Chapter One:

Maya's head would snap towards the entrance whenever she heard the door open. Who she was looking for? She had no answer to that. The sound of the bell was just catching her attention.

Closing her eyes as the bitter liquor run down her throat, she thought about what she would do after this place. She owed her parents an explanation and she wasn't going to run away from it.She wasn't a drinker but she needed this drink to get her mind of that traitor. How could he do this to her? What wrong did she do to deserve this? How has he been keeping this from her for a long time now? She sobbed silently as the images from a hour ago played in her head over and over again. She was taking alcohol to get her mind off it but it wasn't working. Maybe she just needed more. With that thought in mind, she waved the bar tender over and ordered more bottles.

He told her he loved her. He told her he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He promised to make her happy. He promised to always be there with and for her. So all this was a lie? All this was just a joke? How could he do that to her? How could he be in the arms of another woman the night before their wedding.

"You should blame yourself not me," she mumbled his words before taking another gulp of the bitter drink. "You wouldn't let me touch you before we get married," he chuckles. Anger clouded her vision as his smile flashed before her eyes. She could clearly remember how he held the other woman so close to him as if the two year relationship was just a child's play to him.

"You know you can change your mind and join my baby here and I for some fun," he smirked making Maya feel disgusted as she registered his words. After all this he had the nerve to still tell her this? Why wasn't he ashamed of himself? Where was the gentleman she knew.

"A threesome for the night won't be bad at all, would it baby?" He asked the other woman whiles caressing her cheek.

"No babe, I would absolutely enjoy it," she replied biting her lips whiles looking at Maya.

"See? She's cool with it," the man who she was supposed to get married to said with a smile that never left his face.

"I... I can't believe you're telling me this," Maya said almost breaking into tears.

"Believe it baby, it's happening," he chuckled.

"So this is the night before our wedding, right?" Maya asked tears blurring her vision.

"Right." He responded casually.

"And you're inviting me to join you in bed with another woman?"

"Exactly, you're so smart," he smiles .

"On the night before our marriage?"

"Why are you stressing so much about it?" He sighs.

"Alfred!" Maya couldn't hide her shock.

"Yes darling," he smiled. " Look, people normally have bachelor parties but it's too boring for my personality so this is what I want you know," he shrugged at the end of his sentence.

"You love me right? So what's stopping you from granting my only wish, huh?" He questioned.

"If this is your wish then...."

"Then..." he asked impatiently.

"You're an asshole," now it was time for Maya to give him the shock. "Yes Alfred, you're a asshole and you don't deserve me. You know what? I'm not getting married to you again. This wedding has been called off, you and your slut can have an awesome night," Maya said angrily.

"Wow amazing speech. You know you deserve five stars for this right?" He chuckled whiles getting out of the bed.

Maya's eyes widened horror as he approached her completely naked.

"What? Like what you're seeing?" He smiled .

"You're so shameless. I wonder what I saw in you. I regret ever meeting you," Maya said pure anger her voice.

"Let's not jump into conclusions now baby doll," He said caressing her cheek.

"Don't touch me," Maya slapped his arm away."I hate you Alfred. I hate you." She said these words angrily before running out. The tears she had been holding back we're now flowing freely as she run out of the streets. Everything looked like a dream to her. One minute her life looked perfect and the next, everything is crashing down right before her.

Deep down she hoped he would run after her and tell her he didn't mean whatever he told her back there. He would tell her he loved her and this was all a prank, a prank like the ones the tiktok stars often do on their pages. But who was she kidding, reality was slapping her in the face.

After running for a while, Maya could hear strong music coming from a distance.

There must be a club or bar around here, I'll probably find peace here," she smiled sadly, whiles wiping her tears. She's heard alcohol makes people's problems disappear momentarily and that is what she needed right now. Without second thoughts, she walked towards the music and ended up inside with loads of alcohol taking toll over her.

"Stupid drink," Maya cursed as she took the last gulp. "You were supposed to take my mind off that bastard," she groaned, hitting her head against the

counter slightly.

Feeling nauseous, she hit the counter loudly drawing the bartender's attention.

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked drunkenly.

"Just go straight and turn right," was all she heard before walking away. She bumped into a lot of people on the way and kept saying "sorry" to them.

"Maybe drinking so much was a bad idea," she thought holding onto her purse tightly.

Did the bartender say right or left? Ok, now she was confused but she really needed to use the bathroom.

"Excuse me miss, where's the bathroom ?" She asked a woman passing but she completely ignored her.

"Idiot," Maya rolled her eyes before taking her left, unaware of what she was walking into.