15- Another breakthrough

After leaving the underground market Zhong Peng could be seen walking down the street.

he was looking for a place to stay the night, then he came to a stop before him was a three-story grayish-blue building.

As soon as he entered, Zhong Peng caught a whiff of a mouth-watering aroma and heard a soothing yet suggestive melody, people were seen seating around the table placed around the hall eating and chatting loudly.

Instinctively he looked around and saw several guards in black amour standing on either side of the entrance and in every corner of the hall, as one of the best restaurants around the area they were meant to deal with drunkards and boors.

Zhong Peng went to a secluded part of the hall as he was about to take his seat he heard a familiar voice behind him he turned around to see Zhou Shun walking towards him with an annoying smile on his face.

"So it's brother zhong peng, what are you doing here " he called out in a friendly way.

"I came here to eat of course," he said, one could notice the frustration in zhong peng voice.

"Why is your face like this, is brother Zhong Peng not happy to see me," he said with a broad smile on his face.

"It is quite obvious that I don't want to see you, and when did we become brothers!!" Zhong Peng screamed inwardly but none of the emotions appeared on his face, instead, he smiled and replied, "What are you talking about of course I am happy to see you" he replied with a smile trying very hard to suppress his frustration.

"I heard that the food on the third floor is very tasty, why don't we go and give it a try, my treat of course", Zhou Shun said still smiling foolishly Zhong Peng seeing that there is no need to reject decided to go with him.

They walked past the guard on their way but none of them bothered them immediately after they see Zhou Shun, when Zhong Peng saw this he was surprised, Zhou Shun also noticed the surprised look on Zhong's peng's-face but he ignored it as they made their way towards the third floor.

When they reached the third floor Zhong Peng was shocked at the sight before him, the hall was two times bigger than the one on the first floor.

Golden orbs were floating around the hall illuminating the hall there were fewer people here making it much quieter here than on the first floor, some were eating silently while some were discussing silently.

At the corner of the hall there was a stage, three girl girls dressed in white thin robes and black masks on their faces were dancing.

As he was still entranced with the new environment a voice interrupted him

"So what do you think of this place", Zhou Shun asked as he walked forward and choose a table, and sat down Zhong Pen followed afterward.

"I think it is amazing, much better than the first floor" zhong peng replied.

"Wait till you try their golden rose wine," Zhou Shun said with a strange smile on his face.

Almost immediately after he was done talking Zhong Peng noticed a lady dressed in the same outfit as the people dancing on the stage walking towards them.

She brought a jar of whine along with her and placed it on the table, and left without a word.

"What is this" Zhong Peng asked looking at a jar on the table.

" This is the golden rose wine, it is the best wine you can find around here" Zhou Shun replied as he poured himself a cup of drink.

Zhong Peng followed thus pouring himself a cup as well and gulping it down.

Immediately after that, he felt burning a burning sensation all over his body, he felt his bottleneck loosen so he immediately closed his eyes and assumed a lotus position as he began to attempt a breakthrough.

*Kacha* a sound could be heard as zhong peng who was already on the verge of a breakthrough advanced from a middle martial cultivator to a high martial cultivator.

*Kacha* a sound of another breakthrough could be heard as zhong peng advanced to a pinnacle martial cultivator he leaped to a small level in a single day surprising everyone in the hall.

After a few breaths Zhong Peng who has refined all the qi energy that was surging through his body and stabilized his cultivation opened his eye to see everyone strangely looking at him.

He turned to Zhou Shun to see him siping his drink with a calm expression like nothing happened.

As he was about to inquire about why everyone was looking at him in that manner the entrance door was opened loudly as four people walked in, in which Zhongg Peng immediately recognized one of them as the girl he saw earlier today.