Blood Bodhi Elixir and Intelligence?

Outside Wushuang City, in the dense forest ten miles to the north, Tang Lin stared blankly at the instant noodles he had burnt. Should he eat this thing or not? It was really a test of human nature.

Although he brought two weeks' worth of food, there wasn't much yummy food. These instant noodles even came with sausages, so it was considered top-notch.

On the other hand, Ororo didn't have so much trouble. Tang Lin gave her a small piece of noodle, half a beef cube, and a slice of carrot… These were all enough for her to eat for a day.

Although most of the noodles were burnt, it was still easy to pick some unburnt portions.

Tang Lin was a little envious of Ororo. This little guy was really easy to rear.

Watching Ororo condense an ice knife and an ice fork and slowly cut the beef that was bigger than her head, Tang Lin sighed.

Just a little more than a week ago, Ororo was a thief in Cairo who stole for a living. She could pick up a bottle of Coke and drink it from the bottle. In just a few days, she was now using a fork and a knife.

Once could a woman change so drastically once a woman became a kept woman?

Ororo, who was trying her best to use her superpower to keep the fork and knife from melting, seemed to have sensed something and turned to look at Tang Lin.

Tang Lin quickly smiled at her and poured the burnt instant noodles into his mouth. Bear Grylls and Ed Stafford both taught Tang Lin that food in the wilderness was very important and must absolutely not be wasted.

After finishing the instant noodles in a few bites, Tang Lin didn't let the soup go to waste. He did not know how many days he would spend in the world of The Storm Riders, so Tang Lin deliberately told his parents that he wanted to go out to watch a movie. Tang Lin thought that previously, it had taken him less than ten minutes to transmigrate for a few hours. It would take more than two hours to go out to watch a movie. Based on the transmigration time ratio, it should be more than half a month, and should be sufficient time.

However, Tang Lin would definitely not stay for so long. Looking at the mineral water bottle, there were almost two layers of wild beasts inside, but to Tang Lin, it was just a mouthful. Once he finished the food he brought, it would be difficult to find anything in this world that could fill his stomach.

After eating, he packed up and continued to pet the panda.

Perhaps it was because the national treasure was inherently cute. After eating the Blood Bodhi elixir, this cute thing stopped barking at Tang Lin. Instead, it looked like it was saying, "If you feed me, I'm yours." It hugged Tang Lin's fingers all day long and kept rubbing him in different ways.

From time to time, she would call out a few times, but Tang Lin didn't understand what this cute thing meant.

On a whim, Tang Lin said to the system, "System, does the paid translation service include communication with wild animals?"

The system's emotionless voice quickly sounded. When the system did not register any keywords, it wouldn't react even if Tang Lin did a stand-up crosstalk. However, once a keyword was triggered, the system's reaction was like a prompt automatic QQ reply.

"The language translation function is targeted at all intelligent life forms. Other than some low-level lifeforms that couldn't communicate, everything can be translated. However, according to the target, the translation function consumes different amounts of Wish Power points. Communicating with humans consumes 1 Wish Power per hour. It's only effective against a single target."

This… sounded very cheap. One Wish Power point for an hour, and the hourly rate was not expensive. However, it was only for one target. In other words, if Tang Lin wanted to communicate with the entire world without any barriers, he had to pay according to headcount.

"What about this panda? If I want to communicate with him, how many Wish Power points do I need?"

"12 Wish Power points for one hour. Each exchange will be for at least one hour," the System replied.

Tang Lin pointed at the wild beasts in the mineral water bottle and asked, "What about these?"

"Consumption arranged in order, from high to low: tiger 33 points, leopard 33 points, gray wolf 32 points, black bear 28 points…" The system carefully read out the price of chatting with each animal in the bottle, without even missing the weasel.

"Hey, Gun Gun, you're a national treasure and yet you are actually the cheapest one?" Tang Lin couldn't understand. The system had just said that the higher the intelligence of a creature, the cheaper it would be. So this cute thing was actually the smartest among this group of wild animals? And it was so much smarter than other wild beasts?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. Black bears should have higher intelligence than pandas.

This change should be related to the Blood Bodhi elixir that this cute guy had just eaten. So not only could this Blood Bodhi elixir improve his physique, but it could also increase his intelligence?

In order to prove this hypothesis, Tang Lin poured out another tiger from the bottle. This tiger was the first to bare its teeth at Tang Lin. Its luck was good. As soon as the cap was opened, it was the first to fall out. Tang Lin picked a Blood Bodhi elixir and threw it to this ferocious beast.

When the tiger saw the Blood Bodhi elixir, its eyes immediately widened. The dignified carnivore pounced on the fruit with more force than a rabbit. After swallowing the Blood Bodhi elixir in one bite, the tiger's entire body began to emit a red glow. The tiger kept roaring at the sky, and its body became even larger than before. Not only that, but two bone spurs suddenly appeared on its originally smooth back, causing it to bleed profusely.

The bone spurs grew rapidly, growing flesh and feathers at the same time. They actually grew into a pair of tiny wings. Although these wings were very different from the huge tiger's size and looked like they were stunted, this was a fundamental change.

A tiger was a beast, but a winged tiger was a hero… No, that was a demon beast!

After the winged tiger ate Tang Lin's Blood Bodhi elixir, it did not continue to attack Tang Lin. Instead, it walked to the group of wild beasts in the bottle and flaunted its might. The winged tiger roared a few times, and the wild beasts in the bottle trembled and shriveled up.

After doing this, the winged tiger ran to Tang Lin with an expression that said, "Quick praise me."

"He's really become a demon." Tang Lin sighed.

At the same time, the system also modified the notification. At this moment, chatting with this tiger only required 10 Wish Power points per hour. In other words, the Blood Bodhi elixir could indeed increase intelligence.

Tang Lin immediately started doing mental sums: 12345 times 54321, what is that?

Hehe, it seemed that humans were indeed at the peak of intelligence. The flesh of a mere Fire Qilin had no effect on the intelligence of humans.

Tang Lin looked at the cute thing rolling in his palm and said, "It doesn't matter if you're smart or not. Anyway, you can earn your keep just by acting cute. As for me, I can rely on my looks."

Chatting was a little expensive. Even Zhao Benshan's performance didn't cost so much. Tang Lin did not plan to experience the luxury of chatting with pandas and tigers for the time being.

Tang Lin rubbed the winged tiger's head with his fingers and put down the panda in his palm. He was prepared to dig a hole for himself. No, a place to sleep. He had to at least dig a trench around himself. Otherwise, if these wild animals kept coming to harass him, they would be all over him when he was sleeping tonight.

What if a giant python crawled into his nose?

He started working hard with the shovel. The panda saw Tang Lin working hard and ran over to Ororo to continue acting cute. Not many humans could resist the charm of this cute thing. Even the mutant quickly fell for this. Ororo realized that she couldn't stop petting the panda and even forgot about practicing her superpower.

As for the winged tiger, it stood guard by Tang Lin's side very solemnly, looking loyal.

By the time Tang Lin finished digging the trench, it had taken nearly two hours. He was about to lie down and rest when he felt a tremor on the ground. This time, it seemed that a large group of people were approaching him on horses.

"What the hell? It's fine if wild beasts are attracted, but even humans are attracted? Is this the Fire Qilin or the mocking aura?" Tang Lin threw aside his military shovel and took out a secret weapon from his backpack.