stopped her.

"Let me see her, is she asleep?" He asked while entering the room. Bianca's heart skipped a beat. She had heard when he was asking the maids questions and she was disappointed they couldn't come up with an excuse. She had quickly removed some of the jewelry Veronica had worn and the wig and cleaned most of the make up on her face.

Bernard walked in to the room and went close to Veronica's bed but as he was about approaching her to touch and check on her, Bianca quickly went to him;

"What are you trying to do?" Bianca asked him as if he was about to commit a serious crime.

"I just wanted to check her, how is that an issue woman?" Bernard asked.

"Can't you see she's sleeping?" Bianca felt a bit guilty for doing this but she felt she had no choice and besides her daughter won't hear the end of it by tomorrow.

"I wasn't intending to wake her up, I was just worried since you said she had already gone to her room without saying hi to her dad." Bernard explained clearly irritated by his wife's behavior.

"Let's just go to our room. Oh right! Are you done with your conference meeting?" Bianca wanted him to take his mind off the situation as soon as possible so she can as quick to change the topic.

Bernard stared at his wife for a while before answering;

"Yes, I am done." He replied a bit cold.

Bianca knew he was a bit upset with her so she put her arms around his waist and placed her head on his chest since he was much taller than her.

"Honey...don't be mad at me." Bianca spoke ()

Bernard didn't reply her and just walked away from her, but this time he didn't go into the study but into their room which was on the right side of the study. Bianca followed behind but didn't rush to chase after him. She knew her husband won't be upset for long since there was really nothing to be upset about.


The following day...

At Unity High School

8:00 AM

Alice was dropped in school by her mother as usual, Rachel has also arrived school in her car, Mark had been in school since early hours, there was no sign of Oliver because he wasn't gonna be in school and Veronica, she hadn't arrived school either. How the day would go was another story to be told.