Chapter Three:

The whole room was dead silent as they all waited for the volcano to erupt. Seconds passed and the place was as silent as a deaf person's world. This mysterious woman just broke a rule and the boss is just quite? What spell did she cast on him. They heard her blow the hair off her face loudly only for them to return back to her face. After doing that for a few seconds, their eyes widened in shock as they watched their boss tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Why don't you want to leave?"The boss asked with furrowed brows.

"I'll never tell,"she said shaking her head.

Damian looked at the woman sitting on his laps and he felt intrigued by her. 'Did she actually know who he was? Was she behaving like that because she was drunk? What at all could make her drink so much?' All these questions and more run through his mind as he stared at her.

"Where do you live?"Damian asked.

"Please don't send me home, dad's gonna kill me if I go home like this,"she pouted making him chuckle.


"Boss she backed out,"Damian got interrupted as he was about to speak.

"What?!"He said calmly but irritation could be detected in his voice. "How dare she?! Find her and bring her to me now"Damian who was now standing instructed and two of his men quickly walked out. He stood with his gaze fixed on the door for a while before turning to the other person he was dealing with.

"What the heck are you doing?"He groaned, pulling the pen from the drunk woman's grip. "Do you have any idea what you've done? ...Why the hell didn't you stop her?"He yelled at the woman then at his men. They quickly bowed down their heads to avoid their boss's gaze whiles shaking in fear.

"If this is how useless you're all going to be to me then I should as well blow out your brains," he said simultaneously pulling out his gun from his pocket.

"We.....we're sorry boss"one of them mumbled fearfully after peaking and seeing a gun pointed at them.

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't pull the trigger"Damian said through clenched jaws.

"Don't shoot them please,"Maya said, hugging him from behind instantly. Damian froze as soon as she wrapped her small frame around him. He could feel her heartbeat on his back and weirdly he didn't want her to pull away. As if reading his thoughts, she tightened her grip around his waist and leaned closer.

"Please don't shoot them, it's my fault,"she said and Damian let out a chuckle. She then released him and walked to stand in front of me.

"Shoot me instead,"she said and Damian could not stop the frown that crept up his face. "I played with your papers and I'm ready to face the consequences but before you shoot, just know that I'm just an innocent girl who wanted to doodle ,"she said swaying back a little.

Damian glared at his men who were busily watching whatever was going on,then at the woman in front of him.

'Does she even know what she just got herself into?' He wondered, shoving his gun back into his pocket.

"Since...."; Maya yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes stopping Damian from saying whatever he wanted to say.

"I have something to take care of, stay here and don't move an inch, is that clear?"he warned and the woman nodded vigorously making him wonder if her neck ached. Without saying a word, he walked out to find talking to someone on phone and he seemed to be scolding the person.

"Sorry boss, family issues," he said with a fright as soon as he saw Damian.

"Well, unless you want to lose your job don't ever mix business with family," Damian said and Ron immediately nodded.

Ron had been working for Damian for five years now and the salary he had received within that span of time has changed the life of his wife and two kids, and honestly, this wasn't something he wanted to lose so easily.

"Get the car ready," Damian instructed him before going back inside.

Seconds later, Damian was walking outside with his coat draped around a sleeping figure he was carrying bridal style. The rest of his men followed closely behind wondering who had suddenly replaced their boss. The driver immediately pulled the back door open as Damian approached him.

Damian then settled the sleeping figure into the back seat before making himself comfortable. Soon they were on their way to their destination.

"Please don't go," the girl mumbled in her seat and Damian saw a tear roll down her left eye. He found himself extending an arm and wiping the tear off tenderly whiles caressing her smooth skin.

"Who are you? And why are you trying to dig out something I buried long time ago?" He whispered, moving the woman's head and resting it in his shoulder before resting his gently on hers inhaling her sweet lavender scent.

The car pulled up in a massive mansion and on cue, two maids emerged from the huge house and walked to the car.

"I can handle her, just get my files to inside," he instructed them and they nodded before doing as they were told.

"Sir, she flew out of the country, I called all the airports and asked them to cancel her flight but the plane had already taken off," Ron informed Damian who was walking into the house with the woman in his arms. He didn't react to the piece of news given to him so Ron took it to himself to repeat but he was immediately cut off.

"I heard you the first time, I'm not deaf," Damian said,stopping in front of the elevator which immediately flew open.

"Wait in my study," was the last thing he said to Ron before he disappeared.

After the elevator stopped at the fifth floor which for some reason Damian chose for it to, he found himself walking towards his main bedroom which he hasn't let anyone into; not even his parents nor..." he shook his head, stopping the next name he was about to think of.

"I'll be back," he whispered whiles covering his guest with a blanket.

With one final look at her peaceful sleeping frame, Damian walked out to his study to finish his business.