Chapter Ninety six:

"Let's see how much longer you can keep up with the act," Damian chuckled lightly as he led Renee inside the room. He had specifically asked Ron to make sure the boat was brought here. This was the same boat he and Maya had their date on.

If she is really Maya, she would be able to recognize some things and say something that would give her away.

Renee, who was unaware of what was going on in Damian's head looked around. It was like she had been here before, she had done this same thing before.

"This way," A voice pulled her out of thoughts. She raised her head to see Damian smiling at her. There was a table behind him and since he was blocking it, shoe couldn't see much of the things on it.

He walked over to where she was supposed to sit and pulled out a chair for her. After Renee had settled, he also went to take his seat.