Chapter seventy nine:

Amber cat-walked into the small jewelry shop and the man who looked like he was polishing a piece of wrist watch smiled at her sweetly.

"Oh…madam what do you need? I have everything including….."

"I'm not here to buy," she told the man who smile immediately dropped because he seemed like he was in desperate need of money.

"But I am here to offer you something and I know you are not going to reject it," she shrugged, searching through her bag. She pulled out a stack of neat bills and handed them to the man, who collected them greedily.

"That fifty thousand dollars," she told them man who already had the bills close to his nose, enjoying the sweet smell of the money.

"And…you…you're g…iving it to me?" Shock was present in his voice.

"Yeah it's all yours…..if you're ready to do a small job for me," Amber said, more like asked and the man nodded, his eyes fixed on the money he just received.