Chapter Two:

A male silhouette could be seen in the dim lit room. All those standing around him had their head bowed and dared not to look in his eyes.

One look from him and pee would be running down your pants.

"Is she not here?" He asked and the man right in front of him shook his head.

"You know I hate lateness," he said and the man nodded.

"I explained everything to her but I don't know the reason behind her lateness boss,"was the man's reply.

"So do something about it," the man who was being addressed as boss said coldly.

Just then the door flew open and a woman who looked heavily drunk walked in.

"Sorry boss we tried to stop her but she...." the guy who run in after her started speaking but he was cut off by the boss.

"But what? What's your work out there? You couldn't even handle a woman, a drunk one to be precise so what shows you can handle someone who means harm?"

"Oh this is not a washroom?" The woman said running her hands through her messy hair. "I need to use a washroom so bad," she frowned whiles looking around.

"Get her out of here," the boss instructed and suddenly two men were holding her ready to take her out.

"Wait!" She yelled making them halt. "Please let me use a bathroom if there's one here," she said making puppy eyes.

"Miss, you're in the wrong room so I suggest you go out and look for a bathroom somewhere else," the boss said before returning to his seat.

"Can I ask you a question?" She was suddenly in front of him asking. The boss sighed in annoyance whiles glaring at the people around him.

"Please I'll leave after that," she said and waited for his response. "I swear on your life," she said when he didn't respond.

The boss looked at the strange woman in front of him with some sudden interest. What did she want to ask him so badly? Did she even know who he was?

"Ok go on," the boss said.

"Why is the world so cruel?"She asked making him frown instantly. That wasn't the type of question he was expecting form her.

"You give so much only to get nothing in return.That isn't fair at all, is it?" She pouted whiles scratching her hair.

"Have you ever been betrayed by someone you truly cared about?" She threw the question and the boss felt a sudden wave of anger sweep through his body.

" Ron!" He yelled and a man appeared in front of him.

"Escort her out," he ordered and the man grabbed her woman's arm instantly.

"I'm not leaving, I don't want to go," she shook her head whiles trying to free herself. "Please don't let him take me away, I don't want to leave," she whined trashing in his hold until she succeeded in freeing herself.

"Don't let him take me away, I don't want to leave with him. I want to stay here with you," she said holding the boss's feet.

"Look Miss, You don't have any business here and I suggest you leave," the boss said but she was being adamant. Everyone in the room watched in silence as this mysterious woman was testing their boss's patience and what surprised them was how he was being patient with her.

The boss they knew didn't have the word patience in his books, he would strike into action immediately so the question is what is happening right now.

Ron was behind her again trying to take her out but she kept yelling and hitting him, asking him not to touch her.

"Leave her," the boss said and watched the woman stick out her tongue out in a teasing way towards Ron.

"What's your name?" The boss asked the woman whiles tucking her loose hairs behind her ear. The others could only watch the strange version of their boss because they weren't used to seeing him being patient and gentle. He always had this cold aura surrounding him, one that would send shivers down your spine. They have seen many well known men tremble before their boss so where from the sudden change?

"Maya," the woman replied whiles poking her chest. The boss stared at her, no expression or emotion was written in his face making it hard for those around him to guess what was going on in his head.

"Maya," he repeated her name, slow and husky making her look at him. For the first time since she came inside, she had now seen how handsome this man was. He had green eyes that matched that of a black cat's she once saw in the dark, his pointed nose was just complimenting his perfectly shaped jawline.

"How many years did God spend on him?" She thought. He was just a big masterpiece, one of the living proof that God actually exists. His pink lips were just so alluring, she was having a hard time controlling herself. She has never felt this way towards any guy before, not even that son of a bitch she was supposed to get married to.

"It's the effect of the alcohol you've had," she told herself.

"This place is a restricted area and I am about to have a meeting so you should leave. I'll have one of my men drop you off because it's dangerous out there," the boss said and the men looked at each other with the same thing in mind.

"Why was their boss being gentle?" Normally he would just throw her out at once, not caring about her.

Ron reappeared again after the boss finished his statement. He gently held her shoulders and held her to her feet.

"You again? I asked you to go," Maya said pushing him away weakly. "You're just so stubborn, you keep appearing and disappearing," she said rolling her eyes.

"Just leave me, I can walk on my own," she said and shoved Ron away. "And oh.....I don't need a ride, I can go home myself." She said, staggering back and forth.

"I'm leaving now," she said taking a step forward but she ended up losing her balance, falling on the boss's laps as a result.

Everyone in the room held their breath as they anticipated the boss's reaction. They knew this woman was done for because he wasn't going to spare her. If there was one rule their boss never broke, it was the "NO TOUCHING RULE".