This Is Way Too Realistic

Magneto had fainted and was buried under a pile of sand.

When Tang Lin's earth-shattering step landed, Magneto was too nearby and he couldn't react in time. When he saw the shock waves coming, he could only grab the cage that was used to trap the humans, and arranged it to form a shield.

However, this hasty defense wasn't very effective. Magneto barely survived, but he got buried by the sand. Later, Tang Lin continuously stomped his feet and destroyed the nearby terrain, burying Magneto even deeper.

It was only now that Tang Lin remembered to look for him. But how could he find him?

"Oh no! I haven't even completed this mission, and I have accidentally gotten rid of Magneto? I could even kill the person who summoned me? System, couldn't you have given the summoner some protection or something?" Tang Lin said regretfully.

The emotionless system did not respond to Tang Lin's ridicule and said, "The host's special state has been removed. Do you want to continue the return?"

Return now?

Tang Lin felt a little embarrassed. If he had killed the Summoner, would it affect his reputation? What if no one summoned him in the future?

Tang Lin said to the system, "Not for the time being."

At the very least, he should dig out Magneto's corpse. The least he could do was to let him be buried with his family.

Tang Lin closed his eyes again and tried to communicate with the earth, listening to the sound of the earth. Starting from the soles of his feet, countless small vibrations spread out, probing everything underground like radar. Tang Lin could feel the shapes of the soil and various stones underground, but it was not as clear as he had imagined. It was impossible for him to be able to sense even the earthworms.

The people in this world were only the size of a fingernail to Tang Lin. An earthworm would be the size of a mite. Tang Lin was not sensitive enough to sense even a mite, and he did not want to either. If his observation ability was so strong, how could he live when he returned to the real world and saw bugs that were on everyone's faces?

Even searching for Magneto's body was very strenuous for him. It seemed that there was still a lot of room for upgrading this skill.

After spending more than ten minutes, Tang Lin searched the entire battlefield and finally found the corpse buried underground. He squatted down and placed his palm on the ground, floating a short distance away. He activated his skill and a portion of the sand was sucked into his palm, revealing the buried corpse underground.

Tang Lin looked down and was disappointed to find that it was the corpses of the German soldiers and not Magneto. In the fierce battle just now, Tang Lin's kick had destroyed a large area of the ground, so these ordinary soldiers were naturally impacted.

Tang Lin manipulated the sand and sent the soldier's corpse aside before continuing his search.

During this process, Tang Lin also slowly realized the limitations of the Earth Child skill. First of all, the ability to change the terrain was very weak. The sand that he could directly control was only the size of his palm. It was impossible to mold a pyramid with his bare hands like Apocalypse did. It was far inferior in terms of accuracy and power.

Secondly, using this ability consumed stamina. Even if the Earth Child also provided recovery and healing abilities that were much stronger than the Stoneman'sHeart, it could not support Tang Lin's ability to continuously use the ability to change the terrain.

After just a few minutes, Tang Lin felt tired, as if he had been playing Honor of Kings for an hour.

If this ratio were to remain in the real world, Tang Lin felt that he would at most make a basin-sized sand table. After which, he would be as tired as a dog.

However, it was considered a superpower no matter what. As a transmigrator, he could not be too picky.

After a while of work, when Tang Lin was about to rest from exhaustion, he finally sensed Magneto's location.

Tang Lin hurriedly walked over. This time, there was no earth-shattering situation. He did not even leave any deep footprints. The power of Earth Child allowed Tang Lin to solidify the ground. He would no longer sink a few meters deep with every step.

As the distance shortened, Tang Lin also sensed Erik's location underground. He stretched out his palm over the ground, sucking away the sand. Soon, he dug out the mutant boss.

Even at this point in time, Magneto was still hugging his wife and daughter tightly. Seeing that he was covered in blood and motionless, Tang Lin thought that he was a lost cause.

At this moment, a loud rumbling attracted Tang Lin's attention. He looked up and saw a cool black fighter jet flying over from afar.

In this world, there was only one fighter jet that would adopt such a design that defied aerodynamics, all for the sake of looking cool, and that was the X-Men's mode of transportation.

The fighter jet circled very cautiously, a distance away from Tang Lin and did not test the army.

"Mr. Giant, I'm Charles Xavier. I'm Erik's friend. We have no ill intentions." A very gentle male voice sounded in Tang Lin's mind.

Compared to the emotionless system, this voice could be considered very pleasant. Moreover, there were no translation issues. Tang Lin could instantly understand what the other party meant.

"Oh, so it's Professor X. It's an honor to meet you," Tang Lin replied telepathically.

"Mr. Giant, you know me?" Professor X was a little surprised.

The two of them had only established a mental connection now, but Professor X did not dare to invade Tang Lin's brain. He had already tried before and could not do it silently. If he forcefully read Tang Lin's memories, it would definitely antagonize this giant. As such, he was not able to find out Tang Lin's background.

"Magneto summoned me to this world. I only know a little about it," Tang Lin replied.

Professor X thought that Magneto had told Tang Lin, so he continued to ask, "Erik summoned you because he wanted you to help him resurrect his family. Mr. Giant, can you really resurrect the dead?"

This was what Professor X was most concerned about. This matter sounded shocking, and he was most afraid of very serious consequences.

"I can't resurrect the dead for the time being, but I'll tell Magneto how to change the past. I just need to find Wolverine and Kitty Pryde and let them change the past again. Didn't you all change the past once? The Sentinel Plan that would have destroyed the world had been terminated."

"But that was to save the entire world, and Erik wanted to change history just for his family. I understand Erik's pain, but if everyone did that, won't history be completely chaotic?" Professor X said a little agitatedly.

"You can say that Magneto."

Tang Lin had been on various online forums and knew that this kind of arguing never led to anything. Therefore, he did not intend to discuss with Professor X such mathematical problem sums of killing one person to save ten thousand people.

"Where's Erik? Why can't I sense his existence?" Professor X asked.

Tang Lin looked at the corpse at his feet and said apologetically to Professor X, "He and his family will be together forever now."

"What are you saying?" Professor X seemed to be in disbelief, and his tone became flustered.

"When I was fighting Apocalypse just now, Magneto was implicated. This was an accident," Tang Lin said helplessly. He didn't expect to kill his summoner.

Professor X was silent for a moment before saying, "Who did you say you needed to find to change the past?"

And true enough, one's position determined one's views and behavior. This was too realistic.