"Girls will always be girls. sigh*"

Leo hadn't intended to say that out loud, but some how it had slipped and before he knew it someone's ears had already picked it.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I don't appreciate being generalized or stereotyped based on my gender"

Knowing Chantelle, she must have definitely felt offended by it, she didn't even bother to hide her discomfort with that statement to herself and she was never one to be pushed down by anything. However it was never Leo's plan for her to hear him, plus, he didn't mean it that way. He had simply concluded that girls loved being dramatic, little did he know that, it would be more offensive.

"Hey Chantelle, I didn't mean it the way, I am sorry, it just felt quite absurd that you girls had taken one whole year to decide the university of your choice. I just felt this is girls just being dramatic again, I mean we all know that you girls always add a bit of drama to every little thing. I am not saying you in particular, just girls in general."

Leo had felt his explanation should be able to clear the misunderstanding. But, little did he know that he had only offended Chantelle more. Zoey and Monica didn't feel as offended as Chantelle did, so they didn't bother defending the claim. Mark on the other hand stay next to his friend, smirking. He knew Chantelle well enough to understand that she won't let it go easily. Though he had the same opinion Leo has of girls, he didn't slip up like his friend did.

" Leo! Not all girls are the same, and to suggest that they all add drama to everything they do is simply not true. It's important to remember that everyone is unique, and to approach each person as an individual. Besides Leo It did not take up a whole year for me figure out which university i was going to attend. It might have taken me a few months but it has nothing to with drama." Chantelle face palmed.

Mark decided to make a mental note so as not not forget that all girls are not the same. He thanked his stars that his mouth wasn't as loose as Leo's.Monica and Zoey now felt offended by Chantelle's words, at first they had felt Chantelle was taking it too personal, but now they felt like she was telling them the obvious difference between herself and them.

"..." Leo couldn't utter a word, obviously he was cornered by the way Chantelle laid it down for him, now he regretted having spoken his mind. A part of him was still going to hold on to the fact that girls were dramatical in most of the things they did. Well he would now put emphasis on most. Now the issue was; what exactly is he going to say, he's not like he was gonna admit that he was wrong but...

"Chantelle! I would like to apologize on Leo's behalf if he had said anything to offend you, he shouldn't have said that, but i don't really get why you should feel this offended. All he said was 'girls will always be girls.' So why did you take it personal?"

Mark had cut off Leo's thoughts, Leo was a bit upset by his friends interjection, but he's friend was also trying to help him against this smart young woman. Leo wasn't surprised by Chantelle's defense on the issue, which wasn't so much of an issue cause that's who she is, if she felt offended by something she was not gonna let it slide. She's definitely not a one-dimensional person, she's got a lot of layers to her. It's like she's got a different mask for every occasion, but underneath it all, she's true to herself.

"I felt offended, at first I just took it light but when he explained I felt insulted. I am not the only one that would feel offended but many girls would feel offended by that generalization too. It's reductive and dismissive, and it doesn't take into account the individual experiences and perspectives of girls. Do you get it now?"

Someone just really wanted to come off this matter and talk about something else, not some lousy topic. Zoey was getting frustrated and decided to butt in.

"I agree with Chantelle. Now can we talk about something else? Y'all just being boring."

Now everyone's attention was fixed on her, Monica and Chantelle bursted into laughter, they knew their friend well and understood that she wasn't up for things like that, Monica as well, but she was reserved and tolerating.

"Absolutely! I can definitely go for more quirky. Here's another suggestion:

"Hey, Chantelle, I'm sorry for being such a drama queen before! I realize now that it was totally not cool to say what I said, and I feel bad that I made you feel bad. From now on, I'll try to keep my foot out of my mouth. And I promise not to make sweeping generalizations about groups of people anymore. Pinky swear!"

Leo's quirky nature was at work cause the moment he finished with his apology all of them ended of laughing while Mark slapped his back lightly. Leo, just like zoey was tired of the matter and wanted to change topics, not that he actually realized his mistake but he only knew to avoid getting on Chantelle's nerves again.

"It's alright, you are forgiven." Chantelle said.

"Did you even have a choice?"

Chantelle treated Leo's question as rhetorical cause she knew if she answered they might argue. On the other hand seeing as the girls showed no signs of leaving, Mark decided to excuse himself. He started to think of where he would take Rachel to and when. He was determined to not disappoint his friends, the club wasn't an option cause it's a regular place.

'Or should I just take her to a park?' He pondered. He then decided that a park would be boring, taking her to a place where things won't be awkward and he decided that he would take her to an arcade, where they could play a lot of games. Having finally decided on where to take her, he decided to go to the library and read. Though Mark wasn't your typical brilliant kid, he would not fail any of his exams, especially the SAT and ACT tests coming up if he wanted to go to a prestigious university.

The rest of the day went by and it was finally time for school to be over for the day. Alice was in a bit of a good mood today seeing as Veronica wasn't in school. She wasn't bothered by anyone, not even Rachel. Though she knew she should stop letting them intimidate her but she was just to weak. He didn't feel like she could face them much less stand up for herself. She feels so powerless, 'what if i say something wrong and Alice decides to ask her parents to destroy my family. We don't really have anything, just that house that was even rented.' She pondered.

The rich have power and that's why she was struggling so hard to study and secure a very important that job so that money won't be a problem for herself and her Mother. Once she was rich no one could bully her anymore. While thinking about this, Alice had packed her bags and left the class room. She didn't even realise when she had gotten to the school gate. She was just walking with these thoughts on her mind.

That's when she remembered Oliver. She pondered whether she should go and visit him that day. When a taxi passed by she was about to stop it but she decided against it. She should probably just walk and save that money.

After walking for about 20 mins Alice had finally arrived Oliver's home. Whenever she got there she always wondered what it would be like to live in such a house, or if she would ever get to live there in her lifetime. Scratching out those thoughts, Alice decided to go in.