Chapter 102

"M...Maya?" Oliver stammered as if he had seen a ghost. " what?" He didn't know how to form his words.

Renee, sending his uneasiness flashed a warm smile and extended an arm before saying,

"I'm Renee and you are?"

"Maya....I mean Oliver...Oliver is my name," He stammered pinching the skin between his brows. He still could not believe the woman in front of him wasn't Maya.

"Have you seen my son? He came this way," Renee asked flashing a smile.

"" Oliver said and a tiny giggle followed.

"Oh that was me," Oliver chuckled, moving to stand by the bed defensively, yet the giggling continued.

'' Hmmm.....I think I know where it's coming from," Renee said with a bright smile, before crouching down to look under the bed.

"I see you," she giggled as soon as she came face to face with Dennis.

The little boy laughed and crawled out to his mother.

" He gave me away," he laughed pointing to Oliver.