Dugu Yifang's Plan

Of course, Ororo had no intention of crawling under the blanket with Tang Lin. It was not that she was worried that Tang Lin would get frisky with her. With their difference in size, Tang Lin didn't have the ability even if he wanted to.

Ororo was afraid that Tang Lin would change his posture in the middle of the night and she would be crushed to death. That would be such an unjust death.

Tang Lin had no intention of forcing her. A piece of tissue paper was enough for Ororo to use as a bed and blanket. However, Ororo didn't expect that after managing to avoid Tang Lin, she couldn't avoid the clingy fatso — the panda crawled into her bed in the middle of the night.

The winged tiger scoffed at this behavior of wheedling and acting cute. It stayed by Tang Lin's side loyally that night. Thanks to this demonic tiger, Tang Lin released all those ferocious beasts.

However, some of them were also killed by other wild beasts in the bottle. Those who survived were taught a lesson by the demonic tiger. They could only flee with tails between their legs.

That night, Tang Lin slept pretty well. He had imagined that he would be tossing and turning in bed, but that didn't happen. Instead, he slept exceptionally soundly because of the effect of the Earth Child skill.

However, compared to Tang Lin, many people were sleepless in Wushuang City. Shi Wuzun went back to Wushuang City heavily injured, giving Dugu Yifang a fright. Shi Wuzun was extremely skilled in martial arts and in Wushuang City, only Dugu Yifang was slightly more skilled than thim. He had only been out for only a few days, but he had actually returned with serious injuries, while none of the people with him had survived. What kind of powerful enemy had he encountered?

Shi Wuzun didn't even bother to heal his wounds before he told Dugu Yifang everything he had encountered in the forest. Dugu Yifang was very shocked when he first heard it. How could there be a giant in this world that was 300 meters tall? However, Shi Wu Zun spoke with certainty and mentioned the Blood Bodhi elixir at the same time.

"According to what you said, the Blood Bodhi elixir in Nie Renwang's hands was also given to him by this giant?" Dugu Yifang didn't care about any myths and legends. What he really cared about was the Blood Bodhi elixir. This was a divine object that could greatly increase one's power. Nie Renwang's martial arts were at most slightly higher than his, but this time, Dugu Yifang vaguely felt that he was far inferior to Nie Renwang.

"That Kua Fu giant hoped that we could help him deal with Xiong Ba. If we succeeded, he would give us a Blood Bodhi elixir as a reward," Shi Wuzun said.

"Reward? Then he should have more than one Blood Bodhi elixir in his hands. If it's really as you said, Fire Qilin might really have been killed by this giant. The Blood Bodhi elixirs in the Soaring Cloud Cave have also been taken away by this giant," Dugu Yifang said after some thought.

"City Lord, do you mean to agree to cooperate with the giant?" Dao Seeking asked.

"Hehe, what's the point of working with the giant? Even if we help him kill Xiong Ba, how many Blood Bodhi elixirs can he give us? One or two? But if we kill this giant, all his Blood Bodhi elixirs will be ours." Dugu Yifang sneered.

"City Lord, this giant is not easy to deal with. The nine experts of Wushuang City couldn't even retaliate against the giant's weapon. I was also severely injured in one move. Even if Wushuang City mobilizes all its forces, we might not be able to kill this giant. Moreover, it's beneficial to both sides. Xiong Ba is a formidable person. If we make use of the giant to kill this opponent, it will also be beneficial to Wushuang City." Shi Wuzun advised Dugu Yifang.

However, Dugu Yifang didn't think much of it. He hadn't witnessed Tang Lin's power with his own eyes, so he naturally didn't believe what Shi Wuzun said about the giant's ability to pluck the moon and take the stars. If he was really so powerful, why would he need anyone's help to kill Xiong Ba?

Moreover, what was Xiong Ba? The current World Association was just a rising star, it wasn't worth mentioning compared to Wushuang City.

Xiong Ba's true rise came about after he adopted Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun. With the combined luck of the two, the entire World Association rose to become the number one sect in the world. Feng and Yun helped Xiong Ba overcome many difficulties and got rid of many opponents.

However, that was something that would happen more than ten years later. The current Xiong Ba was far from reaching this level, so Dugu Yifang did not take it to heart. It was precisely because of his disdain for Xiong Ba that Dugu Yifang also despised Tang Lin.

However, Shi Wuzun was his right-hand man. Since he said that this giant was so powerful, there was naturally something extraordinary about him. If he directly used Wushuang City's resources to kill the giant, he would probably suffer heavy losses too.

After thinking for a moment, Dugu Yifang said to Shi Wuzun, "Go and recuperate first. I will find someone to contact that giant. We can work together to kill Xiong Ba."

When Shi Wuzun heard that Dugu Yifang had relented, he also felt relieved. He knew how powerful Tang Lin was. He really didn't want Dugu Yifang to go against such a god. That would be courting death.

After Shi Wuzun left, Dugu Yifang quickly took out his stationery and wrote two letters at the fastest speed. Following which, he ordered the servants, "Here are two letters, send this to Xiong Ba. Send the other letter to Sword Hut, it is for my elder brother, Dugu Jian."

After the servants left, Dugu Yifang revealed a smug smile. This was a heaven-sent opportunity to make Wushuang City the number one city in the world.

Time passed quickly. Tang Lin had been surviving in the wilderness outside Wushuang City for two days and felt like he was covered in dirt. Camping in the wild was a little novel at first. However, when he woke up the next day, no amount of novelty could compare to the depression brought about by the lack of signal on his cell phone.

Not being able to play with his cell phone, and facing this primitive forest, Tang Lin felt that apart from petting the panda and practicing his earth control ability, there was nothing else he could do.

Just as he was feeling bored, a messenger from Wushuang City finally arrived.

However, it was not Shi Wuzun who came this time. Instead, another group of warriors was sent. With the horrifying experience of the previous time, Tang Lin didn't show his face this time. He stayed far away and only let Ororo go and meet these people from Wushuang City.

This was because the people of Wushuang City might attack again out of fear.

For this, Tang Lin even reluctantly spent two Wish Power points to exchange for the translation function so that Ororo could communicate with the people of Wushuang City.

Through Ororo, Tang Lin found out that Wushuang City had agreed to help him kill Xiong Ba. At the same time, Dugu Yifang had sent a letter to Xiong Ba, informing that he would head to the World Association to discuss a collaboration with him. When the time came, Dugu Yifang would bring the elites of Wushuang City to the World Association, while Tang Lin would come with Nie Renwang. They would then take the opportunity to kill Xiong Ba.

This plan sounded perfect.

Tang Lin didn't mind going to Xiong Ba's territory. With the salt gun and pepper spray in hand, he was not afraid of the underlings of the World Association. The only thing he was worried about was whether Dugu Yifang, Nie Renwang, and an injured Shi Wuzun, could hold back Xiong Ba.

If he ran away again, it would be difficult for Tang Lin to track him down in such a vast world.

However, as Tang Lin couldn't think of a better way, he followed this plan. At this moment, the people of Wushuang City were already prepared to set off. Tang Lin's speed was much faster than theirs, so he could set off with Nie Renwang a few days later.

When Tang Lin, who had nothing to do, saw Nie Renwang return, he asked him, "You said you would use the Six Arts of Proud Frost in exchange for Xiong Ba's life. Can you teach me first?"