Skill Upgrading

Tang Lin grabbed the landing gears of the two assault helicopters. Faced with such a huge force, the pilots couldn't break free no matter how hard they pulled the cyclic stick.

The people in the helicopter tried to fire at Tang Lin, but Tang Lin was already prepared. With a wave of his finger, the people inside rolled into a ball. If not for the safety belts, they would have fallen from the helicopter.

Tang Lin carefully turned the two fragile toys upside down, and the helicopter's propellers stopped working. He tore off the propellers that were smaller than toothpicks and placed the two helicopters in front of Magneto.

The entire action was very gentle, as if he was grabbing two quail eggs, afraid that he would accidentally crush them.

Magneto watched the scene in front of him and felt intensely how powerful this giant mummy was. Although Magneto also could have used his own abilities to deal with these two helicopters, the giant only used his physical strength to achieve this. This mummy giant wasn't stiff at all. In fact, he was even more agile than ordinary people.

The shocked soldiers climbed down from the deformed helicopters and happened to see Magneto, their arch enemy. They were about to raise their guns and aim, but in the next second, the machine guns broke free from their hands and floated in the air.

The guns were turned and pointed at its original owner.

How could a few soldiers deal with the power of Magneto?

Tang Lin said to Magneto, "Keep them."

Magneto, who had just lost his wife and daughter, really wanted to kill them, but since the giant mummy wanted to keep them alive, it meant that their lives were still useful.

"Maybe they would be used as offerings!" Magneto associated all of Tang Lin's actions with the evil gods. In actual fact, Tang Lin simply didn't want to kill one batch after another. He wanted to keep them as hostages for negotiation and also to stall for time.

Tang Lin was still unable to withstand the power of the modern army.

Magneto reached out and grabbed the two helicopters. He then turned the wreckage into countless metal fragments. He reassembled the fragments into a metal cage, and locked these soldiers inside. Their weapons were all confiscated by Magneto, and they had no ability to fight back.

"What do we do next?" Magneto asked.

Of course, the next step was to wait for his recovery. Tang Lin's main goal now was to rehabilitate. The endless power that came from standing on the ground was healing his injuries. Perhaps it was because his feet were sunken deep in the ground, Tang Lin felt that the power boost in this world was more obvious than in the real world. In about half an hour, his injuries should be completely healed, and there wouldn't even be a single scar.

When the time came, he would tell Magneto how to change the past, after that he would be able to return. Although he might not be able to complete the mission, and he would not be able to obtain any skills by killing anyone, just the basic Wish Power points alone was not bad. He would transmigrate again, and again. Tang Lin was a steadfast person and did not plan to build Rome in one day.

Tang Lin couldn't let Magneto stop. He had just lost his wife and child. Once he stopped, he would overthink and fall into paranoia. Therefore, he said to Magneto, "Bury your family."

"Bury them? You said you wanted to resurrect them!" Magneto asked agitatedly.

"It takes too long, the corpse… will rot," Tang Lin replied.

The solution to the problem was to change the past, so it didn't matter how the corpses were disposed of. This was just to divert Magneto's attention.

Magneto frowned. After a long while, he said, "Are you going to turn them into mummies too? Can they only be resurrected after they become mummies?"

Tang Lin: "…"

Was his imagination that f*cking awesome?

Tang Lin was still thinking about how to explain when Magneto continued to make up stories in his own head. "If this is the only way, then I have no other choice. Even if they become mummies, they are still my most precious family."

Magneto walked toward his wife and daughter's dead bodies sorrowfully, and lovingly tidied up their remains. Then, he stood up again and walked to the soldiers. "Tell your officers to find an expert in Egyptian culture for me, someone who knew mummification. Send him over within an hour. Otherwise, I'll kill one person every ten minutes. If I don't see the person I want after all of you are killed, I'll destroy the entire Berlin."

Magneto spoke too quickly. Tang Lin only heard a few words, but he didn't care. It was fine as long as Magneto could get busy.

Although the request of Magneto was very strange, the soldiers immediately used a wireless radio to contact the military. This concerned their lives after all.

Very quickly, the German military received the news from the soldiers. They had all heard of Magneto's fame. He was a terrifying enemy that modern armies couldn't match. The hot weapons that humans were proud of would be countered by Magneto as long as it contained metal. He could be said to be invincible.

Coupled with the nearly 200-meter-tall giant mummy beside Magneto, destroying Berlin was definitely not an empty promise, but something that could be done easily. Therefore, the Germans could only agree to Magneto's request and start to desperately search for an expert in Egyptian culture. However, they couldn't find anyone at such short notice, so they had no choice but to ask the United Nations for help.

The threat of the mutants was a crisis for the entire human race on Earth. Various super powers had already made many plans against the mutants a long time ago. Now was the time to use these plans.

Tang Lin did not know that the world was undergoing a drastic change. He adjusted his posture and lay in the forest. Lying down was better than standing up for recovery. However, this simple action alone made the city not far away feel a slight earthquake. After his body size increased by ten thousand times, any movement would really shake the ground.

Tang Lin, who was lying down, felt comfortable. As he recovered from his injuries, he recalled the plot of the movie. This should be the plot of "X-Men: Apocalypse". Unfortunately, Tang Lin had never seen this movie.

As a high school student who had just graduated, Tang Lin had watched too few movies. Moreover, the X-Men series had been around for many years, so Tang Lin could only watch it on the website.

He didn't know the details of this movie. He only vaguely knew that a super powerful boss, Apocalypse, wanted to rule the world. He collected many powerful mutants, including Magneto, as his guards. Then, Apocalypse controlled Professor X and used his ability to control all the humans in the world, and he fired all the nuclear bombs into the universe.

Apocalypse had many powerful superpowers and could defeat most X-Men. Although he was killed in the end due to the plot, he was really invincible before this. From his mind to his body, he had almost no weaknesses. Once he encountered this boss, Tang Lin felt that even a few thousand tons of flesh would not be enough to defeat it.

"Therefore, the moment I see this Boss, it will be the time for me to leave the Instance Dungeon. At that point in time, I must not hesitate. Otherwise, I might be killed within seconds," Tang Lin warned himself.

However, it was simply too comfortable to lay on the ground, and Tang Lin actually fell asleep unknowingly. While he was sound asleep, a progress bar was added beside the "Stoneman's Heart Lv1" skill on the system interface. It was increasing rapidly, but when it reached 99% progress, the last 1% seemed to be stuck, as if the wifi had jammed and the bar could not be completed.