Step on It

Tang Lin woke up from his sweet dream. He was clearly lying on the ground, recovering, but it was as if he had a full-body massage after soaking in a hot spring.

However, just as he was enjoying this relaxing state, he suddenly felt as if he had an adrenaline boost. He felt his blood boiling and his heart palpitating.

When Tang Lin opened his eyes, he realized that his body seemed to be completely submerged in the ground. He was already covered in a thin layer of sand, and there were many low bushes on it.

Tang Lin was so frightened to be almost buried alive that he got up from the ground. This movement caused the ground to shake again, stirring up dust all over the sky. The people standing on the ground were choking on the dust, and Ororo the Storm Goddess had no choice but to summon a strong wind to blow away this sandstorm.

Only then did Tang Lin realize that there were a few tiny figures by his feet. One of them looked like a brother of Thanos. Wasn't that Apocalypse, the Boss he wanted to avoid just now?!

"System, system! I want to give up the mission and return!" Tang Lin called out desperately in his heart, afraid that Apocalypse would snap his fingers and bury him alive in the sandpit.

The emotionless system quickly replied, "Currently in a special state. Return not possible. Please check your skills interface for details."


Tang Lin didn't have time to check the system interface because the mutants under his feet had already begun to attack him. Ororo the Storm Goddess flew into the air and sent concentrated bolts of lightning toward Tang Lin.

Although Tang Lin's reaction speed was not affected by him being in a giant state, the speed of the lightning was not something he could dodge. The lightning bolts, which were thicker than Ororo's waist, drew a white trail in the air and landed on Tang Lin's knees.

Oh no, I got hit in my knee!cap

This was Tang Lin's first reaction, but in the next moment, he realized that he did not feel anything at all.

Oh, it was all thanks to the high quality of the patient gowns at the People's Hospital. They didn't cut corners at all. To Tang Lin, a bolt of lightning that was thicker than Ororo's waist was nothing more than a flash of light from an electronic lighter.

As for the originally thin pants, after Tang Lin became a giant, the thickness now exceeded 20 centimeters. How could such a thick cotton cloth be pierced by this tiny flash of lightning? Tang Lin didn't even feel numb, he was just taken aback by the lightning.

Ororo had yet to grow into a true Storm Goddess, so she couldn't summon real lightning that was several meters in diameter, Therefore she posed no threat to Tang Lin.

Orroro did not expect her attacks to have no effect at all. At most, it only added an inconspicuous black dot to the giant's white pants. In the next moment, Orroro heard a loud bang that shook the sky.


Tang Lin shouted at the Storm Goddess, shaking her until her body went limp.

Ororo felt darkness descend as a huge white object came down on her, enveloping her in it.

"You think you'll be fine just because you don't respond?"

Tang Lin had just grabbed the enamel cup and placed Ororo the "mosquito" inside. It was her fault for flying so high that she was already at Tang Lin's knees. Tang Lin just had to scoop her with the cup and cover it with a lid.

The surface of the enamel cup was coated with a layer of ceramic glaze. Although it was only a thin layer to Tang Lin, it was like a half-meter thick layer of pottery to Ororo. No matter how hard she tried to use her lightning, it was futile. The lid probably weighed a few tons, she couldn't push it open even if she'd wanted to.

After getting rid of one, Tang Lin turned around and wanted to flee. Otherwise, if Apocalypse attacked, he could build a pyramid with a wave of his hand and bury Tang Lin alive within minutes.

However, just as he took a step forward, he heard a crackling sound. He looked down and saw a wound on the leg of his pants, it was bleeding profusely. Another mosquito flew up. It was the angel with steel wings.

The sharp wings cut open Tang Lin's pants and cut a shallow wound on his calf.

"Bastard, these pants are public property!"

Tang Lin swung the toilet brush at Angel.

A huge sonic boom cloud appeared, and the end of the toilet brush instantly became shrouded in clouds. With a huge force, it smashed towards Angel. If it hit the target, no matter what steel wings it was, it would definitely be smashed into a pile of minced meat. Moreover, it would be minced meat that could not be cleared out from the bristles of the brush.

However, Angel was much more proficient in flying than the Ororo the Storm Goddess. With a flap of her wings, she dodged the attack of the toilet brush. However, the whirlwind created by the brush also sent Angel rolling far away.

Tang Lin was furious. It was as if he had seen a mosquito that had successfully got away after sucking blood.

The toilet brush turned and hit Angel again. This time, she couldn't dodge it. After all, she was not a real mosquito, and the shock caused by Tang Lin's toilet brush breaking the sound barrier had already made her dizzy.

She would be considered a really strong mutant to survive a sonic boom at such close distance .

While Angel couldn't dodge it, she was not fated to die. A huge stone pillar suddenly emerged out of the ground and blocked the toilet brush. With Tang Lin's great strength, he could of course shatter the stone pillar. Nevertheless, the stone pillar blocked the attack path of the brush and it brushed past the Angel again.

Angel spun dozens of times in the air and struggled to fly far away. This little thing was flying quite fast. Tang Lin probably had to run a bit to catch up with it.

However, Tang Lin did not plan to give chase. The stone pillar had just reminded him that Apocalypse the boss was still around. He had to quickly flee!

Before he prepared to flee, Tang Lin glanced at Apocalypse and realized that he was being supported by Psylocke. He looked like he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"What's going on? Who seriously injured Apocalypse?!"

Tang Lin was stunned. Wasn't this boss always strong and undefeated in the movies? He hadn't watched the movie, but he had seen some trailers. He had a deep impression of how he stood strong and undefeated .

At this moment, Tang Lin made an impulsive decision to take his life while he was down!

He stamped his feet and fled!

This thought was too overwhelming. Moreover, Apocalypse's current location was very suitable. If he did not step on him, he wouldn't be doing justice to his 200-meter frame.

Tang Lin raised his leg and stamped on Apocalypse with all his might! This speed was extremely fast, so fast that when Tang Lin landed, he created a huge sonic boom cloud. White mist wrapped around Tang Lin's huge foot, which fell on Apocalypse and Psylocke like an apocalyptic curse.

With a stomp of his foot, the ground sank more than thirty meters. The ground turned into water, and layers of ripples spread out, forming a huge pit, as if it had been hit by a meteorite. A large portion of the surrounding trees were blown down by the exploding storm, and the scope of damage went beyond a hundred meters.

Tang Lin clearly felt that his power had increased a lot. With the support of the earth, he had already far exceeded his limit. Coupled with the support of the huge size, even an aircraft carrier would be trampled into a discus.

Tang Lin was still worried. After stepping on them, he crushed them hard, worried that the two people below were not completely dead.

With such an earth-shattering stomp, even Apocalypse should die, right?!