I, Kuafu, Transfer Money!

One round of salt spray instantly killed this group of people from Wushuang City. It was easier than expected. Tang Lin had thought that if he hadn't been able to hit them or if the effect wasn't good, he still had pepper spray in his backpack. But he didn't know what the pepper spray's formula was. He had accidentally gotten some on his hands previously, and the smell wouldn't go away for three days.

Tang Lin was reluctant to do anything to the enemy that would come at a cost to him.

Moreover, it was cool to use a gun!

He loaded, aimed, and pulled the trigger. With a bang, he managed to kill. It was so satisfying!

After blowing away the non-existent gun smoke, everything brought about by the advanced latitude plane was indeed a mass killing machine. Perhaps even a lighter could roast Fire Qilin.

"Ororo, clean up a bit," Tang Lin instructed.

"Clean up? Did you want me to kill those who didn't die?" Ororo asked suspiciously as she rode on the panda.

'Ororo, you've changed. The ladylike vibe just now was indeed fake.'

Tang Lin asked Ororo to administer first aid to those who were not dead, but whether they survive would come down to their own abilities.

If this group of people from Wushuang City collectively had eight dou of good luck, Shi Wuzun would use up one stone (or 10 dou) while the rest would have negative two dou of good luck. Therefore, by the time Shi Wuzun came to, the bodies of the others would've been cold.

The sky was already dark and the weather was not good today, even the starlight could not be seen, but Shi Wzun could still see his surroundings clearly because there was a moon-like light not far from him.

It was a ball of light that looked even larger than the manor of the lord of Wushuang City. It was emitting a gentle moonlight.

Shi Wuzun looked at the moonlight and the giant squatting beside it in shock. He felt as tiny and insignificant as a speck of dust.

"This giant can actually pluck the moon from the sky?!"

If Tang Lin knew what Shi Wzun was thinking, he would definitely say proudly, "This spherical camping lamp is indeed a good buy."

This camping lamp cost Tang Lin more than 600 yuan. It could attain a maximum brightness of 300 lumens and illuminate an area of 15 meters. It was waterproof and dustproof. It could sustain 15 hours of maximum brightness. Currently, it was set at the lowest brightness and could last up to 600 hours. It could also toggle between red, yellow, and white light.

Ororo realized that Shi Wuzun had woken up, and a large amount of lightning had condensed in her hands. Shi Wuzun thought that this dark-skinned slave woman wanted to fight him, so he struggled to raise his qi and intended to execute the Gautama Divine Palm. Unexpectedly, this woman did not make a move and only made a series of beeping sounds.

When the giant with his back facing Shi Wuzun heard this sound, he turned around, still holding the strange weapon in his hand. Shi Wuzun remembered very clearly that it was this weapon that had spat out a large number of hail-like crystals, causing him to vomit blood.

"You're finally awake."

Tang Lin subconsciously rubbed his knees. Although the bruised area had been healed by the healing power of the Earth Child, he still felt a little uncomfortable. He continued to aim his salt gun at Shi Wuzun. If this guy still wanted to attack, Tang Lin would send him to his maker with one shot.

Shi Wuzun did not continue to attack. If he was in his peak state and if he had been well prepared, he could still have given it a try. However, he was seriously injured and couldn't even use his Qinggong technique. If he were to be hit again, he would face certain death.

Shi Wuzun pressed his palms together and shouted, "Amitabha! I accept my fate if I were to die in the hands of a god who could pluck the moon and the stars."

Fortunately, Tang Lin had turned on the translation this time. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to understand such complicated Cantonese.

It only cost 1 Wish Power power per hour to communicate with human beings. Tang Lin felt that he could give it a try. The effect of this translation was not bad. Shi Wuzun's words were directly translated into standard Mandarin for Tang Lin, without any local accent.

Thinking about it, his words would also become quite authentic in Cantonese, so that Shi Wuzun would not have any problems understanding. Unfortunately, such an impressive and awesome function could only work one-on-one. The system was still quite stingy.

"Acknowledge my ass. If you didn't attack first, would I have retaliated? I was just defending myself!" Tang Lin said to Shi Wuzun.

Shi Wuzun was stunned. From what the giant said, if he hadn't attacked just now, the giant wouldn't have attacked?

However, how could a normal person remain calm after seeing a tiger spirit and then a towering giant?

"Sir, who exactly… are you?" Shi Wuzun asked awkwardly.

He had wanted to ask about something, but if he spoke like this, Shi Wuzun was worried that he would be hit by that strange weapon again. That would be too wrongful.

"I'm just a passerby…" Tang Lin thought for a moment, then asked Shi Wuzun, "Have you heard of Kua Fu?"

"The Kua Fu who chased the sun?"

Fortunately, Shi Wuzun did not mention the other Kua Fu, an online ridicule. Otherwise, Tang Lin would definitely pull the trigger.

"That's right. I'm the descendant of Kua Fu, transfer money… No, in any case I'm an ancient giant. Under normal circumstances, I don't get involved with the matters of you mortals, so just don't provoke me for no reason."

Tang Lin felt that it was time for him to set up a persona. After all, he still had to transmigrate many times in the future. The Kua Fu persona was quite impressive and suited his identity as a giant.

"Under normal circumstances? Why did you come to Wushuang City?" Shi Wuzun continued to ask.

Originally, he didn't wish to explain too much to Shi Wuzun, but Tang Lin thought that it was not a bad idea to have more people on his side when fighting Xiong Ba, so he said to Shi Wuzun, "Xiong Ba's behavior is perverse and against the laws of nature. I came to this world to kill him."

"Xiong Ba?!"

Shi Wuzun was shocked. Although Xiong Ba had been in the limelight recently, Shi Wuzun only saw him as an enemy of Wushuang City. What did this person do to make the gods attack him? Did he use the living to cultivate his power, or did he use the people's blood as sacrifice?

Tang Lin's words caused his impression of Xiong Ba to rise from an ambitious and ruthless hero to a Giant of the Demon Path.

Shi Wuzun already believed in Tang Lin's identity. This huge body was the best proof. If anyone said that Tang Lin wasn't a descendant of Kua Fu, Shi Wuzun would directly spit on his face. If he wasn't a mythical giant, what could he have eaten to grow so big?

"If you are willing to help to deal with Xiong Ba, I will repay you." Tang Lin opened his palms and a ball of grayish-white air wrapped around a blood-red fruit landed in front of Shi Wuzun.

There were still more than a hundred Blood Bodhi elixirs. If Shi Wuzun could join the team, it wouldn't be a problem to give him one.

Seeing this scene, Shi Wuzun was even more certain of Tang Lin's identity. This was not martial arts at all, but an immortal art.

"Is this the Blood Bodhi elixir?" Shi Wuzun looked at the red fruit and asked.

"That's right, it is the Blood Bodhi elixir. If you help me deal with Xiong Ba, this will be your thank you gift." Tang Lin said to Shi Wuzun.

Shi Wuzun roughly understood where Nie Renwang's Blood Bodhi elixir came from. He should have met this Kua Fu Giant long ago and joined the crusade against Xiong Ba.

Since the giant was able to take out so many Blood Bodhi elixirs, the Fire Qilin in the Soaring Cloud Cave must have been killed by the giant. It was a pleasant surprise that he had heard the news not long after he left Wushuang City. As for the group of Wushuang City warriors who accompanied him, it was just too bad.

However, it didn't matter, live by the sword, die by the sword. Before Shi Wuzun became a monk, he had also made a living by the sword. He would chant the Amitabha Rebirth Mantra for these perished warriors later.

As for joining forces against Xiong Ba, Shi Wuzun said to Tang Lin, "This matter is of utmost importance. I will report back to the Lord of Wushuang City before I get back to you."

After saying this, Shi Wuzun didn't stay any longer and went away injured.

Tang Lin didn't stop him. Shi Wuzun could only be considered to be additional insurance for killing Xiong Ba. It would be a bonus if this worked out, and if this didn't work out, it didn't matter either. Tang Lin wasn't afraid that he would bring people back to seek revenge either. With the salt gun in hand, he had the world under his feet! Moreover, if Tang Lin wanted to run, no one in this world would be able to catch up.

After letting Shi Wuzun leave, Tang Lin faced an important problem—how should he sleep tonight?

This was the first time he was sleeping out in the wild and Tang Lin was still a little nervous.

After laying out the sleeping bag in the trench he dug, Tang Lin crawled in without changing his clothes. However, before he fell asleep, he saw Ororo's lonely back view in the cold night and said to her, "Do you want to come in too? I promise I won't touch you."