Petting a Panda

The place where Tang Lin was hiding was a rather dense forest. Some trees reached his calves. The forest was large, so there were naturally many wild animals. Tang Lin might have trampled many of them to death when he walked in.

At this moment, there was a roar that sounded like a tiger to Tang Lin. However, with his huge size, there shouldn't be any ferocious beasts with low intelligence who would dare to find trouble with him, right? With what he was wearing, tigers and lions couldn't even bite through his pants.

Moreover, animals had a natural tendency to seek benefits and avoid harm. Ferocious beasts that had never seen humans rarely took the initiative to attack them, let alone a giant like Tang Lin, who would scare off these ferocious beasts.

However, Tang Lin's speculation — which he thought made a lot of sense — was quickly proven wrong in reality.

As the first roar appeared, as if in response, the roars of ferocious beasts came from all directions. Tang Lin wasn't bothered at first, but as soon as he lit the tree trunks with a lighter, he felt something climb up his pants.

He looked down and saw that it was actually a tiger. This tiger was much bigger than a fingernail and was about the size of a finger. To Nie Renwang, this tiger was definitely more than five meters long. Fortunately, The Storm Riders was part of a fantasy world. Otherwise, tigers wouldn't have grown so big.

The tiger was not afraid of Tang Lin's huge size at all. It climbed up by pulling onto his pants. Its expression was extremely fierce, as if it wanted to eat Tang Lin.

Tang Lin reached out and pinched the giant tiger from the bottom of his pants, like he was plucking cockleburs, making cracking sounds as he did so. A few threads were hooked out of the sweatpants by the giant tiger's claws. However, it was no big deal as this was a cheap product and Tang Lin didn't feel any heartache at all.

The tiger was still struggling with all its might, but its strength was inferior to Tang Lin's. It couldn't break free at all.

Tang Lin looked at the fire that was about to start. He wanted to add some meat to the instant noodles, but he was worried that the tiger was not clean. After all, it was not a Fire Qilin. Fire Qilin was covered in flames. There was a high chance that parasites and bacteria would be burned clean. It would be very unhygienic if a wild tiger was not cut open and cleaned.

Although Tang Lin was not worried about getting a stomach ache, he still felt disgusted, especially when he thought about how there was a pile of god-knows-what in the tiger's stomach. If he added it in, it would only ruin his instant noodles.

"Hmph, if not for the fact that you're a protected animal!"

Tang Lin placed the tiger on the ground and rubbed its head with his fingers before letting it go.

However, the tiger that had just escaped from Tang Lin's hand did not flee. Instead, it continued roaring at Tang Lin.

"Hey, this is too much!" Tang Lin was about to flick this ungrateful tiger away with a finger when he heard a wild boar that was not much smaller than the tiger ran out from the other side. It charged at him, then bumped into his Warrior brand shoes.

The collision broke the fangs, and the boar crashed to the ground.

"What's going on? Have I become the proverbial tree that animals crash into?" The tiger began to climb up Tang Lin's pants again while he was distracted. Tang Lin grabbed the tiger again and said to it, "Fat Tiger, what's wrong with you? Didn't you see a dead wild boar beside you? Why do you have to keep coming at me?!"

The wild boar had just died, and the tiger refused to leave. Next, a black bear came, roaring and charging towards Tang Lin just like the others. At this moment, Tang Lin also felt that something was amiss. These beasts seemed to be attracted by something. They even suppressed their instinctive fear and attacked a giant like him.

"Could it be… because I ate the Fire Qilin?"

In myths and legends, the divine dragon was the king of all fishes, the phoenix was the king of all birds, and the Qilin was the king of all beasts. Could it be that he had eaten the Qilin and was thus hated by these wild beasts?

Tang Lin put the half-finished stove aside and took out an iron pot and a bottle of mineral water from his backpack. He poured the mineral water into the pot first and put the tiger and bear in the bottle.

The two giant beasts kept scratching on the transparent plastic, but they only managed to leave some scratch marks. Although the wild beasts in this world were all huge, it was impossible to break through this plastic bottle without a superpower like Fire Qilin.

Only then did Tang Lin continue to burn his stove. He didn't care if he now had extra power coming from the beasts' hatred of him. In any case, these few beasts were mere toppings for his meal. Tang Lin was curious to see if all the animals in the forest were going to surge over. If that was so, he would be able to cook them all in one pot.

Ororo glanced at the two ferocious beasts and felt empathetic. If she hadn't agreed to cooperate with Tang Lin, she would probably be the only one locked in the bottle. No, she had been locked up from the beginning, except that it was in a cup.

She might have been a little unfriendly to Tang Lin just now, she should be more careful in the future.

Tang Lin was really not trying to make an example out of them. He didn;'t want to kill these beasts at all. If he couldn't eat them, he wouldn't kill them. Tang Lin was not used to such meaningless killing.

After burning the tree trunks with the lighter for a while, they caught fire, but the smoke was a little strong. Other people would light a fire with dried twigs, but Tang Lin could only uproot a tree. There was no way he could pick up dead twigs.

"Ahem, I'll have to bring some solid alcohol next time."

Tang Lin was a little dejected, but at least he started the fire and was boiling water with the small iron pot. After more than ten minutes, the water still did not boil. There were however several types of wild beasts in the mineral water bottle now. There were wolves, leopards, and other wild beasts that looked similar but could not be named. The bottom of the mineral water bottle was almost covered.

After Tang Lin put the instant noodles in, a wild beast that he didn't dare to attack, or rather, couldn't bear to do so, finally walked out of the forest.

An adorable and chubby creature that was black and white.

"Damn, there's a panda." Tang Lin was shocked. Was Wushuang City in Sichuan?

It was hard to say because the movie was all in Cantonese and no one spoke Sichuanese.

Although this cute thing was in an angry state and was charging towards Tang Lin, he felt that it looked cute even when it was angry, and wasn't to be feared.

Pandas were national treasures and had to be treated differently. Tang Lin did not stuff the panda into a mineral water bottle. Instead, he picked up the adorable meatball and placed it in his palm.

This fierce little guy still wanted to pounce on Tang Lin, but his head was pressed down, and it was difficult for him to move.

"Even in my dreams, I wanted to pet a panda. I didn't expect my dream to come true so quickly."

Tang Lin felt that his happiness level was soaring. If only this panda could be a little bigger, he would have no regrets in his life. He petted this cute thing until it was dizzy, until it doubted its purpose in life. The black and white bear, which had been baring its fangs and brandishing its claws just moments ago, was now lying belly up, as if it had accepted its fate.

Tang Lin then picked out a Blood Bodhi elixir and placed it in front of the panda.

"Gun Gun be good. Don't fight me anymore after eating this fruit. Go back and eat your bamboo shoots," Tang Lin said gently to the panda.

The panda sniffed it and seemed to know that it was something good. It swallowed the Blood Bodhi elixir in one gulp. In a few seconds, the panda's body emitted a large red glow, like a special effect in a game. When the red glow dissipated, Tang Lin felt that the panda's fats seemed to have decreased a little, and its gaze became much sharper.

After eating the Blood Bodhi elixir, the panda's attitude towards Tang Lin changed. It no longer roared menacingly . Instead, it lowered its head and rubbed against Tang Lin's palm.

"Haha, successful taming of the cat!" Tang Lin said proudly.

Just as he was feeling smug, he smelled something burning. He looked down and said, "Damn it, my noodles are burnt!"

While Tang Lin was engaged in a dilemma between the joy of petting a panda and the grief of burnt instant noodles, Nie Renwang had already brought Nie Feng into the residence of the Lord of Wushuang City. He did have a little connection with the Lord Dugu Yifang, but it wasn't necessarily a strong one.

Dugu Yifang valued Nie Renwang's martial arts and reputation. When he heard that Nie Renwang had come to visit, Dugu Yifang did not hesitate to hurriedly invite him in.

Hearing that Nie Renwang was here to deal with Xiong Ba, Dugu Yifang nodded slightly. He had also been a little wary of the World Association that was expanding crazily. Two tigers cannot share one mountain, if the World Association continued to expand and it would definitely threaten Wushuang City's status.

"It's just that Xiong Ba's martial arts are extremely strong. Even if you and I work together, I'm afraid we might not be able to win." Dugu Yifang said to Nie Renwang.

"Lord Dugu, don't worry. Apart from you and I, there's also an expert assisting us. If Xiong Ba sees him, he can only flee in a sorry state. We just have to stop him from fleeing." Nie Ren Wang said.

"Expert? You, Nie Renwang, are already a top expert in the world. How can anyone be more advanced than you, Nie Renwang?" Dugu Yifang asked curiously.

Nie Renwang thought for a moment, then said to Dugu Yifang, "He is indeed more advanced than me, a few hundred levels higher."

Dugu Yifang: …

Seeing that Dugu Yifang seemed to be a little hesitant, Nie Renwang took out a Blood Bodhi elixir and said to Dugu Yifang, "Lord Dugu, if you're willing to help, this Blood Bodhi elixir will be a thank-you gift."

"Blood Bodhi elixir?!"

Dugu Yifang had naturally heard of this divine item, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. However, Nie Renwang surely wouldn't joke about something like this. This fruit that emitted a dark red glow certainly looked extraordinary.

Although Dugu Yifang was tempted, he didn't show much emotion on his face. He said indifferently, "Brother Nie has come from afar. Why don't you take a rest first? I will carefully consider this matter and then give you an answer."

Nie Renwang did not doubt him. Dealing with Xiong Ba was indeed something that needed to be thought through. However, he didn't know that after sending Nie Renwang away, Dugu Yifang immediately ordered, "Go to the Soaring Cloud Cave and find out what exactly happened there. I want to know how Nie Renwang obtained the Blood Bodhi elixir and how many more he has!"