Chapter 189: 3000

"This is the first time in thousands of years that I've held hands with someone, but I found it didn't feel particularly special."

After Xinghe and Gao Yuan left the meeting room hand in hand, the guards outside all subtly turned their heads to avoid seeing what they shouldn't.

Xinghe laughed happily, shaking Gao Yuan's hand, and said, "But, I'm really happy inside."

Gao Yuan couldn't help but say, "Xinghe, have you noticed that your behavior is becoming more and more childish?"

Xinghe blinked and replied, "Really? I haven't noticed. I'm just very happy, does happiness make one childish?"

What is this, innocence and naivety?

Gao Yuan sighed inwardly, then decided to speak his mind directly to avoid future difficulties in getting along.

"Tell me, do you like me, like in a romantic way between a man and a woman? You now understand Earth's culture quite well, so don't play dumb with me just because you're an alien and... and feign ignorance."

Xinghe laughed and said, "No, I don't like you, and I'm not in love with you. I just enjoy being with you, that's all."

"Can you stop with the 'ah, ah'... never mind, forget I said anything."

Gao Yuan let out a soft sigh and boarded the electric cart with Xinghe, then whispered, "Let's go back to our place."

Xinghe turned to Gao Yuan and asked, "Is all you and Luo Xingyu do just holding hands and kissing?"

"Yes, what are you planning to do?"

"I want a kiss too."

Gao Yuan sighed and said, "Don't be like this. You don't even know what you want, do you? And remember, on Earth, it's considered cheating and immoral if someone with a girlfriend kisses another woman!"

Xinghe suddenly became serious and said, "So kissing other women is immoral. Then you can consider me a man, because gender has become meaningless on our planet, something I've mentioned before."

Veins were already starting to appear on Gao Yuan's forehead, but he said politely, "If I consider you a man, I'm even less likely to kiss you!"

Xinghe's face suddenly turned stern as she said seriously, "According to the treaty, you must agree to my completely reasonable requests!"

Gao Yuan let out another soft sigh and said, "Come on, I'll show you what a kiss is, just close your eyes."

Xinghe immediately closed her eyes. Gao Yuan leaned forward, but since Xinghe was too tall, he had to get up from his seat and then he kissed her on the forehead.

Gao Yuan sat back down and Xinghe opened her eyes, looking at him with disdain, "Do you think I'm stupid? Even though I'm an alien, do you think I don't know what a kiss on the lips means? Even if our planet doesn't have this... behavior, I've watched so much TV and know most of Earth's etiquette. Could I possibly not know what a kiss on the lips is?"

Gao Yuan felt somewhat helpless. If you treat Xinghe as an alien, as a fool to be tricked, she'll show you what it means to be highly intelligent. But if you really treat her like a distinguished guest, an exalted person, she always seems so youthful and innocent.

A one-meter-ninety adult Lolita?

Gao Yuan was indeed feeling very helpless. If Luo Xingyu weren't in the picture, it would have been easier, but with Luo Xingyu there, things were difficult for Gao Yuan.

Having an alien girlfriend sounded nice, but what about Luo Xingyu?

While Gao Yuan was deep in thought, he suddenly snapped back to reality; this was wrong. He was slowly being enchanted by Xinghe, straying further and further from Luo Xingyu.

"Hmm, Xinghe, how about we become sworn siblings?"

Gao Yuan made his suggestion very seriously, but Xinghe looked at him strangely and then said ethereally, "Sworn siblings? Do you want to honor me as your ancestor? Is there such a thing as becoming sworn ancestors?"

Gao Yuan's mouth twitched a few times before he said, "Age is not a problem!"

"Then we could have a relationship even closer than sworn siblings, for example... how about marriage?"

Gao Yuan said in a low voice, "Pretend I didn't say anything, wait, are you just playing with me?"

Xinghe laughed heartily, her hand resting on top of Gao Yuan's head, patting it as she spoke, "You're really smart, but I'm not joking. I just find your anxious appearance amusing. My proposal is serious, you know. If it's inconvenient for you to marry me, I can marry you. You marry Luo Xingyu, and I marry you, doesn't that sound good?"

"You know very well that's impossible on Earth, okay, let's not talk for a while."

Gao Yuan wasn't angry; he truly felt helpless.

Xinghe laughed again, then nudged Gao Yuan with her elbow, saying, "Silly boy, I'm definitely going back to my own planet, what are you afraid of? You can abandon me whenever you want. Besides, I'm just trying something out right now, just to see how scared it makes you."

"Trying what out?"

"Nothing much, just doing whatever makes us happy. I really enjoy being with you, so of course, I want to spend my time on Earth with you. Whenever I find the prototype that can get me off this planet, or someone else from my planet arrives on Earth, of course, I will leave."

Xinghe spoke lightly, but Gao Yuan was shocked and said, "Wait, what did you say? Others will come too?"

"Yes, how could they send only me for such an important matter."

"You never mentioned others before. So, is there reinforcements coming?"

Xinghe shook her head and said, "Impossible, our forces are not sufficient."

"When will the others arrive?"

Xinghe continued to shake her head, "I don't know, but... it should be in several decades Earth time, I guess. For Earthlings, several decades is a long lifetime, but for us, it's just a very short time, so I don't know. Don't keep asking me. I don't know how many will come in the second group or when they will arrive. Everything is unknown."

Gao Yuan exhaled deeply. He felt he should report this situation, but now, he suddenly felt somewhat empty inside.

"Are you definitely going to leave?"

"Of course, if I don't die, I will leave. I don't belong here."

Xinghe suddenly pinched Gao Yuan's face, looking at him very seriously and solemnly, "But, while I am still on Earth, you are not allowed to leave me."

Gao Yuan found Xinghe's gaze strange, and he couldn't help saying, "I'm just curious, what's so good about me?"

Xinghe laughed and said, "If I think you're good, then you are good. If I think you're not, then you're not. Alright, why think so much? If you had a long life, you'd understand something. There aren't many things or people that can make oneself happy. If you find them, you should avoid all interference and not waste the happy times, because joy is always fleeting, very fleeting."

It sounded reasonable, but what was the logic in that?

Gao Yuan was pondering when Xinghe smiled again and said, "An older woman is a treasure to be embraced, three years older than a man, she can cultivate immortality. Following me has its advantages."