Chapter Thirty-four:

The cab pulled up a few meters away from the house so Amber had to walked to the house. 

"I can see the old you is back," Master Dan who was sitting in the living room chuckled as soon as Amber walked in. 

"Good evening Master Dan," Amber said trying not to sound irritated.

"Where have you been? Something's up your sleeve." Master Dan said without sparing her a glance. 

"I don't understand....."

"Nevermind," Master Dan said waving her away. Amber glared at the old man before taking the stairs. She opened the door and saw Maya sitting in her bed.

"M....Maya...." Amber stammered as she walked in. 

""I've been looking all around the house for you,"Maya smiled.

"Oh...I went out to catch some fresh air," Amber said joining Maya on the bed. 

"You could have told me, I was so bored here ,"

Maya said rolling her eyes. 

"Oh I thought you were tired and needed so rest," Amber said.