Chapter Seven.

"How dare you?"He yelled, punching the two men in front of him. Maya looked at himwith disbelief written all over her face.

"I swear to you, if I find a tiny bruise on her skin.....I'll burn you two alive,"he told the guards who were ready to pee in their trousers any second.

" sorry,"they chorused with their head bowed.

"You will be sorry when I set you on fire, now get out,"he yelled and just like that, the men disappeared.

Damian pulled Maya up her feet as soon as the guards left.

"What are you doing?"Maya gave him a confused but he ignored her and pulled her with him. He pressed a button on the elevator and the door opened. They both entered and the door shut when Damian pushed some buttons.

"Where are you taking me to? Please talk to me?"Maya begged Damian but he kept his eyes in the door. They soon arrived and Damian pulled Maya out of the building. They took the straight path in front of them and turned right after taking about fifteen steps.

"Get in," Damian said when he opened the door they stopped in front of.

"Why? I..... I don't want to stay here. I want to go back home," Maya said shaking her head, taking slow steps back at the same time.

"Home? Do you have a home?" Damian chuckled, leaning against the wall. "If I can remember clearly, your own father disowned you and threw you out," he asked and Maya felt a something pierce into her heart. 'Wow, how could she have forgotten this,' she scolded herself,tears blurring her vision.

"He said that out of anger. I'm sure he didn't mean it," Maya said blinking back her tears. Deep down, she wished what she said was true but who was she kidding. Reality was knocking her hard.

"You are saying one thing and think another, pathetic!" Damian scoffed, as if he was reading her thoughts .

"If only you did something humane for once and told my dad Alfred paid you to act," Maya rolled her eyes causing tears to fall. She sniffed and wiped her face clean.

"That bitch of a boyfriend of yours didn't pay me to do anything. I just came to your house to get what's mine."

"I.... don't get you," Maya frowned.

"You will soon," Damian replied and began to walk away.

"Wait... I still don't want to stay here,"Maya said running after him.

"That's not your choice to make," Damian replied.

"I have rights, and that's kidnapping,"

"You can keep your rights and I don't care," Saying this, Damian pressed a button and the elevator opened.

"Find your way back to the room," were the final words Damian mouthed before the door closed. Maya stood there with a deep frown wondering what she was going to do. She didn't even have her phone on her. She would have definitely called Maddie, her bestie.

Maddie has been her close friend since pre-school and whenever she talked about support, it always came from Maddie. It didn't matter if Maya was right or wrong, she always had Maddie to back her up. In a case where she was wrong, Maddie would always defend her in public and scold her once they were alone.

Her eyes were brimmed with tears as she realized how much she had missed her best friend. If only Maddie was still in the country, she wouldn't have been stuck in this mess. Maddie would have put Alfred in his place in a blink of an eye.

Maya groaned angrily and kicked the wall had, instantly regretting what she did. She winced in pain and sat on the floor. Taking off her sandals, she rubbed her toe in an attempt to cool the pain but it only made things worse. After examining, she saw that it has already started swelling.

"Stupid toe," she cussed, rolling her eyes.

The first thing Damian eyes came into contact with was a pair to innocent eyes that looked like they were in sever pain. He quickly rushes to the woman on the floor, holding her chin in his right palm, he asked calmly;

"What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing I'm fine," she replied shaking her head but her facial expression was giving her away.

"Next time you try to lie to me, ensure your face doesn't give you away," Damian said and Maya felt embarrassed.

"I..... I hurt my toe," she said biting her lips after those words left her mouth.

"How?" Damian frowned.

"I was frustrated and tried to vent it out in the wall," she replied. Damian sighed a carried her bridal style. Maya unconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the nook of his neck, inhaling his manly scent.

Damian's body froze as soon as her skin came into contact with his. It sent jolts of electric waves into his body, something he had never felt before. He sucked in a deep breath to calm whatever was going on in his body. When she buried her face and inhaled his scent, it became more intense and he actually wanted to go for more. He didn't even know the "more" he wanted.

"You can put me down if I'm too heavy," Maya's soft voice broke him out the daze he was in. Damian just chuckled lightly and proceeded to walk towards the room. Once again, his legs carried him to his room just like the first time. He gently placed her on the bed before pulling out his phone to call his doctor.

"How is the guy you shot? Has he received any medical attention? Did you give him a day off? What happened after I left?" Maya fired him with questions as soon he finished talking to the doctor.

"You should rest till the doctor come," Damian said totally ignoring her questions.

"It's just my toe I'll be fine but for now tell me how he is," Maya said and Damian could sense the worry in his voice. He thought she was just amazing. Here she was lying injured in his bed and she was thinking about some one else. Someone she didn't know and was not even related to. A total stranger she just met today.

"Please? Just tell me and I promise not to bother you again," she said determined to get the information she needed.

"You won't speak again?" Damian asked and she nodded.

"Ok, he was taken to the hospital and has been admitted. I'm planning on giving some weeks off to heal," Damian told her and he saw how relieved she looked.

"Can I visit him at the hospital?"Maya asked and Damian turned her down bluntly.

"And keep your promise. Don't talk till the doctor checks you up," Damian said and walked out.

"So arrogant and annoying," Maya scoffed when the heard the sound of the door close.