Chapter Seventy Eight:

"Damian where is Maya? Amber said she's in prison, is it true?" Amyrah asked Damian who was sitting in his study reading some documents. Damian let out a deep breath and turned his attention to the little girl.

"Come here," he motioned for her to come closer and the little girl obliged. Damian lifted her and placed her on his desk before cupping her cheeks.

"Unfortunately, it's true May...."

"But why? She's a good person isn't she? Only bad people go to jail," Amyrah said, looking at Damian with a confused look.

Damian sighed as he rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs.

"Can I visit her tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, if you want to," Damian said and Amyrah smiled brightly.

"Thank you Damian…." Amyrah yelled as she jumped off the desk.

"I'm going to make her a come home soon card," she added, slamming the door behind her.