Chapter Ninety eight:

"Mom," Dennis said, a bright smile playing on his lips when he saw Renee walk in.

" My darling," Renee smiled, running over to hug him.

"I'm so sorry baby. Mummy is sorry for leaving you like that," Renee said, showering his face with kisses.

Dennis giggled at how ticklish it felt.

"Why did you even go out there to the pool?" Renee scolded him, tears suddenly feeling her eyes.

"Huh?!" Dennis frowned.

"Oh Dennis, grandpa and I were so worried about you?" Mrs. Peterman piped in before Dennis could speak.

" Yes Dennis, thank God Ace was there just in time," Mr. Peterman said.

They spent the next few minutes chatting happily until someone cleared his throat. All eyes moved to the direction and they saw Ace walking inside with a huge Mickey Mouse stuffie.

"Uncle brought Mickey with you," Dennis squealed in excitement.