Chapter Fifty eight:

Maya could feel Mr. Rodriguez's eyes on her as Damian introduced her to more of his business partners. She felt so uneasy but she didn't tell Damian because of how he related with him. 

"The woman with Mr. she his wife?" Maya asked, looking at him from the corner of her eyes. 

"No...that's his sister." 

"Oh..." Maya nodded. 

"Is something wrong?" Damian asked, pausing to look at her. 

"No...just curious," Maya said with a smile.

The party went on smoothly with Maya being introduced big influential men and their wives. 

"Damian can I use the bathroom?" Maya asked with a pout. Mr. Rodriguez was still looking at her and the only way to escape his hawk eyes was to run to the bathroom. 

"Oh...yeah," Damian said releasing her from his grip. She looked around and spotted a waitress. 

"Excuse me Miss...where is the bathroom," Maya asked and the waitress pointed to the direction.