Chapter 103

Renee glanced at the two faces, familiarity hitting her as the prison officer pushed them in and left after closing the door he had just walked through with them. The one she and Damian had used was left open.

"I guess you're my step sister and mother," Renee said with furrowed brows. She didn't expect herself to be so calm and collected but she was. Maybe this was because she felt as if this wasn't their first time meeting.

"I'm Renee, Maya's twin sister." And just like that the two looked at each other and burst out laughing as if she spoke an alien language.

She watched them with furrowed brows as they dragged chairs and sat down.

"What hole did you crawl out of? Do you think we're stupid? " The older woman said.

"Mom...I think she's lost her memory something," The other said and they Burt's out laughing again, this time their laugher getting on Renee's nerves.