Marinated Flavor

According to the plot of the movie Days of Future Past, the mutant–human history of X-Men was completely rewritten. Although Kitty Pryde would still appear, it was hard to say when she would appear. After Wolverine reversed the future, his future will departed and he returned to his original memory state.

However, this person's fate was even worse than before. He was caught by the perverted William Stryker in advance, and most of his memories were deleted, transforming him into a biological weapon. Looking at the timeline, he was probably still locked in a box at the special military base.

Tang Lin was still wondering if he had to rescue this person personally to save this mission that had already failed. However, after Tang Lin told Professor X about Wolverine's whereabouts and the details of turning the future around, he saw everything around him stop.

"Your actions have a profound impact on this plane. The world line is being corrected and is about to be forced to return. Countdown: 10, 9, 8…"

Tang Lin pondered for three seconds before he understood that his words had already given Professor X enough information to allow this bald big shot to complete the operation to change history. From this, it could be seen how determined Professor X was about resurrecting Magneto. He could handle it himself without Tang Lin's help.

Ah, what an enviable friendship.

Tang Lin did not plan to stay any longer. He had been worried that a nuclear bomb would suddenly wipe the ground out in this high-tech plane. He really could not bear the consequences. Moreover, he was still a patient in the real world. He did not know if his father had smashed the toilet door already.

"Let's go, let's go. We've already profited this time. Perhaps Professor X will summon me to fight Phoenix next time. By then, should I refuse or should I refuse?"

With some regret, Tang Lin grabbed his toilet brush and enamel cup and chose to return to the real world.

However, did he forget something?

The emotionless system would not wait for Tang Lin. After the countdown ended, he was sent back to the hospital's toilet.

Looking at the intact toilet door, Tang Lin heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that his departure had not attracted anyone's attention.

After checking his body, there was a little trouble. There was a wound on his pants and neck. Although it had completely healed, the blood that flowed out had stained his pants and bandages, and it was quite obvious.

If he walked out later, his father would definitely notice it.

Just as he was thinking of a solution, he heard his father knock on the door and ask, "Tang Lin, are you done? Are you alright inside?"

"I'm trying ok? Continue surfing your online forum," Tang Lin replied.

"How did you know that I was… You brat, did you use my account just now?!" Tang Zhanpeng was a smart person. He guessed the truth with just one sentence.

"Dad, I'm a patient now. Can you bear to blame me for such a small matter?" Tang Lin acted passionately, but his eyes were looking around the toilet, trying to find a way to solve the problem.

Tang Zhangpeng's love for his son was probably triggered. This handsome middle-aged uncle snorted and said, "I'll settle the score with you in the future."

Tang Lin finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard his father's footsteps getting further and further away. As soon as his brain relaxed, his high IQ once again had the upper hand. Tang Lin looked at the white cement wall in the toilet and had an idea.

Tang Lin placed his palm on the wall. The white ashes began to peel off quickly and condensed into a ball in Tang Lin's palm.

All the elements from the earth, no matter what they had turned into, were basically under the control of Tang Lin's superpower. He just didn't know if the plants growing on the ground would be affected. If all the plants were also affected, then humans and animals… Of course, it wouldn't work.

Otherwise, why would it be so troublesome to fight Angel previously? He could have just sucked her over and slapped her.

Tang Lin judged that this ability could only have an effect on dead things. Moreover, the more it had been artificially processed, the further away it was from its natural form, the weaker Tang Lin's control.

In the world of the X-Men, he could control the soil and mold it freely, but the white ashes in his hands now seemed very retarded. Tang Lin had to spend more effort to shape it. If it was stronger reinforced concrete, Tang Lin would not be able to move it with his current ability. He would at best only scrape off a layer of dust.

Tang Lin wiped the white ashes on his pants and bandages to cover the bloodstained portions. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt that it would do. Under the dim light, it was impossible to tell unless one looked closely.

After solving this problem, Tang Lin became playful again. He peeled off a small piece of white ash from the wall again and began to practice his ability in his palms. He had to take the opportunity to practice more while he was in the toilet. He wouldn't be able to have fun after he got out.

On the surface, the Earth Child skill only had one more effect than the Stonemans' Heart skill. In fact, the two were completely different.

Just like how Tang Lin was on the second floor now, but he felt that height had little effect on the skill. Even the cement on the wall was considered a part of the ground. This was the difference between Gold level and Silver level.

Under Tang Lin's control, the small ball of white ash began to change its form. Initially, it could only be molded into simple circular or squarish shapes. Slowly, it could be assembled into more complicated structures such as Rubik's cube, tables and chairs.

When Tang Lin was tired, he would take a break and let Earth Child's healing ability replenish his mana points. Then he couldn't get enough of this molding game.

As time passed, Tang Lin felt a special change in the white ashes in his hands. It was initially much more difficult to control this man-made product than natural soil, but as he repeatedly poured the power of the earth into it to change the shape of the white ashes, Tang Lin felt that the white ashes began to develop a spirituality.

To use a more specific analogy, the marinated pickled vegetables were now gaining a flavor.

A small portion of Tang Lin's power fused with the white ashes like pickled vegetables, making it easier to control the white ashes. Not only was his reaction faster, but the consumption was also much lower than before.

In order to confirm that it was not his imagination, Tang Lin peeled off some more white ashes from the wall. It was even more obvious in comparison. With the same amount of white ashes and the same change in form, the consumption of the 'marinated ball' consumed half the energy that the new ball of white ashes consumed.

Tang Lin kneaded the two balls of white ashes into a ball. After assembling them, this 'spirituality' decreased a little, nevertheless it still existed.

"This is interesting. In the future, should I carry a gourd to store sand like Gaara?" Tang Lin muttered to himself.

He 'coiled' the little white ball again and again, and the white ashes in his hands slowly became smooth and dense. Then, under Tang Lin's control, he molded it into Thomas Hancock one moment, and then into Tsunade the next moment. And then there was Mai Shiranui, Chika Fujiwara, Momo Yaoyorozu, Sanshokuin Sumireko…

"As expected, I'm so single-minded. I like the same type." Tang Lin sighed in his heart.

Tang Lin had completely forgotten the time when his father knocked on the door again. "Hey, it's been almost an hour. What are you doing inside? Don't be shy if something is bothering you. Which part of your body haven't I seen? We're all men. What's there to be afraid of?"

Tang Lin wondered if his father had misunderstood that he had fallen into the toilet bowl.

However, he had indeed stayed for too long. Tang Lin was about to open the door and go out when he suddenly heard a strange beep.

Tang Lin looked back in confusion and did not find anything amiss, but the beeping sound sounded again. Soon, Tang Lin confirmed that the sound came from the enamel cup beside the sink.

At this moment, Tang Lin finally recalled what he had forgotten.