Chapter Nine:

Days passed and Maya's toe had already healed. One maid was assigned to make sure she was properly taken care of as the doctor suggested. For the first two days, Damian was always around her. He strangely decided to work from home but then he suddenly disappeared leaving Maya stuck with the maids. The only time Maya was allowed out of bed was when she had to use the bathroom. She was so bored to death and the maids never allowed her to leave the room no matter how hard she tried to convince them.

"The boss will kill us madam,"was their reply anytime she requested to go out. She eventually gave up and all she did was eat and sleep.


Damian glances at his watched and sighed. In the next ten minutes his plane was going to land and he couldn't wait to see the one face that has been on his mind. What was she doing to him? The only woman he had felt this was towards was that gold digger sent to him by his brother Oliver.

The thought of those two brought an unknown rage into Damian eyes. He didn't realize his grip around the glass he was holding had tightened until he heard the sound of it shattering. He stared at the pieces that were piercing through his skin with an emotionless face. The neutral colored glass was now red from his blood and so was the neat floor. The flight attendant who had heard the sound of glass breaking rushed out to see what was going on.

"Sir...."she gasped and moved closer to him. 

"You're hurt Sir,"she said in a worried tone and tried to touch Damian's injured hand but he pulled it away and shot her a glare.

"Are you a flight attendant or a nurse, get the fuck away from me,"he said coldly but the poor woman stood there looking at him,worry written all over her face.

"It seems you want to lose you job."The poor woman quickly returned to her post after hearing those words.

Damian pulled out the pieces of glass that were stuck in his arm and threw it with the others.

The plane soon landed and Damian walked straight to the waiting car.

"Sir, we really need to go to the hospital,"Ron said for the thousandth time but his boss just stayed silent. He knew his boss was in one of those moods again. The mood he could even blow up the head of a person without thinking.

Ron had seen a similar situation once and it's always his fervent prayer not to see it again.

It all happened when his boss found out that the only woman he had loved his entire life was only after him for his money. His older brother, Oliver had sent her to get her hands on Damian's property. After finding this out, Damian went berserk and hunted down all those men who worked for Oliver. It turned out they were his own bodyguards.

No human being should be subjected to the long hours to torture these guys went through before their lives were taken. From pouring boiling water on their bare skin, to rubbing pepper, Ron just didn't want to remember all those stuff.

Amber Peters was quick to run off before Damian could grab her. Goodness knows what he would have done to her. As for his brother, Damian had made a promise to his grandfather not to kill him and that was the only reason why he was still alive.

Deep down, Ron felt sad for his boss. Damian was once a happy man who used to smile a lot. A series of betrayal turned him to the heartless man he was today. Ron stole a quick glance to Damian who and shook his head.


Maya yawned lazily as she rubbed her eyes. To say she was bored was an understatement. She knew she had to get out of this room no matter what. Not to run away but just enjoy the weather Mother Nature had provide. She quickly got out of bed, put on her slippers and walked out. She took the time elevator to the ground floor, hoping the maids would let her go this time. As the elevator neared the ground floor, she found herself fiddling with her fingers. Something she did when she was nervous.

The elevator door opened and she collided into a strong set of muscles making her stumble.

Just then a pair of strong arms caught her before she could fall.

"What is the difference between you and a five year old?"Damian asked, helping her to her feet. A frown appeared on Maya's face and before she could reply him, she saw his blood stained hand.

"Oh my God, how did you get hurt?"She asked worriedly, taking his injured arm gently in hers. She examined the cut with worry and Damian couldn't pull his hand out of her delicate grip.

"You call me clumsy and here you are,"Maya scoffed and Damian pulled his hands off.

"It's ok, I'm fine,"

Damian said trying to walk past her but she grabbed his arm. "You're not going anywhere until I clean that,"Maya said and Damian rolled his eyes. He walked back to the couch and sat with his legs crossed whiles Maya went to fetch the first aid box.

She pulled out a plain bottle filled with some sort of alcohol scented liquid and dampened a tissue with it. Grabbing Damian arm, she smiled and told him,

"It's going to hurt a little but don't worry."

Her words made him chuckle. He watched her as she carefully and delicately as if she didn't want to hurt him.

Damian decided to fake being in pain to get her reaction. "SSS...." he hissed pain.

"Sorry," she quickly said before blowing air to his wound in an attempt to minimize the pain. This gesture made Damian smile unconsciously.

"Here all done," she finally said after wrapping his arm with a bandage.

"You look so sticky so I think you should take a bath and eat something," Maya told him.

'She didn't even bother to ask where I was for the past three days? Maybe it's because I'm hurt and she didn't want to disturb me. Did she even miss me at all" he thought chuckling inwardly before getting up to leave for his room.