Chapter Eighty-one :

As Maya lay in a fitful sleep,the sudden deluge of cold water jolted her awake. As the icy water cascaded down her body, she gasped for breath, shivering from the uncontrollably from the temperature of the water and shock. Her teeth was chattering as the icy tendrils of water seeped through her dress, chilling her to the bone. The shock of the cold was like a thousand needles were being pierced through her skin.

Confusion and fear clouded her mind as she tried to comprehend the cruel awakening.

Her heart raced, pounding against her chest to the point that she could hear the sound of her own heartbeat. Her breath caught in her throat, small gasps escaping her trembling lips. The coldness stepped through her,numbing her senses and leaving her trembling in the depths of despair. The witness clung to her skin, making her vulnerable and exposed.

But before she could react, two officers were dragging her out of the room.