Chapter Twenty two:

"She's in a very critical condition right now. We're running a few tests on her. When the results are in, we'll get back to you," Dr. Simons told they people who were waiting anxiously outside. They all had worried look on their faces, especially Damian. He looked like he would go crazy any moment. When they arrived at the hospital, Damian wouldn't allow anyone to come close to Maya. He insisted Simons would that and that was what happened.

"What happened to her? You were with her so what the hell happened?" Damian yelled at Maddie who had been crying all this while.

"Damian please relax."

"Don't fucking ask me to relax!" Damian yelled punching the wall behind him. " My wife is there battling for her life for some reason I don't know and you fucking tell me to calm down," Damian yelled, tightening his grip around Maddie's throat, ignoring the tears that were rolling down her eyes.

"Damian let her go, hurting her won't change a thing. Maya need our prayers now," Master Dan said trying to free Maddie from Damian's grip. After a while, he let her go and Maddie fell in knees gasping for air.

Minutes later, Simons appeared with a paper in his hand.

"What's wrong?" Damian rushed to the doctor's side.

"A large amount of poison was detected in her bloodstream," Dr. Simons sighed.

"Poison? How?" Master Dan asked looking at the doctor for an answer.

"She must have ingested something that contained the poison," Dr. Simons said.

"It''s...not possible. I checked all the food," Audrey stammered, her face suddenly turned pale when Damian shoot her a murderous glare.

"Who paid you?" He asked in a deadly tone whiles taking slow predatory towards her.

"I..... I didn't do anything I promise," Audrey said shaking with fear.

"If anything happens to Maya, consider yourself dead," Damian said with a dangerous look that sent shivers down Audrey's smile.

"Maya is in a very critical situation right now because the poison couldn't be detected early. We're trying our best so all you can do outside here is pray," Simons said before disappearing back inside.


Damian walked into the ward and switched on the light. A brimmed his eyes as he watched Maya's pale body on the bed. The T.V like object was beeping continuously and the green horizontal lines showed the rate of her heartbeat. He walked closer to her and knelt beside the bed. The tears he was holding back rolled down his cheeks as he took her cold hand.

He didn't say a word but just help her hand close to his heart and cried silently. After what seemed like eternity, he wiped his tears and climbed into the best with her. He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"I can't believe all this is happening....." he chuckled lightly. "One moment you were here with me and now I'm in the verge of loosing you, funny isn't it?" He said looking at her as if she would answer. Or he hoped so.

"I miss you so much. I miss that innocent look. I miss your voice. I miss everything. It's only been a few hours but it feels like years. Please fight for me. Don't leave me please." Damian said, not realizing when the tears wet his cheeks.


"Damian! Damian!"

Damian eyes flew open and he looked around, blinking several times to adjust to the light.

"We need to run more tests on her," Dr. Simons said and Damian nodded, giving the doctor space to do their work.

"Son, I think you should back and freshen up, I'll stay here and I'll keep you updated," Master Dan said when Damian walked out of the ward.

"I'll stay," Damian said running his fingers through his hair.

"No, go home, freshen up and have some rest. You look miserable," Master Fan said and Damian nodded before walking away reluctantly.

The driver who had just woken up from his nap quickly jumped out of the car when he saw Damian approaching. He opened the door for Damian and bowed slightly.

Without a word, Damian settled in the car and asked the driver to take him home. The ride to the house was in a comfortable since just like it has always been. The driver would occasionally steal quick glances at Damian who was looking outside the window absentmindedly.

'Why can't happiness last forever? One moment the house is filled with laughter and celebrations and the next moment, this happens. Why do bad thing always happen to the boss? Doesn't he deserve a chance to be happy too?" The driver sighed sadly.

Minutes later, he drove into the huge compound and the other guards who were standing outside rushed to open and greet Damian.

"Have you done what I asked you to do?" He asked coldly.

"Yes sir," they both chorused.

Back at the hospital, Damian had instructed the guards back at home to check the house and the security room for any intruder.

He wasn't going to spare the person who wanted to mess with him. He was going to make sure that person went through double of what Maya was going through.

"Where's Ron?" Damian asked, taking off his tie.

"In the security room sir. He's checking the footages for a clue. We found an empty bottle under Madam's bed as well." One of the guards said running a bit to match Damian's pace.

"Show me," Damian said without looking back. The guard quickly pulled out an evidence bag and handed it Damian.

With a deep frown he stared at the bag at contained the plain bottle. There was no label on the bottle so it was hard to identify the poison.

Without a word, Damian gave it back to the guard and proceeded to the security room.

Ron was switching from footage to footage when Damian walked in. The room was fully air-conditioned since it was filled with computer. Videos of every corner of the house was projected clearly on each monitor.

"What have you gotten so far?" Damian voice startled Ron a bit but he ignored his racing heart and went ahead to show Damian the video clip.

"We don't know how she got here boss. We made sure everyone who came here had a invite," Ron said with a shaky voice. "There was no sign of her throughout the wedding ceremony because the cameras didn't capture a thing," Ron said, switching through footages to back what he was saying.

"She showed up here," Ron pointed to the screen with a finger. "Before going into sneaking into Madam's room," Ron said with a sigh. He turned to Damian after receiving no answer and what he saw made his head stop beating.

Ron had never seen his boss this angry in years. This was the anger that could make him kill a whole country without thinking. Damian's fingers had been balled into fists making his knuckles turn white. The veins in his arms were looked as if they were ready to burst out of his skin at any given moment. His eyes were bloodshot red as he growled the words;

"Find her."

"Y....yessss sir," Ron was sweating profusely all this while despite all the air conditioners being on replied and run out of the room.