One Big Boss After Another

Tang Lin was leveling up just by doing nothing. His Stoneman's Heart skill from The Lord of the Rings seemed to have been stimulated in this world — a world filled with all kinds of special abilities, a world where the laws of physics are bent and twisted — such that it has undergone unusual changes.

When the progress bar reached 100%, this skill would grow to Level 2, or it could mutate into other special abilities.

However, the last 1% seemed to be missing some opportunity and had not been completed.

Tang Lin fell into a deep sleep, but Magneto, who was next to him, was extremely busy. His threat to the German military had brought about worldwide knowledge that he, a wanted criminal, was in Berlin. A few years ago, Magneto attacked a Congressman and a group of big shots in the United States and was labeled a world-class terrorist.

With such a huge commotion now, it immediately became front-page news.

The first to come along was not the human army that had just been humiliated. They were not stupid. They knew that the power of Magneto was not something that regular firearms could deal with. They were trying hard to think of other ways to deal with him.

The first to try to stop Magneto was his best friend and lifelong enemy, Professor X.

As the world's strongest telepath, Professor X could connect to the brain of any human or mutant in the world through the enhancement of machines. Magneto didn't have the protection of a helmet that blocked brain waves, so his brain was immediately invaded by Professor X.

"Erik, my old friend. Sorry I'm late." Professor X's voice sounded in Magneto's head.

"Charles, this has nothing to do with you," Magneto replied angrily.

"Come on, Erik. I feel the pain in your heart. I know what you've lost, but doing this now is definitely not a good choice." Professor X advised earnestly.

"Do you think you can empathize with me just because you have invaded my brain?" Magneto retorted with a sneer.

This so-called old friend would always appear only after he had lost everything. Then, he would talk a lot about life, but in the end, he still chose to forgive him. However, that was in the past. This time, he would definitely not be convinced by this person.

"Erik, I know you. You have other choices. There's no need to be enemies with the entire world." Professor X continued to persuade him. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to forcefully control the thoughts of Magneto.

"Of course I do. You've already seen it, haven't you?" said Magneto.

Professor X went into the memories of Magneto again and saw the giant that only appeared in fairy tales.

"Resurrect the dead?! How is that possible? Erik, you're making a deal with the devil," Professor X said in shock.

Tang Lin's mummy appearance was too deceptive. Even Professor X's first reaction was that it was an evil god, an evil ghost from hell. What, it was just a burn and you got bandaged like this? Who would f*cking believe it!

"Whether it's the devil or God, as long as it can resurrect my family, it doesn't matter. Charles, if you still want to stop me, I'll kill you! Now, get out of my mind!"

Magneto's roar made Professor X understand his old friend's determination, so he temporarily cut off the telepathic communication with Magneto. Professor X didn't want to force Magneto to kill unless really necessary.

Professor X tried to use his telepathic ability to connect with the giant beside Magneto. He wanted to figure out where he was from and what he wanted. If he was really an evil god, Professor X would do his best to destroy him and not let his old friend walk down the path of destruction.

With the brainwave enhancer, even if Professor X was far away in New York, he could easily locate Tang Lin. However, when he tried to invade Tang Lin's mind, he found that the other party's mental strength was unbelievably huge.

This mental strength seemed to be condensed from the will of hundreds of thousands of people. It was as solid as a dam, blocking all of Professor X's invading mental strength. If he tried harder, he might be able to break through this mental strength defense, but Professor X did not persist. This was because if he attacked directly, the giant mummy would definitely notice.

If he attacked before he was sure that he could completely control the giant's thoughts, it was very likely that the giant would go crazy, and there would be a large number of casualties among the humans in Berlin.

However, before Professor X could think of a safer approach, a purple light appeared around Magneto. It was like a purple energy shield that suddenly appeared in front of him, and then it dissipated slowly.

After the light dissipated, four mutants appeared in front of Magneto.

A mutant who looked similar to Thanos, and his three subordinates, two women and a man.

The Thanos lookalike mutant was none other than Apocalypse. He had just woken up from Cairo and realized that humans had already ruled the world. The mutated humans had become an inferior race. This was unacceptable to Apocalypse, who had once ruled the world. He began to assemble powerful mutated humans as his subordinates and prepared to conquer the world again.

The three beside him were the Storm, Psylocke, and Angel.

While the three of them were extremely talented, they were still far from the goal of conquering the world. Therefore, Apocalypse came to look for Magneto as he wanted this powerful mutant to join their formation.

When Magneto saw these people appear, he was immediately very wary and on guard.

"Who are you? Are you here to save these humans?" Magneto asked as he pointed to the soldiers who had been captured.

Apocalypse didn't even look at those humans. He said to Magneto in a fatherly tone, "I'm here for you, my child."

"For me?"

Apocalypse did not take Magneto's hostility to heart at all. "That's right. This world was once on the right path. However, humans betrayed me and caused this world to fall into this filthy state. My child, join me and let us cleanse this world together."

"Can you help me resurrect my family?" Magneto asked.

"Resurrect the dead?" Apocalypse was a little surprised. He didn't expect Magneto to make such a request. He wasn't capable of this, but he couldn't show it, so he changed the topic. "My child, that's not the right thing to do. Between life and death…"

"So you can't?" Magneto interrupted Apocalypse. "Then I won't join you. Get lost!"

"Haha, my child, that's because you don't know what I can give you yet." Apocalypse said confidently.

Among the many abilities of Apocalypse, one of them was to greatly increase the superpowers of other mutants.

Originally, Storm could only stir up a minor sandstorm to deceive. Now, she could summon lightning to change the weather on a large scale. Angel had one of her wings roasted by high-voltage electricity. Under the enhancement of Apocalypse, four brand new steel wings have grown out. As for Psylocke, her psionic light blade had also been greatly enhanced. It could now easily cut through reinforced concrete.

Apocalypse had his sights on Magneto because after strengthening him, he would have the ability to change the entire Earth's magnetic field. He could destroy the entire Earth's civilization and rebuild a regime that belonged to the mutants.

Apocalypse raised his hand and was about to use his strengthening ability on Magneto to make him submit to his power. Magneto was extremely guarded against him and had been on fight mode right from the beginning. When Apocalypse raised his hand, Magneto thought, "Your gesture is the same as mine. Do you think I don't know what you're doing?!"

Dozens of metal fragments flew out from that cell and cut towards Apocalypse's palm. Magneto knew that Apocalypse was very powerful and only wanted to teach him a lesson. He didn't intend to engage in a fight at this critical moment when he was resurrecting his wife and daughter.

Apocalypse was also skilful and bold. He allowed these metal fragments to hit his arm without any intention of defending himself. Apocalypse had a super self-healing ability similar to the Wolverine. When Magneto attacked him, it gave him a chance to display his ability and to make him understand that he was an undying god, making him lose the will to resist.

However, the palm that was knocked away turned around and aimed at a huge shadow. As the sky was a little dark, this shadow was hidden in the forest, so Apocalypse could not see what it was. At this moment, Apocalypse, who was still activating his strengthening skill, aimed his palm at this shadow, and the strengthening superpower began to take effect.

"Huh? There's another mutant here?!"

Apocalypse was puzzled. His enhancements were ineffective against humans and other flora and fauna, but this shadow reacted, making him think that his own people were here.

However, in the next moment, he sensed that something was wrong.

The energy in his body surged out like a broken dam. Strengthening this shadow was actually consuming a lot of his ability. In just half a second, it was as if his entire body was about to be sucked dry!