Chapter 190 Expeditionary Army

Gao Yuan was utterly confused; he was eager to see Luo Xingyu for two reasons: one, to calm his own emotions, and two, to reinforce his commitment never to cheat.

Xinghe had become more and more elusive. Perhaps, as she said, Celestials in their long lives, besides the things they care about and enjoy, didn't need to care about the outside world's opinion anymore.

In simple terms, they follow their hearts and act as they wish. Therefore, Xinghe's actions could be understood. Why would she need to care about the views of Earthlings?

But Gao Yuan couldn't bear it; his heart wasn't that strong, and he was still a moral person.

Gao Yuan had finally dealt with Xinghe and was about to rush to find Luo Xingyu when he had just left the house. He was called to the meeting room. He felt that Li Wen didn't feel it appropriate to call him directly, so he had someone wait outside the door for him, and as soon as he came out alone, they immediately summoned him to the meeting room.

"Xiao Gao, what exactly is going on between you and Xinghe?"

Li Wen seemed to ask casually, but he quickly added, "Of course, if it's not convenient to answer, forget it. It's just that Xinghe has a special status; well, you still need to be cautious."

Gao Yuan helplessly asked, "Cautious about what?"

Li Wen was at a loss for words, then with a helpless expression, he said, "You figure it out yourself. Alright, let's start discussing the important matters now."

The important matters, what are the important matters now.

Li Wen turned serious, then spoke in a grave tone, "We have decided to undertake an expedition, to retrieve the medical pod at all costs, and we have agreed to give the Revelation to Xinghe to take with her, to facilitate the search for the medical pod."

Gao Yuan said in a low voice, "Okay."

Li Wen continued indifferently, "Looking at the current situation, if the Serpent People don't have any further moves, then the main difficulty of the expedition will be your situation after reaching foreign lands; as for the journey, though it will surely be tough, it shouldn't pose too great a danger."

Gao Yuan only needed to listen with his ears because he didn't need to make any suggestions; he couldn't offer any, either. This was a major operation, not a minor skirmish for a few individuals.

Li Wen said in a deep voice, "Turn on the projector; let's go over the situation."

The projector turned on, and a world map appeared on the screen. A major general stood up and said, "This operation is named Operation Wildfire. Its goal, after a long march, is to reach Africa State and then search for and seize the medical pod. We will be dispatching..."

Gao Yuan quickly said, "I'm sorry, wasn't it called the Starfire Operation?"

"It's been renamed."

The general, continuing the briefing, said, "We will dispatch an artillery regiment, a tank and armored regiment, personnel from a regiment-level field hospital, an engineer battalion, a chemical defense company, a communications company, and an infantry battalion formed from selected troops from three infantry regiments, as well as... all the special forces troops we can muster in the north! A total of over five thousand personnel."

Gao Yuan paused and then said, "Report, may I ask a question?"

"You may ask."

"Commander, deploying so many troops, including tanks and artillery, on such a large scale to Africa State?"

"This expeditionary army of over five thousand troops is composed of multiple military branches, but with personnel only, no heavy equipment, aside from necessary light arms and personal logistical supplies; there is no heavy equipment."

Gao Yuan, puzzled, asked, "Why is that?"

The briefing general looked at Li Wen, who nodded. Then the general promptly explained, "Because our enemy is the Sanitation Workers. Based on intelligence, the Sanitation Workers have over ten thousand troops and roughly four hundred medium tanks, over five hundred armored vehicles, along with artillery and other heavy weapons. According to strategic needs, it's necessary for us to deploy a military force in Africa State capable of contending with them."

"But how can we fight without weapons? Oh, we'll collect equipment once we get to Africa?"

The general pointed on the map and said, "After we arrive in Africa State, we will receive weapon resupply. The location is in Biliya, where we control an arsenal, so we'll have access to a plentiful supply of weapons and provisions."

Gao Yuan nodded subconsciously, and then the general continued, "According to the Blue Star Alliance agreement, our enemies are the Serpent People, so our Expeditionary Army won't have any legal issues in any country we arrive at. Moreover, wherever we go, we'll receive the necessary replenishments and support. Theoretically, aside from zombies and Serpent People, we should have no other enemies. However, since the Blaze operation involves crossing dozens of countries and multiple war-torn zones, even with the premise of Serpent People's invasion, the journey won't be all smooth sailing. To minimize the issues we encounter on the march, we've chosen this route."

A red line appeared on the map, and the general went on, "Departing from Supreme Command, we first head north, then turn west, and proceed westward along the G7 Highway after passing through Guisui. This route has almost no major cities; therefore, the number of zombies can be kept to a minimum. The Expeditionary Army can replenish resources at the city shelters and supply stations along the way. After leaving the country, we'll enter Tajikistan, continue westward passing through Uzbekistan and Turkmen, then through Persia, Shah, and finally from Egypt into Africa State. This is the preferred route. Of course, there are many alternative routes, and we'll need to decide based on the situation at the time."

Gao Yuan had many questions, but they didn't bring him to provide suggestions, but rather to inform him of the general details of the operation. Therefore, he only needed to ask about the concerns that mattered to him.

"Report, I'd like to know how so many people will travel such a long distance. What means of transportation will we be using?"

"Shared bicycles—we believe bicycles are the most suitable means of transportation. But we don't have that many bicycles. However, gathering shared bicycles will be much easier. So we are preparing enough bicycles, which can tow modified carts to carry personal supplies and ammunition."

If a cycling enthusiast can ride across a whole country or even the entire world, then surely a five-thousand-strong army will have no problem, right?

Gao Yuan thought it over. He was just a member of this Expeditionary Army, far from the point where he could give directives. So he refrained from asking more and decided to voice only the concerns that mattered most to him.

"Report, when do we set out?"

"We will set out once all the supplies are fully prepared, tentatively scheduled for twenty days from now."

After the general finished speaking, Li Wen addressed Gao Yuan with a warm voice, "Xiao Gao, you have an important task—you need to protect Xinghe. Of course, many others will protect you both, but you'll be Xinghe's last line of defense. Now that you know the general situation, do you have any thoughts or requests? Just kick them out, and we'll try our best to accommodate."

Gao Yuan hesitated before saying, "Yes, I do. First and foremost, it's about Luo Xingyu. I hope she can be allowed to study at a university in the best possible place, like a science academy. Is that possible?"

Currently, scientists were the safest people, and Gao Yuan very much wanted Luo Xingyu to enter the academy. However, she was just a high school student and couldn't possibly get into a science academy.

But Gao Yuan didn't want to have any worries. Even if humanity were to be wiped out, he hoped Luo Xingyu would be the last to die. So, he still wanted her to enroll in the science academy, even if it meant just being a student assistant.

As for letting Luo Xingyu join the Expeditionary Army, that was absolutely impossible.

Li Wen looked toward his assistant, who spoke softly, "There's a shortage of scientific talents, so the science academy established a preparatory class. It allows university students with relevant majors to join and engage in intensified studying. The class includes some university courses but focuses more on specialized education for practical applications."

Li Wen nodded and said to Gao Yuan, "I accept this condition. No problem."

Gao Yuan felt relieved to an extent and then thought for a moment before asking, "Is the Expeditionary Army an independent unit, or will it be a combined military operation?"

Li Wen replied in a serious tone, "It will be a combined military operation under unified command. The commander will be Major General Liu Muyang."

If the Expeditionary Army were just a new code number assembled from reassigned personnel, Gao Yuan would have said nothing. But since it was a joint operation of various military units, he couldn't be modest anymore.

"In that case, the Fierce Tiger Brigade must appear on the roll call, on the composition list of this Expeditionary Army. Our brigade's number has to be there."

Li Wen looked at Gao Yuan with an approving smile and said, "Okay, I agree to that. Is there anything else?"

"That's all for now, thank you, Commander."