Chapter Thirty three:

Amber eyes scanned the as she walked around. She searched every nook and cranny for any sign of security cameras but there were none. Yet, she was still not convinced. She needed more. Just then a maid walked pass with neatly folded aprons in a basket. 

She looked at the maid with furrowed brows as she approached. It seems she was a new maid and a perfect bait for her plans. 

"Hello," Amber approached her with a smile. 

"Hi madam, can I help you?" The maid asked with a slight smile. 

"Oh can you please show me the security room?," Amber asked and a small frown played on the maids face. 

"There's no security room her madam," the maid told her. 

"I mean where I can see all the cctv footages,"Amber said trying to make sure she knew what she meant.