Chapter Eight:

Damian sat in his office, eyes glued to the documents Ron had just brought in. The place was silent since his house was far from the town. There was no sounds of cars passing because no one even knew there was a house there.

'How did grandpa grab this land? Why did he choose such a remote area and how come dad knew nothing about it?" Damian thought with a frown. His maternal grandfather had a lot of wealth that was supposed to passed be passed to his mother, since she was the only child his wife could bear. Growing up, Damian learnt from the abusive relationship his parents shared that his dad married his mom for wealth.

His dad Mike, was a cleaner at his grandfather's company at that time. Aliya, his mom had just returned from college abroad and decide to pass by her father's company to spend some time. That was when she run into Mike who was cleaning the glass window.

"Hello," she smiled at him.

"Hi ma'am," he greeted her bowing slightly. Every single person who worked with Aliya's dad knew who she was to him. Their boss loved his daughter dearly and he didn't want her to get hurt in any way.

"No need to be this formal," Aliya smiled sweetly. The two spent some few minutes talking and getting to know it each other. It became a habit of Aliya to always see Mike whenever she was around and Mike really enjoyed her company.

"Can I take you out for supper this evening if you don't mind?" Mike asked Aliya one day when they were sitting in front of the huge company.

"You want to take me out? As in a date?" Aliya asked, with a brow raised.

"Yeah, if don't mind," Mike smiled.

"Yeah of course," Aliya replies happily. That evening, a cab pulled up in front of Akita's mansion and she walked out of the house wearing a white diner gown.

"You look stunning," Mike complimented her as they stettled in the back seat. The cab soon pulled up in front of a classy five star restaurant.

"Mike, you didn't have to do all this," Aliya smiles as he ushered her inside. She didn't expect their date to be this classy but here they were and Mike had a table reserved for them so there was no backing out. The two started dating after and soon got married.

The entire town was shocked to hear that the rich heiress was married to a poor cleaner. And what shocked them most was Aliya's father actually agreed to the marriage and blessed and sponsored them. Little did the father and daughter know what Mike had in store for Aliya.

A slight knock came on the door drawing Damian back to the present.

"Come in," he replied in his usual cold authoritative voice and one of his maids walked in.

"Sir, the doctor..."

"Send him in," Damian cut her off and she nodded before leaving hastily. Seconds later the doctor walked in and greeted Damian politely.

"Let me take you to the patient," Damian said getting up from his seat. He walked out with the doctor right behind him. Taking the elevator, the went upstairs and walked to Damian's room, where Maya was sleeping soundly.

"She hurt her toe. Be careful not to wake her up," Damian told the doctor before moving to the corner of the room. The doctor who was trying to be as quiet as possible put his briefcase on the bed. After rolling the numbers one it to get the right combinations, the suitcase made a "click" sound. The doctor opened the bag and took out a pair of gloves. He gently touched Maya's toe causing to stir slightly.

"It's just a sprain, make sure she rest her foot as much as possible. Apply a cold compress to her toe every morning and evening for 10 minutes. And finally this pain killers will help maximize the pain...," the doctor said extending the small white pills to Damian. He stared at the pills in the doctor hands and back to the doctor, making him feel uneasy.

"I'll come back everyday to check up on her if you're too busy to do that," the doctor suddenly spoke.

"It's fine Simons, I'll do it," Damian said and snatched the pills. "Let me walk you out," he said and the doctor nodded, closed his bag and turned to leave. He couldn't take his eyes off the sleeping peaceful figure in the bed. Her face carried a huge amount of innocence that made him wonder who she was to Damian. He had known Damian for a long time now and knew he had no family except his grandfather. 'Who is she? How did she end up with Damian? How could she sleep peacefully knowing what Damian was capable of?'

"Done staring? Or you need a chair and a glass of wine?" Dave's asked startling the doctor.

"Sorry.....I was just.....just... wondering how you're related to her," the doctor stammered.

"Did you come to work or gossip?" Damian retorted making the doctor embarrassed. He quickly walked past Damian and took the elevator back downstairs with Damian behind him.

"Call me if you need anything," were the doctor final words before he drove off.

Damian let out a huge sigh. He knew Dr. Simons was definitely going to inform his grandfather about this and this would result to another long lecture about how he was going old and wanted to see his great grandchildren. Damian shook his head and walked back to his sleeping wife after a mental note to call his old man. Before taking the elevator, he instructed one of the maids to bring a plate of food up to his room. He knew Maya had not eaten a thing since morning.

Maya was struggling to get out of bed when Damian opened the door.

"F*ck" he cussed and ran to her.

"I need to use the washroom," Maya said surprised her toe felt more sore than it was.

"The doctor said your foot needs enough rest to enable it heal faster," Damian said, helping her back to the bed.

"I can't stay here all day doing nothing, especially when I want to use the bathroom," Maya said folding her arms across her chest.

"I can do it in your bed if you want me too," she added, shrugging at the end.

Within a second a Yelp was heard from her as Damian scooped her in his arms and started walking to the bathroom.