Chapter Fifty nine:

"Boss he's here," Ron informed Damian who nodded in response. 

"Prepare the room," Damian instructed and Ron left immediately. It was time for him to make sure the person who hurts his wife pays dearly. 

"You don't touch why belongs to me," was a statement Damian had made sure to imprint into everyone's brain. They all knew this and he was even tired to telling everyone. Be it his private business or public. 

Damian got up and walked out to meet his 'visitor'. 

Antonio was tied up to a chair when Damian walked in. He had a small sac over his head and was just ranting out threats-empty threats.

"Hello Antonio," Damian said in a friendly tone because why not? They were friends after all.

"I knew it.....I knew it was you and I promise you're not going to get away with this." Antonio's words made Damian chuckle deeply.