Chapter Eighty:

After a long day at school, Amyrah jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped in the compound. She couldn't wait to play with the new remote control car Damian had got for her.

Amyrah dropped her bag on the her bed immediately she got to her room and slipped out of her uniform. She wore something casual and pulled out car under bed. She walked to the drawer and her face lit up when she saw a bright red remote and a a cat with sleek tires and a powerful engine.

With a wide smile, she grabbed the car with anticipation bubbling inside her. She couldn't wait to see it zoom across the floor with speed.

She placed the car on the ground and pressed the power button on the remote. The car sprang to life with its wheel spinning eagerly.

"Cool," she smiled dropping the remote for a while to grab her phone. She unlocked it and turned to the front camera.