Chapter six:

"I....I...I am sorr...y," she stammered but it was already too late. Damian gripped her hard enough for her to feel her jaws crack. " If you ever want to lose your fingers, lay a hand on me again," he threatened her. Maya winced in pain as tears blurred her vision. She shook her head slightly whiles trying to get him to loosen his grip. After few seconds of struggle, Damian let her go.

Maya immediately shifted as far away from him as possible.

"Did Alfred really pay this man to do all this to her? Why? Why wouldn't he just leave her alone? Where was this man taking her to?" Maya sobbed silently as she rubbed her chin.

Few minutes later, the car drove into a huge mansion Maya immediately recognized. This was the place she had run away from earlier. But why did he bring her here? What was going on?

"Are you going to stay here?" Damian's cold voice broke her chain of thoughts and she looked up to see him already standing outside.

"I.... I don't want to stay here," she said shaking her head. The next thing she saw was herself being dragged out by Damian. He threw her over his shoulder as if she was some kind of paper and started walking inside.Maya yelled and trashed in his Hold in an attempt to free herself but it was futile so she stopped struggling.

She saw several maids and bulky men dressed in suit similar to the ones bodyguards in movies wear. They were all on their knees and had their head bowed.

Damian then dropped Maya and left her standing there as he approached his workers.

"Tell me the reason why I pay you," He said and Maya was shocked to see how each of them were trembling and sweating even though the air condition was on.

"I give you one task and you're incapable so tell me why I should keep you around," Damian said and the place was dead silent.

"You....." he pointed to one of the maids. "What did I tell you before leaving?" He asked but she remained quiet until Damian yelled.

"To make sure she eats and goes back to the room after," she replied her voice shaking with fear.

"So?" Damian said pulling a gun.

"I'm sorry sir, I tried to stop her. We all tried," the maid begged but Damian's face showed no mercy. Maya then realized all these people were in trouble because of her. But how could she know they were given instructions? Who was this man and why did he have power surrounding him?

"If anyone deserves to die then that should be me," the words fell out and of Maya's mouth before she knew it. Her hands flew to her lips as she received stares from the guards and maids.

"What??" Damian asked with furrowed brows. Part of Maya wanted to tell him she didn't mean whatever she said and he could carry on with what he was doing but the other part was determined to stand up for him then. 'He wouldn't kill me, would he?' She wondered. He would not because then he'll be arrested and no one wanted to be in jail. But judging from this house and the number of help he had, this man was damn rich. Did he do all this from the money Alfred had given him? She knew Alfred was well to do but his assets was like that of a peasant compared to this.

"Are you willing to put your life on the run for their mistakes?" Damian's voice brought her back to the present.

"Yes I am. I was asked to eat and I didn't. Also,your guards tried to stop me and I haven't no reason to live anyway," Maya said tears filling her eyes as she poured out her last statement.

"Fine, as you know wish," Damian smirked and the fun was shifted back to her. Maya swallowed the lump in her throat as she stared at the gun pointing to her head. Was he actually going to shoot?

'Yeah, you asked for it," a voice in her head scolded her.

"Any last words?" Damian smirked, looking at Maya's pale face. Maya swallowed hard and shook her head.

'This woman is fascinating," Damian thought and smile almost forming on his lips. She was ready to do anything without thinking about it.

"3....2....1" Maya heard him count and she closed her eyes bracing herself for what was about to come. "Pow!!!" The deafening sound of the fun being fired sounded into the room. For about ten seconds, Maya didn't feel any pain and she was afraid to open her eyes too.

'If he didn't shoot me then who did he shoot?' Maya was too scared to open her eyes. Just then she heard a loud groan that forced her eyes to open. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw one of the guards holding his bleeding leg.

"What did you do?" She asked Damian whiles running towards the injured man.

"Sir, Sir , are you ok?" He asked the man who kept groaning. "Let's get you to the hospital," she said trying to lift him but she was too weak compared to him.

"He's injured,won't you do anything to help him? You're the one who shot him," Maya yelled at Damian but he didn't even move a muscle.

Glaring at him, Maya searched for her phone from her pocket but it wasn't there.

"Shoot! I left it at home." She mumbled and walked to the telephone that was on the center table.

After pressing some buttons, she put the phone against a ear.

"Hello.... yea someone got sho....." The phone was snatched from her and she lifted her head to see Damian in front of her.

"What do you think this place is, huh? You do stuff without permission? Wow I love your nerve." He said coldly.

"You're such a monster, how can you shoot someone without even blinking. Have you thought of his family?" Maya questioned looking at him with disgust.

"And who are you to question me?" Damian asked through clenched jaws.

Without saying a word, Maya tried to walk past him but she felt a sharp pain in her wrist, followed by Damian pulling her so hard that her head hit his chest. Maya couldn't help but wince in pain. His free hand held her jaws tightly as he spoke coldly:

"This is my house and I make the rules here. You and every goddamn person will listen to me, is that clear?" He asked but Maya didn't respond despite feeling severe pains around her wrist and jaw. She fought back the tears that had piled up in her eyes and swallowed the painful lump in her throat.

Seeing how hard she was fighting, Damian tightened his grip. He wanted to push her to her breaking point. He wasn't going to let her win. He was going to make sure she knew who he was.

Maya gathered the little strength in her, raised her knee and hit him around his abdominal area. This action caused Damian to free her immediately. Taking this opportunity,Maya dashed towards the door but two men blocked her path again. They dragged her and threw her at Damian feet.

Damian was boiling with anger and was ready to burst.

"How dare you?" He yelled, punching the two men in front of him. Maya looked at himself with disbelief written all over her face.

"I swear to you, if I find a tiny bruise on her skin.....I'll burn you two alive," he told the guards who were ready to pee in their trousers any second.

" sorry," they chorused with their head bowed.

"You will be sorry when I set you on fire, now get out," he yelled and just like that, the men disappeared.